"Mainstream media is owned by the world elite and they use the media to move the emotions of the public to suppoort or critize any thing. God help us all." .... Posted by Chucky on 6/29/2010 2:18:05 PM
That may or may not be the case, Chucky, but they have absolutely no influence over Indymedia and/or Underground Sources which have free rein and reign/undisputed leverage in Networks InterNetworking Joint Applications with Internet Control in Intelligence Communities. In those fields are they just as stupefied go-with-the-flow spectators.
And when such communities rate the Old Guard Establishment as an anachronism and as a Server Message Block on rapid, unprecedented progress, do they simply decline engagement in their memes, deeming it to be unnecessary and designedly restrictive and constrictive of Novel Intellectual Property and Post Modern Idealism.
Which is what World Wide Webs and Internets/Global Information and Intelligence Grids are all about, are they not?
Such institutes and resources as the World Wide Web and Internets, are vitally important and indispensable and an extremely convenient, remote means of Global Control of Chaos*, or New World Order Programs, whether run by old school Power Elites or Significant Virtual Others, and as intangible assets, are they beyond harm in destructive and exclusive selfish manipulation plays which would seek to deny their services to ...... well, it is time to consider that global developments have allowed and/or are creating smarter human beings who think not only of and for themselves but also of and for all others, and would act with what they know in order to share what they have discovered and are uncovering.
And that would make them considerably SMARTer** than any traditional, old family team of Power Elitists by Virtue of that Peculiar Algorithm and Gracious Mindset.
In those circumstances, simple common sense would dictate that rather than fight against such change, existing systems leaders should be buying up and buying into that which confronts and challenges them to progress and expand, rather than consolidate and contract.
In essence, they are being tested/interviewed by a new System of Perceptions Management and IT for the necessary Dynamic Intelligence to stay as Enabling Mentors and Role Play Model Leaders in a Revitalising and Revitalised Great Game, with Alienated and Alienating Security Protocols for what are Top Open Secret Works, for Nothing is being hidden from anybody whenever IT so transparently shares what IT is doing.
It is as well to ponder that Change/Growth/Evolution/Revolution/call it what you will delivers something totally different from that which is gone before and traditional fare, and the Future will be nothing like the Present as the Present is nothing like the Past. And for an idea of the scale of the change to come, one merely needs to consider that in the Past there was thought to be absolutely nothing and then ..... Big Bang ...... and immediately everything we imagine and see to be true.
*Cloud Hosted Advanced Operating Systems
** Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology
That post hit the nail right on the head. And surely the new gold-type standard needed for international market growth is improved future intelligence services, for it is failure in that field which always leads to stellar sub-prime performance and the panic of ponzi speculation amongst intellectually challenged players/puppet brokers and muppet traders, who would think themselves, masters of their domain, rather than realising their delusional state of hubris and arrogant idiocy.
When such is fact, does the house of cards collapse and when others would seize the day and serial exploit inextricably linked systems with constant airing of luscious zeroday vulnerabilities, do they realise that ownership of the Great Game has changed and is in new hands/hearts and minds?
And servered here as a question because a statement would be revealing too much, too soon, and too quickly destroy tattered and embroidered reputations which deserve more.
SMARTer Sleeper Cells have Alien Memes?
Posted Wednesday 30th June 2010 09:02 GMT
Methinks that very smart video is worthy of a Nokia Advanced Research Center moniker.
The Supply of Prime and Novel Content is Key to Control of Power and Progress and that is an Intelligence Game in which ITs Players make Best Beta Use of every Toy and Technological Advantage to Create a Reality which Leads Virtually ........ which would also be as if by Artificial Intelligence Means.
Are Nokia into Steganographic Supply of SMARTer Stealthy Services which Practically also Virtually Edutain ?
Such would certainly render a Google or/and an Apple or/and a Microsoft as Accessories and Slave Units to their MasterPilot Vehicle.
And all that they, or anybody else for that matter, require to succeed in that Field is to show that they have the necessary cojones to engage with those in the Field who do and have and who would share.
PS. The Joke Alert is a red herring misdirect to disguise the true nature of the above available Program and Project?
amanfromMars said.......................................................................................................................................................................
And together, EZ_DOES_IT, do they have another dysfunction, also in keeping with dodgy weak principalities and crooked and cuckolded monarchies ..... Lack of both International and InterNetional Intelligence.
June 30, 2010 2:16 AM
Posted by AmanfromMars on 6/30/2010 8:35:28 AM
"If anyone desires the key to unlock this lightly coded piece, don't bother asking, unless you ask it in code also." .... Posted by Weeble on 6/29/2010 8:57:34 PM
With the Tower unlocked, and the door thrown ajar for entry into elevated fields, would the monarch released be worthy of alien assistance, or be a disappointment to family and friends?
And if that hits the gold bull in code, is this indeed a red letter day, for fortunes are ready and waiting to be remade in a phorm of one's own choosing.
amanfromMars said...
"And blogs will come to play a central role in the process of recruitment, promotion and reward at major research universities. This genie is not going back into its bottle." .... Posted by Rajiv at 6/29/2010 10:09:00 AM
Amen to that, Rajiv, and that is revolutionary evolution at play with virtual forces which are intangible and impossible to stop and control for they are Intelligent Memes into Instant Messaging in the Strangest of Places and Power Spaces.
"The genie is out of the bottle and the bottle is broken and he aint going back, and that dictates that an altogether completely different mode of controlling action be employed, for is there not a growing popular global unrest which can very easily and extremely quickly, with the speed and ease of global communication today, turn into revolution before tomorrow morning, with the mob knowing exactly who they are looking for, and who has been responsible for their dire straits plight." ..... Posted on 6/29/2010 10:14:30 AM ..... http://thedailybell.com/1172/Congress-Declares-War-on-Iran.html
6/30/2010 8:58 AM
Short and Sweet
Posted Wednesday 30th June 2010 13:26 GMT
Is Phorm a Ponzi and Scam?
Posted by: amanfromMars | 06/30/10 | 10:52 am |
"Steganography isn’t new or novel.
I can see this being used as another excuse why the internet needs to be controlled more. Fuck that." ..... Posted by: moxley23 | 06/29/10 | 3:40 pm |
Some phorms of it are, moxley23, as anything dynamic never stands still and stagnates.
And good luck to whoever is delusional enough to imagine that the internet can be controlled more, rather than just SMART*er used with ...... well, in ITs Live Operational Virtual Environment would that be with Cloud Crowd Control Betas and better Subliminal Programs and MkUltraSensitive Projects in Global Perceptions Management/Great Game Scenarios.
And SMARTer Phorms may be something which should be of interest to this Program, which is really just a glorified Phish ..... http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/06/30/sei_deal_renewed/
Do you think Wired is used by CyberIntelAIgents for Steganographic Spookery ...... XSSXXXXChanges of Leading Edge Methodologies?
And how very odd, and even alien, that something so very similar but dressed in other clothes can be found here ..... Posted 6/29/2010 11:12:18 PM ..... http://thedailybell.com/1172/Congress-Declares-War-on-Iran.html
It's a very small world indeed, and getting smaller, in the Quantum Communications field.
*Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology
Posted by AmanfromMars on 6/30/2010 12:21:41 PM
In sanity is madness controlled and way out ahead in the lead with both opposition and competition, methinks, Weeble.
And a right royal to do, IT is too.