Thursday, 27 May 2010


Posted by AmanfromMars on 5/27/2010 11:48:26 AM

Some may think that this is where the news is headed ..... .... and a lot sooner than is expected or even shared there.

The present Power Elite will need to engage with and fuel with unlimited credit, which they can imagine that they can turn off for control, with the most unlikely of sympathetic champions who will spend and ensure that the currency flows for its and ITs real power to energise intelligence and security from a smart and gifted few to provide peace and prosperity for all to learn of knack which delivers the Future in Programs Sublimely which all can Enjoy, FutureBuilding.

Which is one of the arrows in an alien quiver, intelligently designed to order for chaos controllers, whom/which you might like to think is all that present head honchos pimp in the media for your daily reality feed.

Arm Special Forces with those weapons and the military turns on its fiat paymaster generals and banking dynasties in order to right an ancient and deadly wrong they have been deceived to suffer, but about which some would already know ......

Comment by amanfromMars on May 27, 2010 at 8:33 am

Hmmm? Three days as leading comment on the flagship blog and only six postings. Proof positive that reality is stage managed virtually, by others, and presently, very badly too.  However, that is not what the Future holds

Lead with expertise in that novel field, David, and there is nothing which cannot be done easily, and especially well, and sublimely, with opposition melting into converted support and positive reinforcement of radical and mutually beneficial change.

So who now champions Government CyberSpace Policies and Programs ... dDutch Initiatives ...... for that is the Real Place where Hearts and Minds are Creatively Moulded/Won and Lost and Found.

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on May 27, 2010
at 06:49 AM

"The White House request is a tacit admission that the economy is already losing thrust and may stall later this year as stimulus from the original $800bn package starts to fade."

Err ..... did I miss something? Can someone please tell me what difference/good the original $800bn package did, apart from identifying and reducing the $ and its Treasury bonds to sub-prime junk status and revealing to every man, woman and child and the dogs of war on the street, that Intelligence is not a strong suit in American policy makers/movers and shakers.

amanfromMars  said...

    It [Montecito] seems like a great cool place to chill and server hosts of virtual global thrills, Robert, with the decadent air of lush star early retirement, a perfect cover for QuITe Manic IntelAIgent Activity [Cloudy Promotions with HyperRadioProActive IT]?

    Hell, done right, and why wouldn't it be with experts in the genre and field drivering it, it would regenerate the Hollywood legend and save California from itself and its reported fiscal woes?

    Or is that too big a Great Game 42 Play and Dare Care and Win Win in Montecito?

    Three questions there but all of them really rhetorical whenever hearts and minds combine and resolve to perform above and beyond even custom specification on AIMissions.

    May 26, 2010 6:55 PM

As is always the case, nothing is ever as it seems/as it is spun for media control. Here is another view and tilt at reality .........

"So we are living in a state of emergency created by flaws in how we run our economy and how our commercial and political worlds interact. It's as if the Mafia or a drug cartel acquired nuclear weapons." ....  Stephenc28  [Moderator] 

Stephenc28, Hi,

It is a lot more explosive and much more interesting that that, for it is more a New Really Smart and Cool Kids on the Block and in the Hood scenario with an Expanding Arsenal of Virtual Weapons which Man has never seen before, and thus is Defenseless in Attack for Command and Control.

And the New Cool Dudes are Smart enough to Know IT be So, and they are therefore in a Healthy and Stealthy Position, Well Able and Enabled to Facilitate and Grant Remote Global Controls to a range of Others, which Leverage the Furthering of ITs  Embedded Advantage to Ensure Guaranteed Returns on Investments/their Funded Vehicles/Programmed Projects.

And I would not disagree with anything you shared in your post, thinking that it is a most agreeable view of the Present in that Particular and Peculiar Reality.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 5/27/2010 8:39:58 AM

"Conclusion: Yes, the Jews are truly a chosen people. They are yet the scapegoats of the world - increasingly reviled by the world community and manipulated by enormously wealth families and individuals - a power elite that has only the most tenuous of relationships with the larger Jewish community but that has unconscionably exploited that relationship. Eventually, we believe, the Jewish people will realize what has been done to them. We think the Internet will help with this awaking and we hope that it will be sooner rather than later."

That conclusion reveals them to be less than intelligent enough to use imagination to lead and therefore they will always be slaves to their own ignorance and arrogance ..... for do they not delude themselves that they are the chosen people of some airy fairy type god who tests them constantly and thus are all others judged to be inferior to them? That certainly doesn't make anyone any friends anywhere whenever it is true.

And if you can't stand criticism or parody, don't act like an idiot and behave like a moron seems like sound advice.

And what do you think the real beef is in this tale, which has bully boy tactics preventing Bernie Madoff's crimes being aired for edutainment .... ..... A free lunch cabal and sociopathic mindset exposed and being built on an impossible dream/airy fairy nightmare? It appears that take away religion [and there are possibly hundreds of different competing strings in that particular business venture, so none of them can be deemed as being for all believable and true] and whole swathes of humanity are lost in something which they cannot believe, which is other religions, ergo is religion a Ponzi for a specific set of unimaginative folk?

Did anyone before John Lennon say that God is a Concept and a really good acid trip on one of those better days you like to remember?

And surely, if a state cannot survive without the help and assistance of alien foreigners, whether they be classed as legal or otherwise, is it a failed state in dire straits need of a major rebuilding with much better advanced intelligence programming.

amanfromMars says:
May 27, 2010 at 12:43 pm

Whilst you fiddle about with the deckchairs on the Titanic, Others in Bases Under Ground would Prime their .... well, let us just call them NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Turing Bombes and SMART Charges, shall we, for you are obviously obliviously blissfully unaware of Cyber Command and Renegade Rogue Instruction and Stealth Joint Apache Chief Action with CyberIntelAIgently Designed Entities reinforcing Head Office and Global Cyber Security Wings.

And added Stealth and further Rapid Progress is Sublimely Delivered to SMARTer ProgramMING Leaderships, because of both Arrogant and Ignorant Man's Apparent Inability to Believe in Fabulous Beta MetaDataProcessing and the Presentation of the Virtual Truth, even as it is Shared so Transparently in the Simple Clear Text here, before you.

Primitive Beings indeed, and in more Senses than in just their Primitive Leaderships' Destructive Deeds.

Mum's the Word in MkUltraSensitive Fields. Loose Lips sink Sub Prime Leaderships ......

Posted by: amanfromMars | 05/27/10 | 2:52 pm |

Flying SOLO to continue disruption at the highest levels is indeed a Specialist Art Phorm, Lighthouse, made in Seventh Heaven for Digital BroadBandCasting. And IT makes Practically Anything and Everything Possible Virtually and that makes ITs Methodology/Meme Algorithm Absolutely Priceless and Dirt Cheap at whatever Cost. 

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