Monday, 17 May 2010


"- a War Game based on percentages. But that would require more than a few disparate chaps scattered across the world.."

Methinks the War Game franchise which thinks to Rule with Shocking Death and Destructive Awe is Yesterdays Style Child and has Morphed and is being Steadily and Stealthily replaced with Software Hardware Control of Virtual Machinery in Charge of  New and Next Generations and Beta Distribution of Unimagined Free Wealth. And yes, when it does require more than a few disparate chaps scattered across the world, does it have them in place.

And many would think that trying to predict the likeliest next move of a Hari Seldon and/or Muscovite types is a tilting at windmills exercise and fantastic funding scam for federal dollars and sterling cash flow guaranteed ..... and therefore a Great Game Business Opportunity not to be Missed and Misunderestimated.

Certainly Hollywood and California, to name but two popular venues, could be doing with the Income Stream in these Straitened Financial ZerodDays.
amanfromMars  said...

    "A Great Game indeed although I still wonder why life on Mars would put up with men." .... ilatitude said May 16, 2010 11:04 AM

    You may like to consider that life on Mars doesn't put up with men who are not nearly man enough to praise and exalt and nurture and protect the servers of the alien forms which grow and bear them, thus giving them a lifetime of chances in spaces and places at being, exceptional beings, ilatitude.

    It must surely be a constant disappointment to Women to see such an obvious failing in Man, and thus is their apparent selfless tolerance and benign resigned acceptance of its sub prime intelligence programming flaws all the more remarkable.

    It would though be quite unnatural and perfectly stupid, even for men with the highest of IQs, to expect systemic failings to persist with a benign resigned acceptance and selfless tolerance?

    May 16, 2010 10:46 PM

amanfromMars says:
17 May 2010 at 5:04 pm

So what new ideas for growing the economy/private sector do our elected political representatives have, and if they have none, what do they see as their role in the big scheme of things, for it cannot be said to be one of leadership then?

And what of someone who does have a new idea and would share it with the Stormont executive for private public funding, in much the same way as anything which they might propose themselves would be funded, but which a not bright enough/intellectually challenged and politically incorrect administration would choose not to entertain, for as is the case with any such novel venture, is the smart entrepreneur always having to battle with ignorance and arrogance in the offices of elected representatives of power and subjective decision.

If they cannot lead, then surely they are there to server they who can and will, and as more of the same is not progress, it is fully to be expected that new ideas will be completely different from anything that has gone before and will require an open mind able to think further and deeper than may be normal/usual. Those intent on just ensuring that they retain their present perks and conditions may not be of the right stuff and frame of mind to be able to server their communities as would be needed and expected in what would then be considered Risk.

And the situation is exacerbated by the fact that government makes it almost a default position not to reply to speculative private sector inquiries and proposals lest they are forced to reveal them publicly and reveal that they would know of them and thus have to justify their positions taken. Best then to ignore all such approaches and plead ignorance and no knowledge of contact being made……. which only works for a very short time, and thereafter does it and the evidence in a communication chain render them exposed as …. well, let us just say, compromised rather than too stupid for words or their exalted public positions.

Northern Ireland doesn’t need such cuckoos in the nest at Stormont nor those who would have no idea about how to deliver novel industry and gainful employment. Sadly that would appear to be exactly what does squat in the big house on the hill, with them hoping that something will come along and make a proposal that they cannot refuse ……. which is somebody else leading and doing what most would imagine they imagine themselves to be doing, but aren’t.


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