Saturday, 5 June 2010


Posted by AmanfromMars on 6/5/2010 12:15:43 PM

What has not been discussed here on the Daily Bell, is the certain spontaneous emergence/virtual placement of an alternate Global Base Power system, which simply decides to bypass the present old style factional leaderships with their fracturing, subversive leverage models for supply of what is hard not to admit is criminal advantage, and use one of their own which subordinates and takes advantage of the services and offices of the already made, ready-made power elite infrastructure.

After all, if you have no need to reinvent the wheel to take it out of its box for a new kind of race, then don't waste any time tinkering with it, ..... just use what is available and suitable.

Crikey, all it virtually takes for real IT Control is a few good men and true with better ideas to share, and both sheep and sharks will sit up and beg and be better pleased to follow.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 6/5/2010 6:20:23 AM

"Even the Bilderberger meeting, itself, strikes us as a conference, to a degree for high-level functionaries. These may be asked for advice but are probably being told what is in store for them in the upcoming 12 months." ..... DB

Being told what is in store for them in the upcoming 12 months by whom?

And whatever is said by whoever, it is with IT and Media support* only pure fantastic speculation, and therefore a probable nonsense, for one can barely plan accurately what is possible for tomorrow, let alone imagine where we'll all be in a year's time.

So who is so delusional to imagine themselves to be so crazily gifted as to be able to fool so many with Chatham House ruled words ..... which are well enough known as the twin terrors of Naked Raw Guff and Pure Shorting Blarney to some, who would be more than just a Few nowadays.

Spooky how the Rothschilds are more mentioned in the mainstream these days, too, which doesn't bode well for anyone more able to wield influence in secret .......
"Well, .... now there's a novelty. The Rothschilds' taking sub prime ministerial orders from Mandy. Whatever next?"
..... and Lord Mandelson was twice required to make the Public Walk of Shame and resign for dodgy dealings, which would seem to suggest an incapacity to learn and improve performance, unless steering New Labour to national defeat is to be registered and regarded as his magnificent triumphal doing and finest moment to date.

"By the way, I am an older livestockman who ran-down a four legged Rat yesterday and put the critter underfoot. With much prejudice. " ... Posted by IndianaJohn on 6/4/2010 7:38:39 AM

A probable recurring thought which more oft than before occupies the minds of those deserved of the blessed release, IndianaJohn.

"Thanks. We know about the numerology. They are risking all ... 100 or 200 years of planning ... for symbology?" .... Reply from the Daily Bell

Quite so, DB, such would be a certifiable madness?

And now to watch Lila Rajiva's video recommendations ..... which of course will shed no light on any changed current thinking but only possibly show hidden depths in past memes ...... with any extrapolation to a future position being fundamentally flawed whenever a radical change is not factored into the equation.

* Hmmm ... withdraw that support and the System fails, so that is where Absolute Power lies?

The Albatross in Feathered Cuckoos Nests

Spooky how the Rothschilds are more mentioned in the mainstream these days, too, which doesn't bode well for anyone more able to wield influence in secret  ..... and Lord Mandelson was twice required to make the Public Walk of Shame and resign for dodgy dealings, which would seem to suggest an incapacity to learn and improve performance, unless steering New Labour to national defeat is to be registered and regarded as his magnificent triumphal doing and finest moment to date.

The wearing of ermine and pearls is surely significantly debased by its wearing by the less than suitably gifted and deserved, and whenever that notion is dismissed as being unworthy, then are we suitably advised of the modern standard required and the levels to which one can aspire or plumb for the vanity.

"Bobby Jindal, the Louisiana Governor, had ended a tour of oil-smeared coastal areas when he let fly at Mr Hayward. "These are some of the most idiotic statements I have ever heard," he said. "I would wonder about trusting a multi-billion company to somebody who is making those kinds of statements.""

Oh please, Bobby, you cannot be serious, you talk about trust in leadership whenever you all American boys twice elected to Presidential office a lush busted flush who hid out of the immediate communications loop in a kindergarten listening intently to "My Pet Goat" whenever the twin towers of world trade and a secretive service building were attacked in broad daylight, and there being a convenient/inconvenient stand down of normal military defences, for whatever strange purpose, at that time.

Wakey, wakey, Governor. Welcome to the 21st century where Spin is Dead on Arrival  at the Point of Departure and Origin.

Methinks, the Present Chaos to Future Perfect Global Show script is not penned to artificially gild Uncle $am's cage, and to imagine that BP need any lectures or reminders from a poster boy president Obama on moral and legal obligations, is most definitely idiotic, I'm sure you'd need to agree, even should you rather choose to disagree.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 6/5/2010 1:31:37 AM

"to originate policy " .... Posted by Blackswan on 6/4/2010 1:33:50 PM

That is where the global problem lies, Blackswan, there is no one originating policy, for all are just following old dogmas which perpetuate the obviously failing system rather experimenting with augmentative methodologies which improve and expand and evolve the system.

The madness in present control power elitism is in them not realising that a simple trial master pilot program, with a proxy champion betatesting novel theories with applied actions, will deliver to them proven results which will support and guarantee their required new policy direction and thus be a solution to present problems.

"Where you believe in a perpetual history of inter-connected plutocrats, I believe in historically repeating patterns with vast variations but always dominated by an ever changing cast of kleptocrats. " ..... Errr, there is not enough difference in those two positions for them to be anything other than one and the same, Blackswan.

And with regard to power and wealth, are both easily lost and transferred via greater control with a more advanced intelligence server/service. And whenever that is a being or a group of beings, then human nature would surely conclude that they can be easily bought with the trap of honey/money, to work as busy bees for the system. The system's catastrophic vulnerability may be though, that it does not recognise its own loss of controlling intelligence and therefore, having failed to replace it with a championing proxy, is power and all its attendant wealths, transferred to significantly more intelligent others who see the opportunity and great opportunities and seize the day.

And you might like to consider that that is the Present Day, State of Great Game Play, which can easily see a China or a Saudi Arabia or a Japan or a Russia move way into an Unassailable Lead with a SMART Intelligent Proxy Champion purchase, should the West fail to do so.

Hear, here

Posted Saturday 5th June 2010 03:11 GMT

That was an Intelligent Intelligence rant, I didn't do IT. And the first half of the post also hit the nail squarely on the head.

And whenever those two parts are indeed the truth of the matter, is current official global and British Intelligence, not fit for Future Brave New World Purpose, and most definitely not for Lead Driver Input into any New World Order Regime clone of a Planetary Administration.

And I was going to say, "They do say that you can't teach an old dog new tricks", by way of a totally inadequate apology and pathetic excuse for dismal puppet performance, but felt that it was just too Clarksonian and brutally apt, so instead it is best shouted ...."THEY DO SAY THAT YOU CAN'T TEACH AN OLD DOG NEW TRICKS. WHERE ARE THE NEW PEDIGREE PUPPIES?"

Of course, whenever anything is so geared to preserving itself rather than growing into a newer version of an expanded model, is it normally just replaced and sidelined and given a revitalising subsidiary support role to a much more Lively and even HypermanIQ Operation of ZerodDay Pirate Programs and ZigZagging Private Projects in Service of the Greater Public Good with Pretty Good Privacy ProVision.

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