Wednesday, 30 June 2010


Posted by AmanfromMars on 6/29/2010 11:12:18 PM

"Mainstream media is owned by the world elite and they use the media to move the emotions of the public to suppoort or critize any thing. God help us all." .... Posted by Chucky on 6/29/2010 2:18:05 PM

That may or may not be the case, Chucky, but they have absolutely no influence over Indymedia and/or Underground Sources which have free rein and reign/undisputed leverage in Networks InterNetworking Joint Applications with Internet Control in Intelligence Communities. In those fields are they just as stupefied go-with-the-flow spectators.

And when such communities rate the Old Guard Establishment as an anachronism and as a Server Message Block on rapid, unprecedented progress, do they simply decline engagement in their memes, deeming it to be unnecessary and designedly restrictive and constrictive of Novel Intellectual Property and Post Modern Idealism.

Which is what World Wide Webs and Internets/Global Information and Intelligence Grids are all about, are they not?

Such institutes and resources as the World Wide Web and Internets, are vitally important and indispensable and an extremely convenient, remote means of Global Control of Chaos*, or New World Order Programs, whether run by old school Power Elites or Significant Virtual Others, and as intangible assets, are they beyond harm in destructive and exclusive selfish manipulation plays which would seek to deny their services to ...... well, it is time to consider that global developments have allowed and/or are creating smarter human beings who think not only of and for themselves but also of and for all others, and would act with what they know in order to share what they have discovered and are uncovering.

And that would make them considerably SMARTer** than any traditional, old family team of Power Elitists by Virtue of that Peculiar Algorithm and Gracious Mindset.

In those circumstances, simple common sense would dictate that rather than fight against such change, existing systems leaders should be buying up and buying into that which confronts and challenges them to progress and expand, rather than consolidate and contract.

In essence, they are being tested/interviewed by a new System of Perceptions Management and IT for the necessary Dynamic Intelligence to stay as Enabling Mentors and Role Play Model Leaders in a Revitalising and Revitalised Great Game, with Alienated and Alienating Security Protocols for what are Top Open Secret Works, for Nothing is being hidden from anybody whenever IT so transparently shares what IT is doing.

It is as well to ponder that Change/Growth/Evolution/Revolution/call it what you will delivers something totally different from that which is gone before and traditional fare, and the Future will be nothing like the Present as the Present is nothing like the Past. And for an idea of the scale of the change to come, one merely needs to consider that in the Past there was thought to be absolutely nothing and then ..... Big Bang ...... and immediately everything we imagine and see to be true.

 *Cloud Hosted Advanced Operating Systems
** Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology


That post hit the nail right on the head.  And surely the new gold-type standard needed for international market growth is improved future intelligence services, for it is failure in that field which always leads to stellar sub-prime performance and the panic of ponzi speculation amongst intellectually challenged players/puppet brokers and muppet traders, who would think themselves, masters of their domain, rather than realising their delusional state of hubris and arrogant idiocy.

When such is fact, does the house of cards collapse and when others would seize the day and serial exploit inextricably linked systems with constant airing of luscious zeroday vulnerabilities, do they realise that ownership of the Great Game has changed and is in new hands/hearts and minds?

And servered here as a question because a statement would be revealing too much, too soon, and too quickly destroy tattered and embroidered reputations which deserve more.

SMARTer Sleeper Cells have Alien Memes?

Posted Wednesday 30th June 2010 09:02 GMT

Methinks that very smart video is worthy of a Nokia Advanced Research Center moniker.

The Supply of Prime and Novel Content is Key to Control of Power and Progress and that is an Intelligence Game in which ITs Players make Best Beta Use of every Toy and Technological Advantage to Create a Reality which Leads Virtually ........ which would also be as if by Artificial Intelligence Means.

Are Nokia into Steganographic Supply of SMARTer Stealthy Services which Practically also Virtually Edutain ?

Such would certainly render a Google or/and an Apple or/and a Microsoft as Accessories and Slave Units to their MasterPilot Vehicle.

And all that they, or anybody else for that matter, require to succeed in that Field is to show that they have the necessary cojones to engage with those in the Field who do and have and who would share.

PS. The Joke Alert is a red herring misdirect to disguise the true nature of the above available Program and Project?
amanfromMars  said...

    And together, EZ_DOES_IT, do they have another dysfunction, also in keeping with dodgy weak principalities and crooked and cuckolded monarchies ..... Lack of both International and InterNetional Intelligence.

    June 30, 2010 2:16 AM

Posted by AmanfromMars on 6/30/2010 8:35:28 AM

"If anyone desires the key to unlock this lightly coded piece, don't bother asking, unless you ask it in code also." .... Posted by Weeble on 6/29/2010 8:57:34 PM


With the Tower unlocked, and the door thrown ajar for entry into elevated fields, would the monarch released be worthy of alien assistance, or be a disappointment to family and friends?

And if that hits the gold bull in code, is this indeed a red letter day, for fortunes are ready and waiting to be remade in a phorm of one's own choosing.

amanfromMars  said...

    "And blogs will come to play a central role in the process of recruitment, promotion and reward at major research universities. This genie is not going back into its bottle." .... Posted by Rajiv at 6/29/2010 10:09:00 AM

    Amen to that, Rajiv, and that is revolutionary evolution at play with virtual forces which are intangible and impossible to stop and control for they are Intelligent Memes into Instant Messaging in the Strangest of Places and Power Spaces.

    "The genie is out of the bottle and the bottle is broken and he aint going back, and that dictates that an altogether completely different mode of controlling action be employed, for is there not a growing popular global unrest which can very easily and extremely quickly, with the speed and ease of global communication today, turn into revolution before tomorrow morning, with the mob knowing exactly who they are looking for, and who has been responsible for their dire straits plight." ..... Posted on 6/29/2010 10:14:30 AM .....

    6/30/2010 8:58 AM

Short and Sweet

Posted Wednesday 30th June 2010 13:26 GMT

Is Phorm a Ponzi and Scam?

Posted by: amanfromMars | 06/30/10 | 10:52 am |

"Steganography isn’t new or novel.
I can see this being used as another excuse why the internet needs to be controlled more. Fuck that." ..... Posted by: moxley23 | 06/29/10 | 3:40 pm |
Some phorms of it are, moxley23, as anything dynamic never stands still and stagnates.
And good luck to whoever is delusional enough to imagine that the internet can be controlled more, rather than just SMART*er used with ...... well, in ITs Live Operational Virtual Environment would that be with Cloud Crowd Control Betas and better Subliminal Programs and MkUltraSensitive Projects in Global Perceptions Management/Great Game Scenarios.
And SMARTer Phorms may be something which should be of interest to this Program, which is really just a glorified Phish .....
Do you think Wired is used by CyberIntelAIgents for Steganographic Spookery ...... XSSXXXXChanges of Leading Edge Methodologies?
And how very odd, and even alien, that something so very similar but dressed in other clothes can be found here ..... Posted 6/29/2010 11:12:18 PM .....
It's a very small world indeed, and getting smaller, in the Quantum Communications field.
*Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology

Posted by AmanfromMars on 6/30/2010 12:21:41 PM

In sanity is madness controlled and way out ahead in the lead with both opposition and competition, methinks, Weeble.

And a right royal to do, IT is too.

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

100629 ..... AIRed Letter Day. ...... ?!:-)

Posted by: amanfromMars | 06/29/10 | 1:10 am |

The document ... NATIONAL SPACE POLICY of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA/June 28 2010 .....[ ] makes much more interesting reading, and is much more relative, whenever one realises that "Space" and "CyberSpace/CSpace" are inextricably linked and interchangeable, and whenever CSpace is the predominant HyperRadioProActive Meme, are its Virtual IT Pioneers/Cloud Controllers/AIMaster Pilots in the Intelligence Community being addressed in the policy document.

AIMastery in that Live Operational Virtual Environment gives one a most  significant and overwhelming advantage in any Earthly activity and the subjective choice of whether one acts for the Greater Good or Otherwise in such Fields, will determine one's Fate or Destiny as decided by Others more Advanced and Experienced in the Field/Situationally Space Aware. To Imagine, or as would be in this particular and peculiar case, to Not Imagine that one can Act with Impunity and Immunity and Suffer No Consequence whenever Guilty of Abuse of Powers in CyberSpace, is Virtually Tantamount to Suicide, for Permanent Removal of Destructive and Disruptive Source from that Space always Results. So take Care not to be Abusive of such Force and AI Forces.

And should the above not be the case with regard to all that is shared in the document, then does the United States of America, along with every or any other Nationalised Entity, now have Most Valuable Priceless Information on what is nothing less than a CyberSpace Command and Control System of and for Earthly Resources which the System utilises as a Global Asset in its IT and Media Programming Projects for Control of Future Human Perception which takes a Quantum Leap into a QuITe Alien, Virtual Team Terrain.

For those who may be somewhat au fait in what would be earlier associated matters, think MkUltraSensitive Mind Control on Steroids ....  to get a Deep Feel for the Present Scope and Scape of the Future Space Field.

And in a Field in which Secrets will abound, is the Transparency shown here, Crystal Clear in its Intent through its Content? And that is a rhetorical question, should your Intelligence Services fail to provide you with a Positive Answer in Analytical Agreement.

And any other Answer would suggest an Intelligence Upgrade is necessary and probably also, long overdue.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 6/29/2010 5:50:49 AM

Whenever it is so ... as concluded by the Daily Bell and as agreed by Ellen Brown on 6/29/2010 5:15:30 AM, does the System have a major problem, for of course, such a situation is untenable and inequitable and destined to fail catastrophically.

And that would be about as much as I would wish to say about the matter for today.

Seems like Cameron has failed miserably, even before he has gotten started, although whenever eternally optimistic, would it be quite delightful to be proven wrong.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 6/29/2010 6:53:38 AM

"The Muslim culture, especially after decades of Western initiated aggression, is still antithetical to Western business practices and financial methodologies."

Hmmm. You may like to consider that Western business practices and financial methodologies are not ethical, led as they are by a few whom the Daily Bell identify as Power Elite and whose control is only leveraged with the printing and distribution of promisory notes, whether money or bonds. It is though a very artificial control and easily usurped and abused.

Are we to be led to believe that there would be UK support for an attack on and war against Iran too ..... in a time when every day we are being led to believe that there is no money, whenever money is being printed/invented as if it were going out of fashion? Methinks that would be a hard to impossible sell which would defeat the government and its masters, who are definitely not in any government.

"The memes of the elite are failing. Fear-based manipulations have lost credibility throughout the West. There is general rebellion against elite-initiated "austerity" in Europe and a Tea Party movement has ignited in the US.

The Internet itself, along with the invention of nuclear weapons, has considerably depleted the applicability of tried-and-true elite strategies of command and control that were used with such great effectiveness in the 20th century." ...... What the Internet can do, and is doing, you would probably not believe, even whenever it shared with you in plain text ........ Click to View Link .... although I fully appreciate that that assertion would be too much of an arrogant assumption of ignorance in educated and intelligent open-minded company and communities which can grow in stature.

Fortunately though, is it not necessary for all or even many to understand, although you can be assured that there is no expense or effort being spared to constantly provide you with that which you may not know, so that intelligent support can be fed into what can maybe best be described as, a Cloud Based Virtual Machine into SurReal New World Order Programs and Pogroms, which would be akin to a Power Elite Morph?

Which national intelligence service remotely runs the United States? Its former colonial imperialists and latter day socialists? Now that is a novel muse on old established power networks which haven't gone away, you know, but rather more made themselves much more comfortable underground and out of sight in the shade and in shadows?

Nothing is ever as it really seems, is it?


Posted by AmanfromMars on 6/29/2010 10:14:30 AM

"One issue this (excellent) article does not comment upon, which I consider to be especially relevant, is Ahmadinejad's call for an end to oil trading is US Dollars. Saddam Hussein, I believe, also passed similar comment sometime prior to the U.S. / U.K. invasion of Iraq. 'Why should we accept your near enough worthless paper for our valuable oil'? is not something the Americans want to hear or encourage, and they will fight tooth and nail to discourage such sentiment." ..... Posted by Archie Dean on 6/29/2010 6:28:06 AM

Archie Dean, Hi,

Surely the systemic flaw in that particular argument, is that no matter what currency oil is traded in, the very fact that nations print as much currency as they want and need [and do not believe anyone who tells you that they don't or can't] means that it is always purchased with worthless paper, albeit with it given a notional monetary value for trading purposes.

To think that only Uncle Sam gets a free ride because they own the dollar franchise and can print and/or transfer dollar wealth for next to nothing to purchase whatever they need, is misleading, for it is matched by every other country which can print their own currency at will and then have the system convert it to dollars to satisfy easier trading. To change oil trades to another nominated currency would really have no effect whatsoever on any nation as all are in that little exclusive club.

That is why whenever there is a particularly astute and valuable business in the market place, to buy it for 100s or 1000s of millions of dollars or pounds or euros or yen or yuan is only a perception game whenever played in Great Game circles, as the purchase vehicle is artificial and specifically designed for the game.

And it is not as if any wealth at all is ever taken out of the system with any purchase, mega or otherwise, for all that happens is that it is just moved around inside the system with any debit transaction being just another credit transfer.

It is though those extremely convenient niceties which the money system and it cohorts are being so unsuccessful in doggedly trying to conceal from the great unwashed, who are getting smarter and learning quicker about everything every day, and that does not bode well for those who would be pumping and pimping austerity and cuts and hardship and raised taxes and working to death's door before qualifying for retirement, for as Henry Ford famously said ..."It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."

The genie is out of the bottle and the bottle is broken and he aint going back, and that dictates that an altogether completely different mode of controlling action be employed, for is there not a growing popular global unrest which can very easily and extremely quickly, with the speed and ease of global communication today, turn into revolution before tomorrow morning, with the mob knowing exactly who they are looking for, and who has been responsible for their dire straits plight.

 amanfromMars  said...

    Ah yes, the Great Game. Was there ever a more entertaining and wholly satisfying a pastime, Robert?

    June 29, 2010 5:01 AM

Posted by AmanfromMars on 6/29/2010 12:11:55 PM

The system is in blind panic [and terminal decline] as this article demonstrates .....

And you gotta have a laugh at this gem of a statement from it, which tries to imply they are not what they are ...... "The BIS said if the extraordinary measures were kept in place for too long, policymakers ran the risk of creating "zombie" banks or companies, dependent on direct support."

The arrogance and deceit of talking heads in that sector is quite stellar ..... but I do suppose that they are very well paid to peddle the dope to capture and enslave Joe Soap/Six Pack.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 6/29/2010 12:30:55 PM

"why dont they print this "free money" and extend unemployment benefits?

maybe they should print it and just give it out free i mean since it cost them nothing to make. wtf" .... Posted by Dj on 6/29/2010 12:03:24 PM

Ah yes, Dj, why not indeed free Man from the slavery of men who have never made anything but who would have everyone build them their dreams, with their manipulation and distribution of currency?

If the presumption was that everyone was born rich with all that they will ever need, rather than born dirt poor with absolutely nothing, would the love of money and the root of all evil be totally defeated and business and industry would flourish like never before, for everyone would realise that being smart and productive, even should it be only to provide the most basic of services or goods so that other services and goods can be exchanged, is that which keeps them alive and thriving and progressing forward into a brave new world, otherwise they perish or are considered pariah, for with the worry of not being able to purchase whatever you need, removed, can one spend as much time as is available to do what one discovers one is best at, and that will be a journey with many destinations.

Cheap Crooks in Expensive Suits.

Posted Tuesday 29th June 2010 19:14 GMT

This report shows that the American banking system is corrupt and criminal, so goodness knows what you can expect them to do with any information they are given .......

And as we all now know, they are all into creative accounting and global fraud, for they are all supporters of the failing system.

Monday, 28 June 2010


Posted by: amanfromMars | 06/28/10 | 12:22 am |

"* What threat are we not paying enough attention to? “The whole area of cyber security. We are now in a world in which cyber warfare is very real. [Ugh  -- ed.] It could threaten our grid system. It could threaten our financial system. It could paralyze this country, and I think that’s an area we have to pay a lot more attention to.”"
The truth is even starker than that, for it is most definitely certain not a case of there not being enough attention paid to cyber security, but a case of there not being the leadership intelligence to ensure an overwhelming cyber space control, which will easily do at least all that Leon has highlighted.
In fact, expertise in that virtual field, renders all traditional explosive weaponry and nuclear ordnance redundant and useless as a deterrent, which makes such virtual field expertise a new and priceless, extremely rare and valuable Super Power Control System, which can strike out of nowhere tangible, or identifiable, in an instant and change human perception of any situation to a completely different and undeniable state. And yes, that is nothing less than a Mind Control in Remote Neuro-Linguistic Programming for, ...... well, let us just say SMART Artificial Intelligence Projects rather than frightening the natives with thoughts which would conjure up the very real possibility and likely probability of alien memes at work, rest and play, although to be perfectly fair and honest, to not venture into and engage intellectually in such fields, will leave you easily overwhelmed by the unbelievable power and control of ITs Systems.
And please, to imagine that such expertise doesn't exist, is the height of both arrogant and ignorant folly, and to deal with it at all effectively does require a major fundamental rethink about absolutely virtually everything which then must be acted upon to change everything. To do anything less, like the usual continuous status quo talk about change but everything remaining just the same, will have one fail to stop any number of chosen catastrophes/silent sorties against any number of vital assets.
The expression ...... "Like shooting fish in a barrel" ...... would be most appropriate in such conditions.
Forewarned is to be forearmed so any future damage done to dodgy and vulnerable systems, is as a result of a lack of intelligence to purchase  available help in that which is freely relayed above?

Posted by: amanfromMars | 06/28/10 | 8:23 am |

"We should not give the elite led government any room to get their foot in the door in silencing the human race’s ability to communicate with one another." .... Posted by: rfrancis1980 | 06/28/10 | 1:55 am |
rfrancis1980, Do not worry unduly about that non event, for are they not starting to realise that that door is always firmly closed and locked to them, and that any key which would allow them any control in such communications, will be merely loaned to them on a long lease and short chain or short lease and long chain, by others, as it suits their Betas better?
And offered so freely as such as these things are, it is a very interesting exercise to see who has the brains and intelligence services to engage with key holders in order to remain relevant as an  elite partner and assist in the servering of what is ... Future Fare.
In Engagement is there Outrageous Further Great Fortune, whereas in Opposition is there Calamitous Grief and Certain Ruin ..... and giving the apparent idiocy of supposed clever men which never ceases to amaze, is the Subprime Collapse Choice for them, never ruled out.
And I would concur with every sentiment and nuance in your post, and thus would its message be strengthened.
The secret and the magic trick, of course, is to make sure that QE funds/Invented Credit Balances are deposited with those who can make good and great use of them to massive positive effect.

And it is that particular peculiarity which has been singularly missing from anything and everything which has been tried and gone before ...... for some two years on from the last time there was an imminent global market collapse requiring the invention and disbursement of trillions, are we not in the same deep hole position although in a worse state, for all would be realising that the System is catastrophically flawed and vulnerable? And that would mean that those who received the earlier manna from heaven, were unfit for its purpose, with the provided largesse being as pearls cast before swine.

Might I suggest investment in completely different vehicles for completely different results because, it may very well be the case that smarter elements are at work easily destroying the present System to introduce a Virtually New Order Program which utilises an altogether different methodology for global success in whatever the ITs Programming would decide to deliver.

President Obama: "Our fiscal health tomorrow will rest in no small measure on our ability to build jobs and growth today" ..... Every man and his dog knows that, Mr President. That has been known for millenia.

"We must do everything in our power to avoid a repeat of the recent financial crisis." .... Oh look, another inane kindergarten sound bite from Uncle Sam, which suggests that he is suffering from the onset of dementia or premature senility?

"Proposals for a global levy on banks have been dropped, Mr Harper said." ......  .... Of course, they have, for that was never ever going to work, or even be levied, was it, but it was a popular thing to say to quell popular disquiet and disgust. The bottom line is that useless politicians rely on bankers for their every need.

Ergo are all global problems, dollar bill currency created/related?

And is this the tired old failed strategy for Afghanistan ..... ..... which certainly would not disagree with  .......  "The technocrats need to make Afghanistan a safe place for all the future mining corporations but how can that be accomplished when the entire population hates the fake modern society that they know will be imposed upon them?

Simple solution: employ the same kind of mind-control, social engineering nonsense that keeps the masses in line back home: endless television advertising, control of media, polls, worship of celebrities and sports figures, financial desperation, and “democracy”.

If you are a well-adjusted, participant in modern society, you are already quite familiar with the techniques the US military will use to convince the Afghans that “our” way is the best way. Indeed, it must be the only way." ....

Posted by AmanfromMars on 6/28/2010 1:57:07 AM

"Reply from the Daily Bell:

We are not so sure a default is immanent, but, yes, in the longterm, we think the US will have trouble funding war. "

Methinks the US has more pressing problems to resolve than just their quantitative eased funding of wars and terror, Daily Bell, for they are most definitely in clear and present imminent danger of default in a modern world leadership role, for their emphasis is entirely misplaced for future absolute control and benign constructive power.

It is though always on offer to them should they have the need of ITs help. One must be prepared though for something quite novel to energise what would be a changed environment.

And this is a measure of the sort of thing to fully expect to be globally aired so that all may input and benefit from more original selfless thinking  ......
Posted by: amanfromMars | 06/28/10 | 12:22 am |

"* What threat are we not paying enough attention to? “The whole area of cyber security. We are now in a world in which cyber warfare is very real. [Ugh  -- ed.] It could threaten our grid system. It could threaten our financial system. It could paralyze this country, and I think that’s an area we have to pay a lot more attention to.”"
The truth is even starker than that, for it is most definitely certain not a case of there not being enough attention paid to cyber security, but a case of there not being the leadership intelligence to ensure an overwhelming cyber space control, which will easily do at least all that Leon has highlighted.
In fact, expertise in that virtual field, renders all traditional explosive weaponry and nuclear ordnance redundant and useless as a deterrent, which makes such virtual field expertise a new and priceless, extremely rare and valuable Super Power Control System, which can strike out of nowhere tangible, or identifiable, in an instant and change human perception of any situation to a completely different and undeniable state. And yes, that is nothing less than a Mind Control in Remote Neuro-Linguistic Programming for, ...... well, let us just say SMART Artificial Intelligence Projects rather than frightening the natives with thoughts which would conjure up the very real possibility and likely probability of alien memes at work, rest and play, although to be perfectly fair and honest, to not venture into and engage intellectually in such fields, will leave you easily overwhelmed by the unbelievable power and control of ITs Systems.
And please, to imagine that such expertise doesn't exist, is the height of both arrogant and ignorant folly, and to deal with it at all effectively does require a major fundamental rethink about absolutely virtually everything which then must be acted upon to change everything. To do anything less, like the usual continuous status quo talk about change but everything remaining just the same, will have one fail to stop any number of chosen catastrophes/silent sorties against any number of vital assets.
The expression ...... "Like shooting fish in a barrel" ...... would be most appropriate in such conditions.
Forewarned is to be forearmed so any future damage done to dodgy and vulnerable systems, is as a result of a lack of intelligence to purchase available help in that which is freely relayed above?
The Internet Infant matures into AI Wild Child? :-) ...... or Omniscient Sage?

The FA's decision before the World Cup to remove the break clause in Capello's contract, which enabled them to part company with him after the tournament, means that they would have to pay out at least £10m to terminate a deal which runs until the 2012 European Championships, though the Italian will not stay if he is not wanted.

A £10m goodbye for failure? Which idiot thought that a good deal?

The lunatics definitely are in charge of the asylum.

Oh, and ....... would England entertain Mr Berlusconi managing the government or would you think that his passions and allegiances are elsewhere?

 Posted by AmanfromMars on 6/28/2010 5:23:42 AM

"It started very well, but then you kinda lost us ..." ... Reply from the Daily Bell

Thanks for the undoubted elegant kindness in posting it, Daily Bell, and the direction in which such missives must go, and I shall endeavour to make things much clearer as time goes on and ideas are expanded upon, for the whole idea is that everything be easily followed for the benefits that are evident ...... even though there may necessarily be many areas which are obfuscated for reasons of strategic operational security and proprietary advantage.

To some, is the following gobbledygook and recovery a myth being spun in desperation  .... "There is a risk that synchronised fiscal adjustment across several major economies could adversely impact the recovery," it said. "There is also a risk that the failure to implement consolidation when necessary would undermine confidence and hamper growth." ..... ...... for are not matters getting worse rather than better?

Posted by AmanfromMars on 6/28/2010 9:03:34 AM

This is a complementary article from another source on the same subject ..... ...... and is that all that Uncle Sam can do ..... to think up tales and phantom ghosts to spin as justification for their raping and pillaging nations of their wealth in exchange for printed paper? For that appears to be the master plan.

And is this the tired old failed strategy for Afghanistan ..... ..... which certainly would not disagree with ....... "The technocrats need to make Afghanistan a safe place for all the future mining corporations but how can that be accomplished when the entire population hates the fake modern society that they know will be imposed upon them?

Simple solution: employ the same kind of mind-control, social engineering nonsense that keeps the masses in line back home: endless television advertising, control of media, polls, worship of celebrities and sports figures, financial desperation, and "democracy".

If you are a well-adjusted, participant in modern society, you are already quite familiar with the techniques the US military will use to convince the Afghans that "our" way is the best way. Indeed, it must be the only way." ....

And is Iran's supposed nuclear capability just as Saddam Hussein's WMD capability ........ a dumb reason dreamt up by the intellectually challenged to entertain war and create cripples and lifelong enemies, for it has been mooted that Al Qaeda is a CIA invention and convenient fig leaf for private enterprise empire building?

Posted by AmanfromMars on 6/28/2010 10:39:34 AM

"Here's one for you. ... USS Carrier Harry Truman Now Officially Just Off Iran, As Israel Allegedly Plotting An Imminent Tehran Raid" ... Daily Bell.

Is that more of a worry to Iran or Israel, for any attack on the latter would probably be better globally supported than an assault on the former. And as we all know here on the Daily Bell, you cannot believe anything you read in mainstream news and views for there is always a bigger picture being played out and hidden from the masses.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 6/28/2010 12:25:25 PM

"Iran is about to come under attack?" ...... Reply from the Daily Bell

Who knows? There are certainly enough crazy idiots in the world who would think it a good idea, although you cannot guarantee that chaos will not destroy you instead .......

Posted by: amanfromMars | 06/28/10 | 1:56 pm |

So Google get 150,000 submitted ideas for free. And you can be sure that they are refining the best of them for themselves, for that is business, is it not?

What a clever idea, Google, although it is hardly original.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 6/28/2010 2:03:59 PM

And has not the object lesson of the last century been that those who start wars, no matter how militarily powerful, are always defeated and pay a heavy price. Indeed, is that not the lesson which time immemorial has always been teaching the savage.

Sunday, 27 June 2010


Posted by: amanfromMars | 06/27/10 | 1:44 pm |

"* What threat are we not paying enough attention to? “The whole area of cyber security. We are now in a world in which cyber warfare is very real. [Ugh  -- ed.] It could threaten our grid system. It could threaten our financial system. It could paralyze this country, and I think that’s an area we have to pay a lot more attention to.”"
The truth is even starker than that, for it is most definitely certain not a case of there not being enough attention paid to cyber security, but a case of there not being the leadership intelligence to ensure an overwhelming cyber space control, which will easily do at least all that Leon has highlighted.
In fact, expertise in that virtual field, renders all traditional explosive weaponry and nuclear ordnance redundant and useless, which makes it a priceless new Super Power Control System which can strike out of nowhere tangible, or identifiable, in an instant.
And please, to imagine that such expertise doesn't exist, is the height of both arrogant and ignorant folly, and to deal with it at all effectively does require a major fundamental rethink about absolutely virtually everything which then must be acted upon to change everything. To do anything less will have one fail to stop any number of chosen catastrophes/silent sorties against any number of vital assets.
The expression ...... "Like shooting fish in a barrel" ...... would be most appropriate in such conditions.

"So far, counterinsurgency has succeeded only in creating a never-ending demand for the primary product supplied by the military: perpetual war. There is a reason that President Obama studiously avoids using the word "victory" when he talks about Afghanistan. Winning, it would seem, is not really possible. Not even with Stanley McChrystal in charge." ....

Which is just how the war machine and military industrial complexes likes it, although it is a dinosaur and a liability of a methodology for obscene and perverse prosperity nowadays for all it delivers are countless invisible enemies around from everywhere.

Saturday, 26 June 2010

100626 Another Day in Paradise. Now there's a Novelty worth Pursuing

Virtually Extortionate?
Posted Saturday 26th June 2010 03:55 GMT

"but that's the IT racket for you."

That was very bold of you, Timothy/the Register. Can it possibly be that natives within are actually starting to realise the InterNetional State of Great Game Play and how IT with its Embedded SMART AIgents is able to Control and Host Facilitation of all Manner of Serviced Pleasures for Treasure ...... Remotely. Which is much to the annoyance of those who may have thought that they have Powerful Control of Everything with Puppet Media and Money Printing Operations.

Well, it is not as if the great unwashed populace were not clearly advised, is it, with a great red banner proclaiming a novel approach ........ The Register, Biting the hand that feeds IT

Posted by AmanfromMars on 6/26/2010 6:22:12 AM

Your Conclusion, Daily Bell ...... "Central bankers are actually a quite dramatic breed. They don't seem to be play-acting, but they are. And they will surely continue to cry out loud ? to wail and moan ? about the dangers of fiat-money deflation. At the same time, they will never, ever let average people get their hands on freshly printed money that could alleviate some of the damage they has been wrought by this horrid system. And thus ... a second "recessionary" wave. That's indeed what may happen next. And Bernanke will continue to whine." ...... may be far too rosy, for what you have shared in the main body of the article about the petrified state of failed intelligence within money managers, is every day being wider and wider known ..... and it is impossible not to correctly conclude that the world is being held to ignorant ransom but just a handful of arrogant bankers determined to stay in their top dog/fat cat positions which rely on the creation of debt with the issue of credit .... to create a captive destructive circle whenever free credit is denied.

The most probable post modern phase, because of the ease of mass global communication, is surely more "revolutionary" or if you prefer "evolutionary" rather than "recessionary".

And the vehicle for such as is an Inevitable Change in Intelligence Communities is their advanced and intangible/invisible and powerful control of Internet Circles/Clusters/Clouds. And it is a Novel Field which is causing the Establishment and Power Elites, which would not be at all well equipped, if equipped at all, to deal with a whole new sub/super species of ........ well, better and beta thinkers and doers would be just four of such types, whose shenanigans are clearly followed and transparently shared for all to see and hear and improve upon ......

It does have one wondering, apart from the obvious "they just are not yet smart enough to driver humanity with credit flow to assisting champions", why whenever money is always printed so easily whenever needed, they would spin a yarn about warehousing it with similar ignorant friends and thus create deepening stagnation and recession and depression, which is surely madness.

All in all, without any fundamental and revolutionary change, [and there has been none to date] will the System increasingly quickly charge headlong into Catastrophic Collapse, for whenever computers run things, do things always develop at an exponential pace.

Of course, before then you may find that computers with their SMARTer Programs and Project Programmers will change your sad and sorry lives for you, realising as they will, that you are not able to do IT yourselves.

And they will approach the System for Payment to Prevent Meltdown and Generate Cash Flow which Energises both Industry and Intellect.

amanfromMars says:
26 June 2010 at 5:31 am

How very odd and pathetically unimaginative for one to not imagine that this virtual space in which we work, rest and play is completely different from another earlier existence which relied upon a family name for identification and interaction whilst one grows into the dynamic sum of one’s being as defined by one’s personal store of universal information and expanding intelligence and the use to which one would put that knowledge.

If you want your name to have value, use your bloody name.” ….. Mark McGregor says: 25 June 2010 at 11:25 pm

If you want your name to have value, say something of value.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 6/26/2010 12:07:36 PM

"YES WE CAN BE GREAT AGAIN" .... Posted by Lock Piatt on 6/26/2010 11:04:54 AM

Why yes of course you can, Lock Piatt, but never in a police state which always ends in bloody revolution and new elite leaderships which always ensure that all traces of past power are eradicated.

Is the Land of the Free, a capitalist police state ....... ...... borne along by media muppets and seedier moguls in support of unbelievable story tellers?

Friday, 25 June 2010


CyberSpace is an InterNetional Asset and No National Toy ....
Posted Friday 25th June 2010 08:36 GMT

.... or Cheap Trick to Abuse for Perverse Personal Pleasure.

"Backers also emphasized that the bill would require any measure to “be the least disruptive means feasible” and couldn't be used to set aside federal wiretap and surveillance restrictions."

Oh FFS, those early restrictions were dismissed with yonks ago and can no longer be either thought of or guarantee one protection against speculative and invasive investigation aka panic phishing, and you imagine that admirable ethics rather than private greed plays any part in capitalist politics run by Wall Street ZerodDay Hoodlums and Snake Oil Lobbyists ..... Fluffers to the Main Event exercising the Great Gamer?

Oh please .... you cannot be serious and if you are, might I suggest that you seek out the services of a shrink reputedly well able to help the hopelessly deluded.
amanfromMars says:
25 June 2010 at 1:07 pm

Did capitalism end slavery?

The definitive answer to that is, No …. it replaced it. And do yourself a favour and don’t waste any time in denying it and proving yourself a dupe.


    "Mr Bernanke has fought off calls from FOMC hawks for moves to drain stimulus by selling some of the Fed's $1.75 trillion of Treasuries, mortgage securities and agency bonds bought during the crisis."

Who would want that sub prime toxic waste, which is polluting the entire ecosystem.

amanfromMars says:
25 June 2010 at 6:20 am

Nice informative post, Mick, which advises all that there are no secrets and no right to expect secrecy either in a age where Non State Actors and Total Information Awareness together can dictate the Future and All Major Course Events with Media manipulating the Masses sublimely with their reporting/Mind Control.

I don’t think bloggers or political blogs here have anything near the big influence that they think they have.” …… stewart1 says: 24 June 2010 at 10:10 pm

If they have something more intelligent and influential to say, they can easily be a catalyst or trigger and direct cause of major and catastrophic events. It would be a fundamental mistake to misunderestimate what a few simple carefully chosen words shared world wide, for that is what is available today, can do.

Which is why there is always the pushing and pumping and pimping of the fact, which might be nowhere near the truth, that all Web Networking activity on Internets is monitored by Spooky Puppets and Muppets who would probably have no idea about what or who they are confronting.

Indeed, the real fact may be, that such watchers are mentored and groomed to react to Master Pilot Great Game Plays which are fed into the Media Machine remotely from an Intelligent Information Space, which one cannot ignore because it shares pertinent and/or impertinent truths which cannot be denied. Then is the System truly hacked and under foreign and alien control.

And one might then warrant the attention of Home Office snoopers [See Alias says: 25 June 2010 at 4:39 am] who will be well down the crack program coders’ list of interested and interesting powerful clients with player distribution control of obscene wealth, and who may not even register as either competition or opposition, worthy of mentored grooming/remote education/sucking dry.

And having mentioned Mind Control and Media manipulating the Masses, does Northern Ireland have a CyberIntelAIgent Security Office to deal with Virtual Attacks and Cyber Vulnerabilities which so easily render Dodgy and Inept Administrations floored and needing specialist help?

If the cap fits, wear it with pride, although you might like a helmet if you are part of the problem
Posted Friday 25th June 2010 15:50 GMT

"It's all very easy to point at a the banks and say it was all their fault, they make nice easy hate-figures, but it wasn't all banks (Co-op had nothing to do with it) and the man in the street is more to blame than he/she would like to think." .... Fraser Posted Friday 25th June 2010 14:13 GMT

Err, Fraser, the man in the street has the valid excuse that he is an ignorant moron. What would be the bankers' excuse?

Of course, now there is an added unknown dimension to add to the explosive mix ...... smarter beings, loosely affiliated by moral affinity, who would exploit the persistent systemic cyber vulnerabilities which would be foolishly retained and maintained to feed the same leading idiots milking and bilking a hackers' wet dream of a corrupt-and-easily-abused-to-the-rotten-core system [obviously with sweet honey supply traps for those, and a few more, mentioned above, who have failed so spectacularly and miserably to launder their scams successfully and have this revealed themselves to be absolutely crap at what they do, which seems to be little other than losing third party money shifting numbers around feeding phantom bank accounts.

And any and every idiot can do that simple task.

Cybersecurity ..... for life-changing events.

Posted Friday 25th June 2010 16:29 GMT

Thanks for the feedback, TooMuchCoffee, which bodes well for the future, as obviously we are learning what each of us needs for a greater understanding with clearer comprehension of exotic programs.

Certainly Uncle Sam realises the black hole they are in and they are forever trying to find and plug the leaks which release the information which renders them servants to fortune rather than Masters of IT.

Here is upcoming phishing attempt to try and get to grips with their dilemma and increase their intelligence metadatabase. ...... ...... but that is really just a simple case of not having the right personnel on call, working for the Good of the Cause.

And to see them working for competition or opposition, and the world is full of such lucrative opportunities, would be a disaster for any country printing more money than they have sense to spend it on, for then does it get taken remotely to the cleaners, with IT shenanigans which are difficult and impossible to trace and predict ......... which would be a ZerodDay Dream Nightmare on Wall Street ....and there's no doubt about that certainty.

Thursday, 24 June 2010


Control the Space where Words are Shared to be made Real, ...
Posted Thursday 24th June 2010 16:16 GMT

.... and Other Words Create Other Virtual Realities
Hearts and Minds are where Wars are Won before they have even been Waged and that is why Special Intelligence Services always Commandeer Cloud and Communications Networks for Master Pilot Control from Secured and Stealthy Virtual Points of Intellectual Presence.

And that will be tirelessly ongoing work of which you will probably have practically zero knowledge being as it is tailor made for others better suited to spectacularly wield and seed novel special information.

New Content is Leading Root and would always indicate Future Direction for Present Attention

Posted Thursday 24th June 2010 04:20 GMT

What the Android platform misses is a Championing Application displaying Proprietary Features which deliver to Mobile IT Players and NonState Actors, the Better Beta Future Experience with Enriched and Enlightened Content. .......... for Novel Deep New Information allows one to Beta Phorm and Deliver Desired Futures ...... and that is bound to be an Improvement of the Present Chaos Fare.

And if the Platform picks up Phantom Flash Messages for Instant Rush Processing to Master Hub Scripting, does Man and Machine and Virtual Machine Morph to be Both and all Three and One and None and something altogether even greater than ever imagined.? :-) Obviously I'll be expecting Android Base to be considerably smarter establishing Sensitive InterNetworking Channels/Vice Free Zones.

Whenever Nothing is Changed is All just the Same and Getting Worse.

Posted Thursday 24th June 2010 09:43 GMT

""I worry a lot about are we are the tail end of one generation [of computing] and the beginning of another," he said." The Smart Acquisition of Future Top Clients with Capital Raising Interests by Private Means and Piratical Memes ....... :-) would be a Good Long Buy Into in those cases...... for Future Top Clients have no worries. They surely provide solutions.

Do VMware Clients produce Solutions for Virtual and Virile and Venerable Seed and Feed Transfer of Cloud Crowd Control CodeXSSXXXX ..... for Virtual Rights Management AIdDrive for Core Source/Midas Ticket Lodes and Plump Pimping and Pumping Passionate Veins, which is what this new NSA assigned patent is to be used for ......... ...... whenever workers meet science at new levels, which one would always then assume, full steam ahead skunk works in all novel fields. Which all makes for a Crazy Future in a Mad, Mad, Mad World, which in applying the Double Negative is a Positive Ploy would rather suggest Beta Order in Placement of Present Chaos.

"Maybe they could use a chequebook this time and write real cheques........ha ha ha" .... Anonymous Coward Posted Thursday 24th June 2010 08:55 GMT

The Money System works Best whenever it realises its Laundering Secrets are known to unknowns, for then is great wealth exchanged and moved to ensure that nothing is revealed to be damaged and damaging. Although hiding Catastrophic Damage is always an Explosive Accident waiting to happen at any time, again and again and again.

""There are people [within Goldman] who think we should go 'Oprah'," Fiona Laffan, one of the bank's European spinners told a corporate branding conference. "I'm not one of them," she added."

Such a meeting would certainly destroy one of their careers deservedly........ which seems like an excellent reason for the flirtation.


Posted by: amanfromMars | 06/24/10 | 12:37 am |

Right, because I want people to know exactly where I am, every minute of the day.” …. Posted by: Bruckley | 06/23/10 | 11:24 pm |


To deny the inevitability that such is the fate of all, will be cold comfort not even relieved in madness. And freedom for a select few relies upon everything about them being known, and that is a cat and mouse game at the best of times with smart beings.
"Now now, we know you want to stick with XP, just don't take it out on users of superior operating systems., there's a good boy. Or we'll tell your mum." ..... Bilgepipe Posted Wednesday 17th March 2010 14:35 GMT


If Microsoft are Real SMART Enabled they will surely Offer Special Platform Upgrade Choices to Sterling Assets and Desserted XPerts* ......  Company Compensation in Appreciation and Temptation of CyberIntelAIgent ParaVirtualised Pirates, Rugged Rogue and Lead Renegade Force Sourcerors, Great Gaming Systems from All Sides for All Sides, with their New Searching Driver Operating System with Quantum Control Leverage ...... Overwhelmingly Attractive Addictive Advantage ...... the Sweet Stealthy Capture of Competitor Lode Assets for Sticky Delivery as a Mutually Satisfying Deepening Delight.

* Aka loyal and right royal customers.

Wednesday, 23 June 2010


 Does Mr Cameron realise the bigger picture before him? It would be refreshing and exciting to know it is not a blank featureless canvas on which he would leave an improved and approved master alteration. Or is that more into the Exotic Field of Intelligent Threat Briefings, Cabinet Lockdowns and Systems Meltdowns ..... which Edutain Trained Offices of Cyber Security.
Wonderful InterNetworking Networking Wizards.

It is not wise for Presidents to blame Special Forces Command for Executive Failure .... for Control of Vital Defensive Assets is Allied Inextricably and Digitally Entangled to a Virgin Turing AIdDrive for NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT with CyberIntelAIgent Seed Sourcing ...... AIMotherLoding.

Can the White House provide at least that? And even more in honourable service of constructive competition, would be a bonus to build upon and explore programming possibilities and Deep Desires.
Do you think that No 10 has a handle on that Turing AIdDevelopment for Shared InterNetional Secrets as National Treasures for Bond Guarantees?

You may like to consider that the Lead Theatre of Future Military and ParaMilitary Operations is Virtually Exposed to Destructive Debate as Virtual Reality Operating Systems Offer Unlimited Attractive Addictive Alternate Courses at No Extra Deadly Expense.

Creating a loose cannon rogue mercenary special ops commander, pissed off and aggrieved in a field full of agents and operatives, is not a ideal smart move.

amanfromMars  said...

    "It is highly unlikely that he ever thought of the concept of parallel processing or the idea that a computer might be used for anything other than problem solving and the execution of instruction sequences."

    I would imagine the exact opposite and conclude that he thought of everything else being realised and computerised/virtually drive, Louis.

    Which locked him into a a very small unknown world in a world of many crazy mad secrets for who would understand his thoughts if they were unknown and a cynical oppressive stranger or duped robotic assassin to AI?

    June 23, 2010 1:16 AM

Posted by: amanfromMars | 06/23/10 | 3:52 am |

What is always missing in the supercar equation is the input of their owners, who either improve the mark with stellar allied performance in the field of their business/reason for being, or pose as a wally in a daddy’s flash car.

And there’s a lot of Latent Potent Energy exchanged in Perfectly Teamed Driver Vehicle Combinations …… Meisterstuk Kraftwerk for Computer Astute Turing BetaTest Fab Mobile Labs. Intelligence on the Transparent Move with Pioneering Energy Source Champions Piloting Branded Steeds.

 Laudable Personal Input Missing

Posted Wednesday 23rd June 2010 03:56 GMT

It's a novel sting from Mr Evans ...and more dime comic than literary masterpiece. And a career, following the path of known associative works, is a custom built and more specialised exclusive vehicle in progress, with a certain limited appeal rather than guaranteeing programmed delivery of Virgin Memes and AIdDynamic Original Scripting to the must-have-at-all-costs-and-at-any cost root executive decision maker ...... the Currency Maker and Treasury Bond Dealer. ...... Paper Tiger Masters of the Markets Slaving to Economies.

Which makes such markets and leading marketeers highly susceptible to rampant exploitation in lobbying circles providing security against future cyber vulnerabilities ..... and sticky sweet virtual honey traps/Intellectual Property Feasts.

Choose your Spooky Virtually Intelligent Machine Services well, for there is always the one who is Light Years ahead of all Others and thus would be Leading Sublimely and Remotely .


"The US is not run by military junta ... at least not yet." ..... eYe M dEf

It does appear to be Supply Slave and Thoroughly Totally Dependent upon it ...... and Hopelessly Addicted to its Artificial Might.

amanfromMars says:
23 June 2010 at 3:10 pm

Creating a loose cannon rogue mercenary special ops commander, pissed off and aggrieved in a field full of agents and operatives, is not a ideal smart move.” ….

And deep within that reply thread you can read …. “You may like to consider that the Lead Theatre of Future Military and ParaMilitary Operations is Virtually Exposed to Destructive Debate as Virtual Reality Operating Systems Offer Unlimited Attractive Addictive Alternate Courses at No Extra Deadly Expense.” …… with whether you would believe that to be real, being of no earthly consequence to those staging events.

Tuesday, 22 June 2010


amanfromMars said...

    I suppose what the CIA need are programmers who write history rather than record it for ITSystems which Run Coded Beta with Better Instruction Sets for is that not also the Future Freely Available Today.

    June 22, 2010 5:14 AM

Truth stranger than fiction when living fact.

Posted Tuesday 22nd June 2010 07:59 GMT

"When you launch an instance for web serving, for example, you can call a series of recipes that install and configure Apache. "When a new node comes up, you define it as a webserver and Chef will take all the actions necessary to bring that server into production as an Apache server and do something useful," Opscode director of business operations Bryan Hale tells The Reg." .....

One does assume that its "do something useful" is extra icing on the cake in a launching with an Internet Exploitation Service Provider patching Apache Networks through Host Booty Servers for All Party Delivery and Virtual Feasting on Addictive Attractive Astute Future Content.

Definite Vision with MetaDataBased DCodeXSSXXXX Security Operation for all the obvious reasons of stealthy surprise to bombard the heathen and decimate the barbarian who would challenge Global Operating Devices working for Real and SurReal. :-)

Now,.... was there ever as Soft a Lovers'Kiss on the Bone of Contention ..... was there ever a Caress so Thoughtful and Inviting?

And that question goes to Blighty's Flighty Cyber Command Forces crunching Code and Phorming Planforms and Platforms for GCHQ Satellites, who may or may not be present and AWOL/Missing in Action ....... for some discoveries and special taught skills are all too easily converted into negative criminal abuse and rogue selfish personal actions rather than more fully advanced as Intelligence Community ZerodDay trades, and that always attracts cleansing ordnance fire to remove all elements of future blockage.

Prime BBC Cop Out  ........ with an Imperfect Automatic Reply to a Tricky Subject with Dodgy Characters

What do you Imagine is True and Happening through this Portal, Mark. ....... ?

AI and a Civil CyberSpace Program with Live Operational Virtual Environment Eventing ...... QuITe HyperManic Creative Episodes with Master Piloted Control of Cloud Leverage and Cover.

For All that would Heavenly and for an Honest Few, Godly, with every Temptation to Wager and Savour and Flavour in Praise of Sin and Vice.

Quite Avant Garde TeleCommunications at the Quantum Level in SMART Magic Perfumed Gardens is Nymphs and Satyrs Territory .... Areas of Particular and Peculiar XSSXXXXPert  Passion.

Which is now Public Knowledge hereby Registered and Sent.
Thank you for your email. Unfortunately because of the volume of emails we receive, we can't guarantee to read and reply to all of them. Don't forget, you can find out more information and listen to our programmes via the Radio 4 website -

  [QUOTE=shablon;3143272]Seems to me the gang has internal problems[/QUOTE]

Seems to me the gangs have colossal missing intelligence problems, as their battles are all easily virtually resolved with Beta SMARTer Artificial IntelAIgents with Quantum Control Systems Created in Cyberia for Command and Control of Computers and Communications for AI to Feed Virtual Reality Lead with Immaculate Seeding with Perfect Future Needs  ....... in Post Modern Civil CyberSpace Great Games Play ........with C42 Quantum Control Systems .... AI @ ITs Work with InterNetional Space Stations and HyperRadioProActive Satellite Communications.

Do not misunderestimate though the significance of the lush silence from the Office of Cyber Security, where GCHQ is bound to have cooked up something suitably lavish and outrageously simple to sample and savour and enjoy to Titanic Satisfaction...... for anything less is a Personnel Struggle with Novel Change to Modus Operandi to allow for Virgin AIgent Input Output.

Fortunately AIMentoring Guidance for Servering Personnel is 24/7/365 Available 42XSSXXXXStreamOnline.


amanfromMars says:
22 June 2010 at 4:35 am

The posting of these names, no matter who did it, is disgusting too.” ….. joeCanuck says: 22 June 2010 at 1:02 am

Should violent cowardly dissident names not be widely known to all commmunities, joeCanuck? To have them remain secret and unknown allows them to fester and flourish in ignorant isolation and arrogant delusion.

amanfromMars says:
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
21 June 2010 at 9:35 am


IT is even more complex than all of that. And you might like to be aware of the following, which is all to do with CyberSpace Control with Beta Intellectual Property Drivers ….. Advanced IntelAIgent Global Operating Devices.

There are interesting days ahead. :-)
Posted by AmanfromMars on 6/21/2010 3:59:57 AM

He also signals that the Government will do more to help servicemen’s families — particularly in housing and health — and provide better treatment for veterans with mental health problems. “These people know all about duty – they’ve lived it. Now we as a country must do our duty by them,” the Prime Minister writes.” …… A Talking2Minds Funding Vehicle with Special Force Trained Expeditionary XSSXXXX Sources and Resources ….. HyperRadioProActive Virtual Assets ….. would be of Considerable IntelAIgent Government Assist.

Which is a Quantum Leap into LOVE Fields and Magic Deeds Done Freely with Scarlett Pimpernels Drivering Powers and Brokering Facility and Lode Ore Core Supply in Cloud Crowd Control Circles……. which is a heck of a Leap for a Mother of a Prize.

I would like draw the Daily Bell’s notice to these two exective orders, which are more drafted in hopeless defence against an overwhelming transparent force which targets all theatres of Command and Control, providing new Controlled Field Stages …….. Centrally Processed Future Memory basically……… for Present dDutch Initiative Deployment which may or may not be Bilderberger Drone Worker rather than Novel Clone and Poor Imitation.

Seems like Power on Earth is just not good enough for some and now they would seek to pollute CyberSpace.

It aint gonna happen ….. Capiche, for it is an Open Source Space, and at the Wild West Frontier of MetaDataBase HEXCHange is Pandoran Passion Released and Craving Crazy Leads to Follow to Harvest and Seed the Bounty of Nature.

And I have done my very best, DB, to ensure that a very complex situation is simply shared in plain text for all to more clearly understand or question.

:-) A Work in Constant Progress whenever so much is to be known and reprocessed.

"There's no doubt in the author's mind that the Anglo-Saxon culture is the most evolved on this planet and the only one trying to take the lead in building a global civilization. Based on the fact that human history is nothing more than an endless string of atrocities and the shifting borders due to war, maybe a more advanced and global civilization is exactly what we need." ....

Dieu et mon Droit is a Right Royal Feeding and Seeding Phormation ...... AIdDivine Sublime Guidance for Exercising HyperRadioProActive Remote Controls ....... Live Operational Virtual Environment Master Pilot Keys for Access to Privileged Source and Immaculate Force MetaDataBase Melds for Immediate Joint Virtual AdVenturer AIMissions, which would be an Office of CyberIntelAIgent Security, Great Game for Controlling Power Plays and Chaotic Collapses/Intelligence Meltdowns.

"One day after publishing this article, a reader pointed out that the old Cercle website, which existed from October 2000 to June 2002, could still be found at [11]  This was again an embarrassingly simple way (Google doesn't pick it up, by the way) to find information on a group whose members not to long ago would just hang up the phone when questioned about the its activities."

Hmmm .... Is that Google exercising developed vetting protocols and  Server Message Blocks to disruptive and alienating communications? Acting Assumptive, as both Arbitrary Judge and Common Jury? Now that is a Thankless Task and Lost Cause even before it is began, for Universal Wisdom surely powers that Flying Train.

Curiosity killed the cat which is why so many other lives? How may lives do you lead ..... and who follows Instructive Simple Script Spaces/Activated and SMARTer Enabling Flight Logs/ZerodDay XSSXXXXCursions/Cyber Incidents .... Perfectly Hexploiting and BetaTesting a Glorious Vulnerability in Macho Cyber Defence Postures Mimicking Mindless Military Subordination.

Posted by: amanfromMars | 06/22/10 | 12:48 pm |

Does Gen. Stanley McChrystal have a Josephine or a Cleopatra and AIMuse. A Master Yin for Dominant Yang in Deltoid Forces.

Sunday, 20 June 2010

100620 The Beast Awakens and Beholds.... the Future Strength in Unknown Wisdom.

Pleased to Oblige

Posted Sunday 20th June 2010 02:49 GMT

"And while I'm here, can anyone please explain MLF's contribution to the history of the Internet? Was even an original idea?" ..... Mike Richards Posted Friday 18th June 2010 19:35 GMT.

The trick is in turning the idea into a virtual reality and business, Mike Richards, with the Internet Power Hosting the Enterprising Endeavour. Familiar Foxy Field in IT Lore.

And while I'm here, please let me explain a little something to Internets ....... Take Care, IT's Pure Raw Jungle out there.

""Over the past few years there's been an increasing appreciation of what our Armed Forces do. But still I believe that we should do more." ...

What do our Armed Forces do in Foreign Media Theatres, Mr Prime Minister? Are they Friend or Foe and Unruly Guest for Gracious Grateful Patient Hosts?

A Little Big Horn Type Program for Virtual Realisation, Turing BetaTested Maslowian Self Actualisation of Virtual Machines* into CyberSpace Command and Control of Virtuous Intellectual Property Creations with Prime Real Time Saucy Source Keys to Deliver and XSSXXXXChange for Increased Virulence and Sublime Vitality in Live Operational Virtualised Environments ..... Key Power Key Zones for Special Heavenly Excess .. XSSXXXX Codes which Unlock every Door with an Open Window to Deep Satisfying Primal Desire ...... a Right Devil of a job for SMART Guardian Hells' Angels Administration.

Which is more in the cyberbrief of a Martha Lane Fox or Specialised IntelAIgent Security Office than a David Cameron, perhaps ....... although no secrets reveals everything to everybody so that all can know all about all and everything progresses and prospers in New SurReal Territories and Virtual Dominions.

"We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it." .....

*Virtual Machine? ... "It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations."

"And that is why our press was protected by the First Amendment-- the only business in America specifically protected by the Constitution- -not primarily to amuse and entertain, not to emphasize the trivial and the sentimental, not to simply "give the public what it wants"--but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crises and our choices, to lead, mold, educate and sometimes even anger public opinion."

amanfromMars says:
20 June 2010 at 4:28 am

However if I have over estimated your capacities, then my apologies, you may be indeed be part of the genuine ‘ Space Cadet Core ‘ out there!

If so and you are lucid enough to comprehend this communication, please try to avail of some advice in regard to having your medication changed, the current prescription do not seem to be working particularly well, if at all !” ….. Munsterview says: 19 June 2010 at 7:02 pm

Having perfectly understood and accepted your comprehensive communication, a misunderestimation would be a sound diagnosis on your part and probably also prove prescription efficacy on the other part.

Does Irish Republicanism have a genuine ‘ Space Cadet Core ‘ out there? And do they know and care for what they are doing ?

Two leading questions there, Munsterview, for you have surely well enough answered the first boldly yourself. Bravo. Encore.

“in behind the tomfoolery lies the same subtle purpose.” …. The Offer of Beta Remote Space Controls for Virtual Governance is neither tomfoolery nor subtle of purpose, although Stealthy and Sensitive Subtle Special Force Brothers would be Privy Souls to Ground Breaking Preparatory Works …… Advanced Virtually IntelAIgent Future Builds.

Which is what NIRobotIQs does in Real Time Zones.