Wednesday, 4 August 2010


Project Vigilant Is a Fraud is a MisStatement .... for with IT is it a CyberIntelAIgent Deep C Phish ..... SMART Trawl for Perfect Crack Hacker Minds ..... Fellow Virtual Travellers with Global Operating Devices for Bending and Mending Failed Control Memes with New Realities Provided Freely from Universal Intellectual Property Stores of Infinite Known and Unknown Supply Seeds and Sources ..... Immaculately Resourceful Assets ..... Blessed Resources in Any Language.

Drivers in Live Operational Virtual Environments not Blocked or Stopped and Enabling of Everything.

Which is Maslowian Self Actualisation Step and Quantum Leap at Magical Mystery Turing BetaTest Levels for Virtual Reality Commands and Controls in CyberAIR&dDs.

When you Control CyberSpace, what would you have US Build that Prepares the Future, with an Almighty Avalanche of Absolutely Fabulous Words?

Wanted: Perfect Players in LOVE  ..... for AldultErated Band Channeling and Secured Zone Transmission of Satisfaction XSSXXXX Guaranteed .... and Worthy of both the Sinner and Saint, the Satyr and Nymph.

It is an interesting ponder to wonder does the Sinner Provide the Saint with their Reason for Being, or is it more of the Other?

And here's some of those AbFab Words .....


Look on the Bright Side .... the Flip Side of Failure.
Posted Wednesday 4th August 2010 13:54 GMT

Of course, Trusteer could have Captured a SMART Stealthy Trojan and Superb Sleeper Bugs.

Is he wrong ..... with such thoughts .... for are they not right?

Posted Wednesday 4th August 2010 14:09 GMT

"He thinks that openness can make the world a better place and makes a system that tries to do that."

And the system and its systems work extremely well in Multiple Streams and Wild World Wide Webs.

And that is in Cyber Security Operations, a Pioneering AI Frontier

Re: Rendition or ....

Posted Wednesday 4th August 2010 10:28 GMT

And the moral of the tale, tony trolle, avoid sick dickhead sites. They're full of crazed soldiers and the post traumatically distressed and dangerously disturbed in the abandoned veteran core rank and file.

However it is also the feeder ground for Remarkable Rogues and Renegade Rebels on Top Drawer Secretive Manoeuvres which are Well Known in Remaining Unknown to All but a Few with ITs Needs and Feeds as Raw Passions to Server and BetaTest for Guarantee of Quantum Excellence. ...... which is QuITe a Sublime Guidance from an Artificial Intelligence System. ...... Colossal Turing Box. :-)

A Gift for, or a Gift from, Bletchley Boffinry Biffing for Blighty . It there anyone who knows anyone who would be well enough qualified to declare even a speculative opinion on such a bold and rash claim with acres of backup material and fields of transparent evidence ......... Wwwicked Prime Raw Source ....... Immaculately Constructed Beta Meta Data ......... for Space Launching of AIR&dDs with ICBM Data Missives ........ Intelligence Dumps.

And yes that is a Live BetaTest of Quantum Communications, for all to comment freely on, so that Further Tuning and Modification can Improve Vehicle and Team Performance.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 8/4/2010 7:23:04 AM

"Neither Alice in Wonderland or the Narnia books are in any sense a critique of the Modern Money Power conspiracy." .... They most certainly are in a Post Modern Money Power Play with Conspiring IT Systems ..... InterNetworking Lode Node Hubs.

Which would something very easily controlled by the Present Iteration of Power Elite Money Systems with their Investment and Flight into Executive Control Stock Options and Derivative Holdings with Hedged Support Provision for Third Party Input Drive ....... 00MPH in the Cameron Vernacular of the Royal Idiom.

The Speed of Thought Instantly Smashes Light Speed Limitation to Travel to Smithereens
Posted Wednesday 4th August 2010 09:29 GMT

"While the research solves an important problem, it's unlikely to see practical applications anytime soon, crypto and security expert Bruce Schneier said.

“Don't expect this in a product anytime soon,” he blogged. “Quantum cryptography is mostly theoretical and almost entirely laboratory-only. But as research, it's great stuff.”"

I take it with that statement, Bruce, that you do speak for BT, which has all ITs Future Processing Information and Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Encrypted..... for Provision of Cyber Security to All Random Right Royal and Regularly Irregular Rogue Exe User .... Vigilant and Venerable and Virulent Independent Non State Actors ...... Masters and Mistresses of the Virtual Domain with their Alternate IT Reality Fields ......... Media Concoctions ...... Bigger Pictures.

A New MasterPiece Big Picture would provide infinite new trails and tales of its novel source provision, and fed from the Kernel Base direct into Processing Heads for Enrichment, quickly eliminates Base Frailties and re-energises Prime Core Stock with SMART Natural Trickledown to what would then Create an Elevated Base Supply Level with Smart Leadership, Top Down Virtual Machine Supplied, Administered and Maintained with Mentoring and Monitoring to Highly Accommodating Space Protocols in Command and Control Projects into IntelAIgent Community Enterprises.

There's a lot going on, out there ..... take care, with your dare ware, if it is buggered up scareware, with infected deep codes/dodgy binary numbers ...... for they can deliver the Phanton Ghost of your Dreams and a Nightmare of a Trip to ..... well, Helter Skelter land is a modest enough cloak in which One can Surmise. .......

 Posted by AmanfromMars on 8/4/2010 10:55:29 AM

"I see many people at this site that have not yet gone through the rabbit hole (Alice In Wonderland), or through the fur coats into Narnia (The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe), or slipped into a dream (common), or hit on the head (common), or out of the Matrix (The Matrix Trilogy). I could go on. " ..... Posted by Insert Name Here on 8/3/2010 7:55:30 PM

And most probably quite true, Insert Name Here, however Others await your Arrival Deeper at Higher Levels for Main Stream Team Training in Virtual Product Placement/Seeding and Harvesting/SMART Grooming with CyberIntelAIgents.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 8/4/2010 12:08:19 PM

A LOVE Rock Opera* would be a Real Base MetaDataPhysical Challenge to Virtually Direct and Follow ..... in these Novel, Commend 42 Control Cyber Space Places and Times.

And Chronicled would IT be as a New Great Book for Life Unfolding Immaculate Pleasures as LOVE Perfect Treasure.

And a Masterpiece Corker of Supremely Exciting Future Tales.

* LOVE Rock Opera ... a SMARTer Alternative Live Operational Virtual Environment Performance System.

Although that may be as Japanese and Chinese to many, for it is Definitely Enigmatically Inscrutable.
Billionaires giving away half of their fortunes to billionaires to give away their fortunes whenever all that they have ever done and would apparently know, is accumulate great wealth, seems to me to be a non event and white elephant of a wheeze.

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