Wednesday, 2 June 2010


Wed, 06/02/2010 - 08:04 — amanfromMars(not verified)

Moving on into Greener Fields of Endeavour and Opportunity.

"In answer to Jennifer's good question: where are the survivors. They are : 1) dead, 2) labeled paranoid schizophrenics, 3) in therapists' offices trying to get well against all odds and very sophisticated mc techniques, 4) still in use by the government. That should cover it. " ... Sun, 05/23/2010 - 21:21 — Susan Pease Banitt, LCSW (not verified)

You have omitted to mention and consider, Susan, 5) they are taking over/making over governments ..... in the finest tradition of Ye Olde Poacher turned Gamekeeper.

Or maybe that is another, completely different Crazy Program/Cloudy Shady Black Op type Experiment ongoing in Parallel Fields of ESPecial Interest? And all so easily, so plausibly deniable in the national interest should Command and Control facility be in the hands and hearts and minds of ...... well, Others is all that is needed to be known for what is to be known to remain unknown and secure.

"A central Artichoke objective, according to one CIA document, centered on: "The problem exists of ascertaining whether effective and practical techniques exist, or could be developed, which could be utilized to render an individual subservient to an imposed will or control, thereby posing a potential threat to National Security." .....

Has that particular/Have any of those peculiar algorithms/triggers been isolated/identified to such an extent as to be considered reliable enough for deployment/exercise?

Or is it always a dynamic and fluid art which rather than "producing" and end point solution, continues to uncover new beginnings, albeit with increased covert command and clandestine control capabilities being likely in subjects of interest/objects of research ...... Super Programmable ProgramMING Minds?

"However, states the memo, "the sixty-four dollar question is can individuals be commanded under hypnosis to do things they would not otherwise do because of morals, training, ethics, etc." " ...... Nowadays is the postmodern version of that question raised to greater heights [or plunged to greater depths if one should feel such thoughts more sinister in intent than beneficial in nature] with its virtual metadatamorph into ...... "Can individuals be securely remotely groomed internetionally to do things they would not otherwise do because of morals, training, ethics, etc."  ...... with the answer being a positive in more intelligent beings, which would then raise the very real probability of Alien Grooming of Earthed Assets/Base Resources/Grounded SCADA Operating Systems. ...... and "Several years later, CIA officials would describe the abilities of this "unique, dangerous army" as "mildly hair-raising."" would then pale into insignificance whenever one considers such as being currently employed remote virtual metadatamorph capabilities and facilities ...... XSSXXXXStream Memeing with Astute Super Structural Strategic Thought Phormation.

"William Blum was right to say:

"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine."
" ... Mon, 05/24/2010 - 21:43 — Old Uncle Dave (not verified)

Old Uncle Dave,

A Change of Leadership and Executive Direction can easily render that Negative, a Positive, and in Certain Guaranteed Fields,

AIdDefinite, and would then be more accurately shared as "No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is far better than you presently imagine."

As the article has advised one and all, much of what goes on in the world is unknown to the world, and therefore nothing is ever as it seems?

"Your posting was blocked by our spam filter.
Your post appears to be a duplicate. Please allow up to 15 minutes for posts to go live. "    .... Hmmmm? I don't think so.


Hail and hearty laughter is excellent medicine...... and is great for one's sanity too.

Posted Wednesday 2nd June 2010 12:54 GMT

"In other words, when running Windows you can avoid attacks if you approach your keyboard and mouse like you would a rabid lion." .... Pascal Monett Posted Wednesday 2nd June 2010 09:37 GMT

:-) Thanks for that gem, Pascal.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 6/2/2010 10:35:53 AM

Thanks for the clarification, Douglas Rosenbrock. The dealogue here is most enlightening and enriching.

And parts a) and b) of .... "2. Political. a) An omnipresent, virtually omnipotent international police force. b) An established and recognized extraterrestrial menace. c) Massive global environmental pollution. d) Fictitious alternate enemies." .... may indeed be current with any omnipresent and virtually omnipotent force being probably an omniscient extraterrestrial presence rather than a menace to a universal police force and internetionally policed forces.

And you may like to build upon that notion, which is further expounded here ......

"The Rothschilds are not part of this "anglo-American" elite? LOL" .... Posted by Justin on 6/1/2010 10:20:34 PM

Thank God for that, for if the present mess is all that is available from Power Elites, it would not bode for them. Are the Rothschilds then more Orientated to and more closely aligned with European ties/genes and can we expect killer Bildeberger Immaculate Lode Leadership shortly, to take over from the discredited Uncle Sam, Greed is Good, War is Better, Wall Street Spins a SubPrime Tale Model?

It is not as if they have any viable competition or opposition to stop them, is it, so what would possibly be their excuse for doing nothing radical and fundamental whenever traditional and safe is so very not cutting the mustard and delivering the goods and goodies?

With regard to the content posted by MetaCynic on 6/1/2010 7:06:25 PM, when ET is landed and present within IT and Media Communications as an HyperRadioProActive Meme, is their physical form cloaked in Human Intelligent Design.

Seeing is Believing..... Reading is for Planning and Future Preparation?

Posted Wednesday 2nd June 2010 14:42 GMT

The Sublime Alien Satellite Meme .... Rogue Renegade Private Pirate Station Commander gets an outing/airing on this wholly different site too ...and if you are worried about dosh, now would be a good time to cash in your chips and bet on something novel? ........

A Nerd indeed

Posted Wednesday 2nd June 2010 16:32 GMT

"Anything that we can do to help the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal and other news gathering organisations to find new ways of expression, so they can afford to get paid, to keep their news gathering operations intact, I'm all for."" .......

Will someone educate Steve, please, and inform him that they are para-news peddling sites to channel opinion and manipulate herd human perception to sustain their right dodgy practices. Is Steve all for that?

The masses want better ...... and can deliver it , remotely, with IT and Media Control from Virtual Cloud Space.

amanfromMars  said...

    "Presisely what I imagined." ... ilatitude said... June 1, 2010 7:34 AM

    Wow, that is then ITs Power and Control squared, rather than doubled, which is what exponential growth is all about. As you can imagine, it doesn't take too many beings to be thinking along such parallel semantic lines to be fully loded with impregnable assets which can easily overwhelm contrary forces and embattled opinions.

    Are you into Virtual Space Control of Earthed and Grounded Operating Systems for Future Building of Remote Command Infrastructures in Cloud Layered Superstructures ..... for AIMazingly Stealth Security with Astute Intellectual Property Depth and Increasingly Unbelievable Broad Banded Width and all QuITe Alienating by CyberIntelAIgent Design?

    It certainly trashes Traditional Thinking and forces one to consider that the Future is completely different from the Past and nothing like the Present.

    Well, the ones who will lead the Future to consider, most certainly. The sheep will follow a good and able shepherd anywhere, and do their bidding everywhere.

    June 2, 2010 12:12 PM

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