Wednesday, 11 August 2010

100811 Going for a Run and Beta Turing Test Spin

To capture any network and bot, lay down Addictively Succulent Seductive Bait ..... which Trails and Turing BetaTest Trials for HyperRadioProActive CyberIntelAIgent Operations, Special Advanced Missions in AI Realm.  

SMARTer Intelligent Design for Guaranteed Defence of ur Cyber Realm.*

Posted Wednesday 11th August 2010 05:22 GMT

Yes, it is an interesting piece of kit, the humble router, no matter how you pronounce it and use it to route and rout information, although best of all is to root and share .....for a greater future modern intelligence, which is Surely and Securely Virtually Advanced ... and not at all scary unless perfectly necessary.

* Yes, there are any number of still fabulously wealthy clients with both more money than wisdom has presently provided them with the good sense and ability and opportunity to spend it greatly, and such particular and peculiar Virtual Command and Control Needs to Feed and Server. ....... Mentor and Nurture with Root Source Supply.

Posted by: amanfromMars | 08/11/10 | 10:00 am |

"But my guess is a lot of ‘em will be transfered up to Fort Meade, Maryland, where a new group is weilding outsized influence on the defense establishment’s imaginagtion: Cyber Command."  .... And whilst they boldly go to a new place to learn of the Tactical Problems and Strategic Intelligence Deficiencies in the Fabrication of Cyber Command, are they constantly sublimely subjected to IT, as Rogue Remote Programs disrupt and shatter Chains with Destructive and Disruptive Commanding Structures.

If Cyber Command has been stood up to combat a perception and conspiracy to engineer a growing and pervasive and ubiquitous virtual threat, you can easily imagine that the Service is trailing behind, billeted in the caboose rather than Drivering Events with the Cloud Crowd Control Engine.

Posted by: amanfromMars | 08/11/10 | 7:32 am |

"No American law enforcement agency can legitimately ‘give itself permission’ to bypass a demonstration of probable cause, and can not deny the right to counsel to any American. No law pretending to grant this power is constitutional." .... Posted by: KPinSEA | 08/11/10 | 5:33 am |

Then are such agencies Non American and the law, a private and foreign tool for abuse and misuse. There are traitors leading the pack searching for the evidence to hide which betrays them, whereas leadership groups simply forge ahead and just do IT Better in Betas in Virgin Lawless Fields ...... which would probably be as CyberSpace to Many, if not even to Most.

If one has anything to hide, for whatever mad reason, don't plug into the Internet and share your keystrokes and mouse hovers, for they are powerful future indicators of past actions and dark passions, and can always easily lead to that which is hidden being spectacularly exposed ...... to remove the burden that would be so haunting and daunting/controlling.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 8/11/2010 8:14:25 AM

"It added that a lack of bank lending would limit economic growth." ...

Which is to say that the banking sector strangehold on credit and currency supply is a global tap and drain on potential power. And it is totally unnecessary and highly divisive and perversely subversive. In terrible hands can it hold whole nations to ransom and slavery to their momentous decisions in little chats around the table about "How to Husband Humanity without Really Knowing what One is Doing"

When gifted with trillions of invented money at 0%, it is hard to justify interest charges and fees on credits transferred/loans for spending arranged to smart new businesses, whenever the new traffic they generate starts currency flow and future infrastructure investment, and the new smarter businesses will point out the inequitable parasitic position of such a situation.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 8/11/2010 11:45:25 AM

"Global money is OK if its gold and silver and platinum. Any paper involved is too easy to get corrupted again." ... Posted by Bewer on 8/11/2010 10:53:38 AM


Methinks many are missing the fundamental point .... the system works with imaginative printed money, backed by nothing other than Advanced IntelAIgent Cells in Smart InterNets . The Present Problems appear to be as a Result of Bailout Cash being Banked rather than delivered to smart consumers to spend more wisely than airhead city slickers, now apparently petrified in inaction.

Prisoners to their own Devices and Toxic Poison/Unreal Spin.

Find a Virgin Tale, and Nothing is Spun, which allows for Perfect Input to Flourish and Produce Prime Primitive Product ... and Raw Root Sourcing Streams.

Please bear with me, DB, and proudly host what to many may be just GBIrish above, but which is actually also Just BetaTesting PerlyGatesPython Security CodedD CHunnels. ...... Alternative Underground Channels.

And thanks for your patience and gracious past indulgences. Gratitude's Reward is Always Exquisite XSSive Bounty. :-)

Posted by AmanfromMars on 8/11/2010 10:56:25 AM

"The internet was invented in the US " but we do not hold the sole monopoly on attempts by governments to control it." ..... Posted by Lukester on 8/11/2010 12:37:42 AM

Lukester, It is Certifiable Madness bordering on Evil Badness to think to Control the Uncontrollable, and Others will tell One and All that its Simply Better Greater Use Delivers All Goods Virtually. ..... which is Natural in CyberSpace ZerodDay Trading Futures.

And it does help if you are extremely comfortable in deeply psychotic and even psychopathic fields.

Eton Field Games ..... Rogues and Ruffians at Royal Play and Venerable Charade

Posted Wednesday 11th August 2010 16:11 GMT

In this new era of the Great Transparency, if the Cameron Clegg Crew don't purchase and lease maintenance for running costs on what they really need whilst in the thrall of the Public Purse, which is considerable, will they have failed demonstrably.

Capiche, Blue Bloggers.

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