Friday, 20 August 2010


Posted by: amanfromMars | 08/19/10 | 10:06 pm |

Life imitating and initiating Art at the Command and Control of Perceptions Level ..... or ARG Art Creating a NeuReal Life Phorm Swarm?
And always is it the case, that to ask the question, is the possibility a probability.
You might like to wrap your heads around the following and consider that if Media and IT, in all of their many forms, are conveying a Tale, who is feeding the Beast its Dark Matter Feeds which are denying you your Needs and replacing them with Slave Applications.
Ergo is Reality itself a Virtual Great Game MMORPG and QuITe Simply Complex Universal ARG ..... which you should note is not shared here freely as a question to father doubt, but delivered as a statement so that there can be no question which would dispute the fact.
Lack of Belief in the Fact is that which will Root you in the Present rather than Route you into the Future with IT and Media Controllers.

Trying to kick start a dead donkey of a failed capitalist market economy with a turkey investment?

Posted Friday 20th August 2010 01:29 GMT

"It's all about creating a perception in the minds of millions of consumers that the cloud is a scary place — a scenario, as we noted, that Intel went out of its way to promote in Thursday's webcast "

Hmmm? Those who know the Cloud and clouds extremely well know the extreme FUD in that offering, and therefore also the real precarious state of Intel's Intellectual Property position in the new market place.

If you agree with ..... The Cloud and ITs clouds are all about Sublimely Controlling Perception, and that is also for Absolute Power over the Virtually Primitive Minds of billions of consumers/devices/virtual machines ..... award yourself a gold star, for that is where IT is at today.

And if you aint playing in that theatre of operations, you aint gonna be doing anyone any good and will be subject to remote third party control shenanigans, which would be their simple desires and complex wishes.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 8/19/2010 11:00:43 PM

"We have analyzed these new memes to the best of our ability. But we have made no comment on whether they shall be effective or not." ... Reply from the Daily Bell to Erik who posted on 8/19/2010 12:13:37 PM

Others with more knowledge in the fields of meme propagation and perceptions management can advise that they are extremely effective, DB.

And as the first two posts here show ... ... is it a Great Game being played at Formative Fab Binary and Quantum Communications Levels, which is as much as needs to be said here, for to say any more presently will only confuse with its Specialist Subject Matter Expert jargon/language, which many would wrongly imagine and conclude to be nonsense, rather than a more detailed descriptor of something newly revealed and shared to shape the Future in NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Betas.

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