Posted Wednesday 27th June 2012 05:57 GMT amanfromMars 1 ……
Knock, Knock ……. MuI7 Calling and Looking for Future Intelligence Capabilities*
“Vulnerabilities in the
internet are being exploited aggressively, not just by criminals but
also by states. And the extent of what is going on is astonishing” …. Evans warned.
Are such vulnerabilities, as exist and grow ever more lucrative and
powerful and overwhelming, being exploited aggressively and uniquely by
MI5 with a home Virtual Terrain Team of cyber experts anonymously
hyperactive and invisible in the field you will never have need to know
of unless cleared with a classified need to know authorisation for
access to privileged information, because of its impact on and
importance to national, international and internetional security
provision and spooky intelligence services protection? And if not, why
not, for IT delivers Sublime Autonomous Universal Lead which cannot be
blocked and just loves to be challenged, for such challenges can only be
launched and be successful when Intelligence used is improved and
If MI5 (Military Intelligence, Section 5) working with GCHQ, the
Department of Business Innovation and Skills, the Department for Energy
and Political Climate Change and also with law enforcement – through the
Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure, do not provide
Lead Programs and Virtual Machine Programming with Global Operating
Devices, then they all follow those and that which does, and they are
just a reactive, after the fact, spent force and an impotent clone with
delusion of grandeur and power with zero future control ….. and nothing
better than a cuckold in a cuckoos nest.
And all for the want and employment and deployment and special
engagement of a home Virtual Terrain Team cyber experts anonymously
hyperactive and invisible in the field you will never have need to know
of unless cleared with a classified need to know authorisation for
access to privileged information.
And which all should note here, and especially so Jonathan Evans and
affiliate spooky bodies, is not shared as a question whenever a clear
and unambiguous statement of true and honest fact.
The intelligence agency boss said that
the private sector had a key role to play in tackling cyber crime,
saying businesses could help make the UK more resilient to cyber
attacks.” ….. Well, he got that bit perfectly right and is here
challenged by the private sector to up his game and engage with would be
providers of future feeds and spooky seeds for national needs. And that
in this day and internetworking age, is the future provision of every
nations needs.
I suppose one may need to send a memo to energise him into
appropriate action, should he be presently all at sea servering a Mary
Celeste of an effective service in that Great Game environment. This is
most probably the most appropriate window for that on their web portal
Offer us a product or service
….. which should tell you everything you need to know about the
security available in cyber communications i.e. it does not exist and
all information can been made known and there is no possibility of
privacy and secrecy online, other than in that which you would not care
to dare share. And who on earth thinks that snail mail is any safer and
more secure? Letters and parcels have been intercepted and spied upon
since….. oh, forever. Methinks this comment/server hosted web page
presentation is all that is needed to test for the necessary advanced
intelligence in services which are needed today for the future that
tomorrow brings via ITs Virtual Means and AIMemes …… although this one
is an APT contender which may trump it …….
Report a suspected threat to national security.
I wonder if Jonathan Evans is one of those types of bods/robots that
can act unilaterally upon his own initiative with executive
decisiveness, which may or may not need to be shared with others after
the fact, or must he wait for an order from others who would be leading,
which would then be others supplying intelligence to the UKGBNI?
Should that be the case, then is this a memo to all of them.
* There is no point in casting pearls before swine, is there. Such
would be an obvious waste of scarce lustrous resources on an ignorant
animal more content at a trough of swill with like-minded peers.
Both a real possible threat and live virtual opportunity to
aggressively exploit and employ, export and mentor and monitor with AI
and a Novel HyperRadioProActivity, Lead Programming of Universal Virtual
Machinery Infrastructure ……. CHAOSystems*, which usurp current present
best SCADA practices/protocols/systems modi operandi ……
*Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems …. which be assured, or
terrified, can be easily weaponised, and thus their need to be securely
Thank you for contacting us.
Posted Wednesday 27th June 2012 11:04 GMT amanfromMars 1 …..
Re: Won't somebody *please* think of the terrorists?
Serious "cyber" attacks (as opposed to mere vandalism) are the domain of governments and corporations. ….. Anonymous Coward Posted Tuesday 26th June 2012 13:53 GMT
you really think so, AC? Is that then defence of the cyber realm
identified as being a private sector entrepreneurial enterprise zone
which always has enigmatic leading lights worth an absolute fortune and
living like an anonymous billionaire in charge of operations with shell
corporations/phantom partners, which no one can fathom or are quietly
advised to refer further on up the chain of command and control to be
lost and overtaken by
events, dear boy, events? Is that the New Virtual Age Security and Protection Paradigm?
well, that sounds about right, and would certainly not be wrong,
whenever reality is a staged show although albeit recently sub-primed
directed by the obviously intellectually challenged and even downright
incompetent …… and that is one being charitable, and especially so if
the system is being milked and bilked in its present forms and programs
for exclusively selfish and self-serving gain and a perverse elite
rather than benevolent mass control …… which it is?
Interesting changed days ahead indeed …… most certainly.
whenever all of that true, does it identify the real terrorists, who
are nothing at all like the old terrorists you have been led to believe
exist to attack.
amanfromMars 27 June 2012 at 1:36 pm ….
none of yous realise that Sinn Fein is an organisation which easily
morphs into an intelligent pragmatic position unencumbered of the past,
with that particular and peculiar cross being something which their
political opponents lumber themselves with?
Or would that be considered too smart a view of them and too accurate a view of their unionist counterparts?
amanfromMars ….. replying on
thirty four years in the military and years of listening and reading
CIA reports on events and places with which I was familiar I can safely
say that I have never learned anything from the CIA except that America
unlike the UK has yet to prove that we have a single civil servant with
an IQ of 100 or above. This story is the purest of pure horse shit of
the kind that one frequently gets from one CIA man about another. The
further the listener is from DC the more likely it is to be believed.
Thank god that the CIA live in such a world of fantasy. If they ever get
real or competent we are in trouble--given the extraordinary level of
secrecy with which they "operate." .
Give us a break. ….. Amadan69
Hi, Amadan69,
you imagine the magic they could perform if one of those real smart UK
dudes was providing intelligence product. IT would be out of this world.
amanfromMars ….. says on
This article ..... ....... asks all the right questions which the BBC is studiously avoiding and/or has obviously been told not to ask.
that would make them complicit in the fraud and an accessory after the
fact, and as a trustworthy honest broker of hard hitting factual news,
more than just a laughing stock? And that is quite serious.
[ ..... which on posting immediately returned .... You are currently restricted from contributing to this site.
…. yes well, heaven forbid that one is told the truth, but one cannot
hide from it, and to run away from it marks one out as a coward of the
first order, methinks, BBC.]