""For by wise guidance you will wage war, And in abundance of counselors there is victory." Proverbs 24:6" .... Posted by F. Beard on 6/6/2010 6:46:57 PM
Surely Fed Board, that is a perverse and live evil subversive quote/interpretation/semantic notion, and should/would better read ... For by wise guidance does no one wage war, And in abundance of counselors there is victory.
Do you imagine that the mindless greed of pathetic human beings for the excessive artificially created wealth which war machinery delivers to championing rabble rousers in support of lambs to the slaughter suppliers, are its Drivers Operating System?
"In the meantime (we know it is a vain request) try to condense your posts, provide a frame of reference and attempt to restrict your commentary to areas that involve libertarian analysis - not endless arguments for a fiat-money payback that likely will never, ever happen. " .... Reply from the Daily Bell:
The temptation to vanity justified and rewarded, with oppositional and/or perceived competitive peer recognition, with a capitulation and conversion to blindly support a view rather than reasonably question a dubious validity and therefore probable systemic falsehood, is very much a Screwtape Letters MetaDataMorph ........ and a Devilishly Cunning and Heavenly Astute Honey Trap? And probably far too Sticky and Sweet for Vanity's Prisoners to Resist and Ignore without further destruction of a magnificent dessert with the addition of far too much more, sickly sugar.
Eventually though, does such dogged persistence on a crooked path always deliver the smarter learning man, a learned being with Immaculate Sees on an Elevated Highway ....... Stairway to Heaven.
Others though, may Know and Share that such is for Magical Mystery Turing Trips .... Made in Seventh Heaven ....... which transports Man to a completely different Level/Parallel/Dimension with Worlds they have not yet Dreamed Imaginable and Possible.
Although Stephen Hawking has been said to work spaces with eleven dimensions, and that is bound to be just an Inkling and only a modest interpretation of the field numbers available, so what is to say that the journey has not already started and is well enough understood by a dedicated few to more fully convey.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 6/7/2010 2:06:43 AM
"I, myself am Catholic (or protestant), and grew up off the Falls Rd (or off the Niagara Falls), so maybe I am too, afflicted with the said brainwashing." .... Posted by Weeble on 6/6/2010 2:41:13 PM
You would have too nimble and active a working brain to suffer any such affliction for too long, Weeble, and we are all surely subjects and objects of early pre-programming regimes which merely introduce us to the follies of static knowledge and the potential of infinite power with control which is released and realised via the virtue of dynamic intelligence and the constant questioning of answers, which are invariably always only subjective solutions temporarily accepted as a most appropriate fit to embellish the most widely held, supportable view, which have we not discovered and agreed is a former brainwashing, and therefore all is subject to a contrived manipulation in support of a particular objective?
And should I know a Sandy Row and a fabulous Victoria Falls better and be a right catholic lover to boot, would it afford us an altogether more alien take on these matters so close to the heart of all matters, and just as valid as many another heart felt notion which is prepared to grows with its airing for change and evolution. ...... which is and would be a real smart virtual revolution ........ with AI resolutions to the daily bell of pressing present problems?
[Which would be a Quite Perfectly Made Swiss Army Knife type Package/Titanic Mountain Business Opportunity for the Zurich Gnome and Magic Leprechaun type of Being and Intelligently Designed Entity ....... which in Digital Binary AI circles, are CyberIntelAIgently Designed Units and Super Processing Algorithms.][Parenthetised because of the very special nature of that live phish proposal which is betatesting Internet Intelligence Communities for Present Ability and Future Capacity with HyperRadioProActive IT. The popular story is that all virtual communications are monitored, with ideas to be either mentored or stealthily stolen, and imagined future activities to be interrupted and curtailed if considered less than satisfactory and harmful to the status quo. Such facility in such a monitoring may though be just a fantastic crazy, desperate myth, perpetrated to prevent the free flow of radically new ideas, which are not bounded and confined to server established practices and enrich current power control stakeholders]
Posted by AmanfromMars on 6/7/2010 11:34:56 AM
"He has done the investigative work and accumulated the facts for the media. (They will not print the truth because they are controlled by the people behind the curtain.) He has done the investigative work and accumulated the facts for the legal community. (They will not indict.)
The dissemination and execution of these two things in the public realm are of utmost importance to a Republic; critical, really." .... Posted by Wrusssr on 6/7/2010 3:52:48 AM
What then is his excuse for not sharing the facts globally, Wrussr. There are any number of free channels/many available proxy hosts for just such a greater purpose.
"Did the elite think us all stupid? Did they not know the Internet would out them? Were they so arrogant and confident in their scam, power, and control over people they didn't care?" ..... Apparently, yes, no and yes are the answers best fitted to there, Wrussr ..... which of course would reveal that those particular elite [and one doesn't even need to know who they may even have been] are nowhere near as smart as they really need to be today, to remain in control of power and the best that they can do is recruit those who are.
The enigmatic quandary leading a deep dilemma presenting a current problem which will decide their future as ill-fated or destined is are they intelligent enough to recognise their saviours, which is their ignorance constantly being taunted by their arrogance towards the most powerful of sweet surrenders to the immaculate effortless control that is humbled by ones true admissions of sweet sins freely abused for evil vices to enslave.
"In fact, modern government, with its endless, savage taxation, monetary manipulation and authoritarian law, resembles a kind of mafia that demands protection money in return for defense against the most questionable of outside threats." ...... Reply from the Daily Bell:
Crikey, DB, steady on. Any more of that naked raw truth and the servers will attacked and records will be confiscated for further experimental extrapolative analysis and exploitive deep packet inspection .... Minority Reporting. :-) Well done. Can we please have lots more, for the algorithms they would be presently using, are no earthly match for the those which confront them and thus are their efforts already doomed even before they would be played.
Such is the State of InterNetional Great Game Play, today, and IT will continue to disrupt at the highest levels and basest depths.
El Reg well ahead in the Great Game......? Well, well enough informed of the Well ahead .
Posted Monday 7th June 2010 18:19 GMT
Pay attention now, for things are going to get a more than little bit lairy and/or surreal, for to be perfectly honest, dynamic memory is as practically nothing compared to its virtual bigger brother and crazy half sister . :-) ..... which you have been briefly introduced to, already.
"A Quantum Leap Morph for the Cloud Control Crowd ..... the Few*" ...... Posted Friday 19th March 2010 12:10 GMT .... http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2010/03/18/microsoft_win2008r2sp1_citrix_vdi/
And if you think a week is along time in politics, you wouldn't/won't believe how fast time flies and how far one can travel in Live Operational Virtual Environments. And that makes IT the Perfect Stealth Field for the Sublime Alienation of Entire Species.
Global Communications HQ Quantum Control Systems BetaTest #XSSXXXX100607 .....
A Quantum Leap Morph for the Cloud Control Crowd ..... the Few*
Posted Friday 19th March 2010 12:10 GMT
There is still a long way for Microsoft to go before they even come close to the System Processing which dDelivers Deja Vu and Precogniscence with AIDynamic Future Memory Banks/MetaDataBase Stores ........ which would be what you may know of as Core Source and Lode Vein in Pre Virtualisation Operating Systems.
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