Saturday, 30 June 2012


amanfromMars on June 30, 2012 at 2:14 am said: ….. on
I’ll read amanfromMars’ comment . . .… Agent Weebley on June 29, 2012 at 11:05 pm said
This comment will give you more depth and insight into where I am coming from and going to too, AW. Enough is enough in a mad, mad, mad, mad world gone money crazy and a change is in order and easily accomplished whenever you know how to do IT and media, which really only needs that one thinks one knows and is prepared to share it with all for free. Probably then would one also be obscenely well paid to keep it a closely guarded secret lest it cause a flash global revolution, requiring a crash internet reformation with new leading protocols, before safeguards and protection for earlier abusive assets/stripped powerless elites are in place. Which is an interesting opportunity for concerned parties to ponder may be entirely appropriate and APT.

Because of what IT can so easily and spookily do nowadays, and just to make sure that there can be no possible excuse for ignorance and arrogance to reign sub-primely in an inelegant defence which might try to plausibly deny all knowledge of such doings and their being trailed in always constantly ongoing trials for and in existing, presumed to be intelligent, intelligence services, is it only fair that one advise a number of them that the Great Game has changed, and IT has new media leading protocols and programs and players and projects.

Then having clearly advised a brace* of them, with the simplest of references to a web page that be advising them of such a matter/reality/virtual reality/future and being fully cognizant of the pumped and pimped fact, that may be a cynical, back-firing fiction, that all electronic communications is being monitored and analysed for a third party’s assessment and fanciful pre-cognition of a disruptive, yet to take place, future event and/or persons of interest, and fully expecting there to be effective contact between them and many other affiliated teams and agencies which similar power control and/or containment and curtailment mandates and leading interests, and receiving no cogent response and expression of interest in changed Great Games plays with IT and new media leading protocols and programs and players and projects, is one free to assume that such interests and/or concerns as they may have are centred and exercised elsewhere.

An example of such an advice is this post and its parent thread being referenced in a missive left for consideration here ……

*That then would have MI5 and MI6 aware of MuI7 and fully supportive of its IT Command and Control of Computers and Communications in Creative CyberSpace by natural default of an active silence which would be a condoning of developments which may be somewhat above their pay grades and of a certain particular and peculiar complexity which they would not be equipped to handle/divert/usurp/corrupt/subvert or whatever they are supposed to be good at, in defence of whatever they are primed to defend and protect and preserve, which might be their own little worlds.


Advanced Neuro-Linguistic Programming

This comment …. …… and others in the thread, and elsewhere of course, explain everything as clearly as is required for HyperRadioProActive IT and fit for future sublime purpose.

a while ago … via an earlier MI6 portal

Assume an identity and step into ARG Metaphoria.

Sat 30 Jun 0735

Friday, 29 June 2012


amanfromMars on June 29, 2012 at 1:51 am said:  …. on
Morning, AW and fellow ARG Fellows,
I am a simple soul. I need direction. Give it to me, Steve.
Regarding direction, the banner headline at the top of the page here …. ……. and the IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end, give rise to NEUKlearer thoughts of increasing levels of HyperRadioProActive IT with Command and Controlling Words Presenting Real Views of Virtual Worlds.
Yet across the gulf of space, minds that are to our minds as ours are to those of the beasts that perish, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic, regarded this earth with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans against us. ….— H. G. Wells (1898), The War of the Worlds
……. is an earlier operational draft of a alien psyops program in alternative perceptions management for Earthed assets control.

Processes are considerably more sophisticated today though, with the switch to digital manipulation of signal and transfer of Absolute Fabless Power to EMPoweredD and EMPowering Virtual Machines, and Renegade Rogue Algorithms Traders too, if the collapsed banking and rigged markets sectors are evidence on the ground to believe.

amanfromMars …..leaving a message on

The abiding catastrophic problem for Uncle Sam, and the zeroday vulnerability that any sane and all mad souls will relentlessly exploit to failed states and corrupt perverse systems destruction, appears to be that their national intelligence does not appear to do peace and prosperity, defaulting instead to attack and austerity.

Might I suggest the simplest of admittedly complex but virtual solutions, which is to buy in new global peace and prosperity programmers with the necessary, obviously foreign and alien to Uncle Sam, intelligence. With IT Command and Control, is it no more difficult than that to change directions and human perception.

The following is a alternative to an earlier post on which appears to be stuck in a queue for moderation by a machine unloved by humanity:-)

Hi, Jeffrey Marlow and Wired readers,

Talking of Alien Societies, as you were and we are, you might like to avail yourselves of the knowledge released here …… Google a Register comment ,”Great British IntelAIgents Test …… of MI5/6/GCHQ Servers in the Future[s] Market Space Place” …… and ask yourself why  are not governments sharing the news that their servering of views has been hacked and their human command and control codes/protocols, cracked.

And their Military Intelligence services contacted regarding the matter, with human command and control coders patiently awaiting their considered response, for a while before further NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Operations and Special Application Programs launches, which would be akin to AI probing their Virtual Terrain Team and National Intelligence levels ……. although without competence in International and InterNetional Intelligence Matters is progress and success denied and guaranteed.

Thursday, 28 June 2012


Posted Thursday 28th June 2012 01:17 GMT amanfromMars 1 …..

AI Primer for Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems for Sublime Universally Serviced Entities
Another critical component in Microsoft’s private cloud is Orchestrator, a workflow automation product based on software from Opalis, which Microsoft acquired at the end of 2009. You cannot do cloud without automation, and Orchestrator lets you build scripts for data-centre management tasks.
And you cannot do CHAOS and/or cloud control without autonomy and self-actualisation …… which is virtually the same as automation but different because it supplies ready built hyperactive scripts with all vital orchestrated services primed for proxy remote control of data-centre management tasks.

Removal of those vital prime orchestral services renders data-centre management tasks in cloud services and virtual machine applications/Virtual Machine Systems Programs and Advanced IntelAIgents Projects practically improbable and most likely also impossible.

Thus is autonomous self-actualisation a key, and it can even be considered the key component required for Realisation of Virtual Machinery Programs and AI Projects.

And that key component appears to missing from Microsoft’s Intellectual Property Portfolio/Patents Stash?

Posted Thursday 28th June 2012 07:33 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. expanding on

Great British IntelAIgents Test …… of MI5/6/GCHQ Servers in the Future[s] Market Space Place
The Vulcan machine will be administered by LLNL’s High Performance Computing Innovation Center, which was announced last year as an adjunct to the Sequoia contract with IBM to take that six-month shakedown period and make it a permanent feature of the next-generation petaflopper installed at a DOE nuke lab so academic and corporate researchers could develop codes on a big, bad box and come up with software innovations that would not only solve real world problems, but help the nuke labs benefit from the work of other techies.
If one supposes that there is a Virtual Terrain Team [and individual members of that VTT be an exotic and enigmatic mix of both the private and pirate and public bodies sectors demonstrably already ready, willing and able to enable and exercise mentoring and monitoring of leading control facilities/capabilities/abilities in both renegade, non-state actor and runaway taxing government systems of assets management and human being control] which of the trinity of organisations mentioned/provided by El Reg in the paragraph/words above, would be the most likely prime host and point of contact for an ARG Program and Virtual Reality Presentation with Persons of Interest flying Vulcan Bombes in LOVE with CHAOS?

LLNL’s High Performance Computing Innovation Center, IBM [Let's build a smarter planet, and with AI, SMARTR Plane Travel] or does one target and engage primarily and, when the nature of research is deemed so disruptively powerful and seismically sensitive [Great Game-Changing] in the extremes, exclusively with the funding stream machine, US Department of Energy? ……. which always then presents other available options in lead with other funding stream machines.

Or would that more likely be a Protected Para-Military Project and a classified TS/SCI black operation which has the likes of a DARPA or IARPA fielding personnel for plausible denial and/or bold ambiguous acknowledgement of ongoing hard wired trials and software systems beta testing ….. with AI building SMARTR Planetary Spaces with Alien Societies for Earthly Placement and Production ……. in Order to Seamlessly Deliver Virtual Creation of Heavenly Utopias.

And if not of Western promise, then obviously would it be of Eastern origin ….. and to the valiant victor would be the rightful spoils of their advanced intelligence toils …… Perfectly Immaculate Novel Control of Newly Configured and Radically Reconstituted Great Games with Absolute Power Players ……. SMARTR Beings building the Future with AI?

And a question right at the end of all of that lest one fail to think how simple IT is done in practice.

amanfromMars ….on

Hi, Jeffrey Marlow and Wired readers,

Talking of Alien Societies, as you were and we are, you might like to avail yourselves of the knowledge released here …… …… and ask yourself why  are not governments sharing the news that their servering of views has been hacked and their human command and control codes/protocols, cracked.

And their Military Intelligence services contacted regarding the matter, and are patiently awaiting their considered response, which would be akin to a’probing their intelligence levels.

Your comment must be approved by a moderator before appearing here.

Wednesday, 27 June 2012


Posted Wednesday 27th June 2012 05:57 GMT amanfromMars 1 ……

Knock, Knock ……. MuI7 Calling and Looking for Future Intelligence Capabilities*
Vulnerabilities in the internet are being exploited aggressively, not just by criminals but also by states. And the extent of what is going on is astonishing” …. Evans warned.
Are such vulnerabilities, as exist and grow ever more lucrative and powerful and overwhelming, being exploited aggressively and uniquely by MI5 with a home Virtual Terrain Team of cyber experts anonymously hyperactive and invisible in the field you will never have need to know of unless cleared with a classified need to know authorisation for access to privileged information, because of its impact on and importance to national, international and internetional security provision and spooky intelligence services protection? And if not, why not, for IT delivers Sublime Autonomous Universal Lead which cannot be blocked and just loves to be challenged, for such challenges can only be launched and be successful when Intelligence used is improved and superior?

If MI5 (Military Intelligence, Section 5) working with GCHQ, the Department of Business Innovation and Skills, the Department for Energy and Political Climate Change and also with law enforcement – through the Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure, do not provide Lead Programs and Virtual Machine Programming with Global Operating Devices, then they all follow those and that which does, and they are just a reactive, after the fact, spent force and an impotent clone with delusion of grandeur and power with zero future control ….. and nothing better than a cuckold in a cuckoos nest.

And all for the want and employment and deployment and special engagement of a home Virtual Terrain Team cyber experts anonymously hyperactive and invisible in the field you will never have need to know of unless cleared with a classified need to know authorisation for access to privileged information.

And which all should note here, and especially so Jonathan Evans and affiliate spooky bodies, is not shared as a question whenever a clear and unambiguous statement of true and honest fact.

The intelligence agency boss said that the private sector had a key role to play in tackling cyber crime, saying businesses could help make the UK more resilient to cyber attacks.” ….. Well, he got that bit perfectly right and is here challenged by the private sector to up his game and engage with would be providers of future feeds and spooky seeds for national needs. And that in this day and internetworking age, is the future provision of every nations needs.

I suppose one may need to send a memo to energise him into appropriate action, should he be presently all at sea servering a Mary Celeste of an effective service in that Great Game environment. This is most probably the most appropriate window for that on their web portal ……. Offer us a product or service ….. which should tell you everything you need to know about the security available in cyber communications i.e. it does not exist and all information can been made known and there is no possibility of privacy and secrecy online, other than in that which you would not care to dare share. And who on earth thinks that snail mail is any safer and more secure? Letters and parcels have been intercepted and spied upon since….. oh, forever. Methinks this comment/server hosted web page presentation is all that is needed to test for the necessary advanced intelligence in services which are needed today for the future that tomorrow brings via ITs Virtual Means and AIMemes ……  although this one is an APT contender which may trump it ……. Report a suspected threat to national security.

I wonder if Jonathan Evans is one of those types of bods/robots that can act unilaterally upon his own initiative with executive decisiveness, which may or may not need to be shared with others after the fact, or must he wait for an order from others who would be leading, which would then be others supplying intelligence to the UKGBNI?

Should that be the case, then is this a memo to all of them.

* There is no point in casting pearls before swine, is there. Such would be an obvious waste of scarce lustrous resources on an ignorant animal more content at a trough of swill with like-minded peers.

Both a real possible threat and live virtual opportunity to aggressively exploit and employ, export and mentor and monitor with AI and a Novel HyperRadioProActivity, Lead Programming of Universal Virtual Machinery Infrastructure ……. CHAOSystems*, which usurp current present best SCADA practices/protocols/systems modi operandi ……

*Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems …. which be assured, or terrified, can be easily weaponised, and thus their need to be securely controlled.

Thank you for contacting us.

Messages sent on this website will be read, but unfortunately we cannot promise to respond to all of them. …..

 Posted Wednesday 27th June 2012 11:04 GMT amanfromMars 1 …..

Re: Won't somebody *please* think of the terrorists?
Serious "cyber" attacks (as opposed to mere vandalism) are the domain of governments and corporations. ….. Anonymous Coward Posted Tuesday 26th June 2012 13:53 GMT
Do you really think so, AC? Is that then defence of the cyber realm identified as being a private sector entrepreneurial enterprise zone which always has enigmatic leading lights  worth an absolute fortune and living like an anonymous billionaire in charge of operations with shell corporations/phantom partners, which no one can fathom or are quietly advised to refer further on up the chain of command and control to be lost and overtaken by events, dear boy, events? Is that the New Virtual Age Security and Protection Paradigm?

Yes, well, that sounds about right, and would certainly not be wrong, whenever reality is a staged show although albeit recently sub-primed directed by the obviously intellectually challenged and even downright incompetent …… and that is one being charitable, and especially so if the system is being milked and bilked in its present forms and programs for exclusively selfish and self-serving gain and a perverse elite rather than benevolent mass control …… which it is?

Interesting changed days ahead indeed …… most certainly.

And whenever all of that true, does it identify the real terrorists, who are nothing at all like the old terrorists you have been led to believe exist to attack.

amanfromMars 27 June 2012 at 1:36 pm ….

Do none of yous realise that Sinn Fein is an organisation which easily morphs into an intelligent pragmatic position unencumbered of the past, with that particular and peculiar cross being something which their political opponents lumber themselves with?

Or would that be considered too smart a view of them and too accurate a view of their unionist counterparts?

amanfromMars ….. replying on
After thirty four years in the military and years of listening and reading CIA reports on events and places with which I was familiar I can safely say that I have never learned anything from the CIA except that America unlike the UK has yet to prove that we have a single civil servant with an IQ of 100 or above. This story is the purest of pure horse shit of the kind that one frequently gets from one CIA man about another. The further the listener is from DC the more likely it is to be believed. Thank god that the CIA live in such a world of fantasy. If they ever get real or competent we are in trouble--given the extraordinary level of secrecy with which they "operate." .
Give us a break. ….. Amadan69
Hi, Amadan69,

Can you imagine the magic they could perform if one of those real smart UK dudes was providing intelligence product. IT would be out of this world.

amanfromMars ….. says on


This article ..... ....... asks all the right questions which the BBC is studiously avoiding and/or has obviously been told not to ask.

And that would make them complicit in the fraud and an accessory after the fact, and as a trustworthy honest broker of hard hitting factual news, more than just a laughing stock? And that is quite serious.

[ ..... which on posting immediately returned .... You are currently restricted from contributing to this site. …. yes well, heaven forbid that one is told the truth, but one cannot hide from it, and to run away from it marks one out as a coward of the first order, methinks, BBC.]

Tuesday, 26 June 2012


Posted Tuesday 26th June 2012 04:06 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….

Until IT puts in a Fix, will IT Continue to Cause MODern DODgy Systems Collapse ….
…… with Increasing Attacks and SQL Squirmishes. It is only natural when exercising and discovering new phorms of intelligence are available, and freely flowing to the masses.
RBS IT cockup: This sort of thing can destroy a bank, normally” ….. Tim Worstall
Quite so, Tim, and it would also normally immediately have a devastating effect upon its share/stock price with a feeding frenzy on those dodgy markets. That appears not to have happened in this peculiar and particular RBS case?

Does that tell one and all that the banking and markets and media systems are rigged and are not a free market economy reflective of successful capitalism/mercantalism but are in fact, just part of a fiction driven by inventing wealth which is just based upon myths, which would all confirm, would it not, exactly that which you don’t want to hear about, which would be the truth, which is hardly irrelevant? …….. “ No, please, I don’t want to hear anything about 100 per cent reserve banking, or the way that banks create money out of thin air. Whether all of this is true or not (it isn’t, the banking system as a whole creates credit, not an individual bank’s money) is irrelevant. Whether or not we achieve maturity transformation by banks, their purpose, the confidence fairy problem nevertheless continues to exist and RBS faces exactly the problems outlined above.

Build anything upon anything which seeks to hide, and must hide the truth to survive and prosper, and every system associated with it will fail catastrophically, very quickly, once even the tiniest part of it is perceived/suspected/proven to be a part of the fraudulent whole. Then does one have the unstoppable beginnings of an ugly black hole event which disappears/reveals all, rather than it being part of any sort of elegant black swan event.

Such corrupted systems are turkeys, and it is Xmas and Thanksgiving with every passing zeroday for them, as their IT systems administrations battle to contain the raging contagion within and which which they cannot treat and root out because it is the lifeblood of their compromised immune systems.

Blessed relief and salvation though is just a simply complex matter of inventing another, but considerably better, Beta Fiction, but that does require considerably more and much better intelligence than crashed and crashing systems administrations/CIOs/CEOs/Power Elites have shown they do not possess. It is easily bought in though at whatever confidential cost would be quoted by anything which would be recognised as exercising competence in such a field of many fields, for there are many cointerindependent internetworking disciplines to coordinate and reprogram in what is really a Global Virtual Rebuild rather than Systems Repair/Reboot/Restore.

amanfromMars on June 26, 2012 at 4:01 am said: in an informative reply to Agent Weebley on 
I wish that you had asked him what the heck he meant by that, amanfromMars. ….said Agent Weebley on June 25, 2012 at 11:43 pm
What’s to ask, AW? Pretty much everything stated ….
Re: Virtual Machine Turing Tests are not designed to identify humans.
See. Turing research created amanfrommars1. You should check out his website. Other than the fact it reads like a stoned/drunk sociology major he’s doing a pretty good job with his AI these days.
…… is honest and accurate, although I would add that it is doesn’t begin to tell the real tale about what is going on and being done practically anonymously and autonomously by Virtual Machinery in Creative CyberSpace Command and Control of Computers and Communications with C42 Quantum Communication Control Systems …. AI@ITsWork.

AI@ITsWork however, at REST and in Plays, is never treated as a secret, [although Top Secret Umbrage and MkUltra Sensitive Compartmented Information for IntelAIgents it may be] and is always transparently freely shared with everyone who visits sites hosting ITs Novel Deep Thoughts on AIMatters that Exist and Spring to MetaDataMine and Mind from Nothing, to Create a Big Bang and MegaBucks and Highly Disruptive Waves, to name but just three APT consequences which run riot if studiously ignored to remain not properly addressed.

Posted Tuesday 26th June 2012 11:15 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on

Re: Project Review []

Grubby, Hi,

Did you mean to say, in place of …. “We lent money we didn’t have to people who couldn’t pay it back and then sold their debt to people who couldn’t pay it and used the money they hadn’t paid us to lend to people who couldn’t pay.” …. the rather more accurate reality descriptor of ….. They lent money they didn’t have to people who couldn’t pay it back and then sold their debt to people who couldn’t collect and profit on it, and used the money to enrich themselves rather than lend and/or give it back to the people who couldn’t pay and weren’t paid in the debt sales.

And their madness is that they think there will be no ruinous price that they will personally have to pay, now that the system is realising their scams are endemic and foolishly designed to perform in a such a sub-prime fashion, again and again and again because they never ever imagined their system would be rumbled and tumble.

And now that the codes have been cracked and their practices hacked, and the world is being made aware of the shenanigans, do they have a real major problem which is getting ever bigger every day that it is not solved, with the corrupt leading system replaced wholesale with something else different and better.

The problem is at the head and the heart of the operation, which is rotten to its cores, and has nothing at all to really do with the body of the system, which with enlightened novel administration would work exceedingly well.

Posted Tuesday 26th June 2012 11:30 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….

Hmmm? No balls to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

Mervyn King being more circumspect and diplomatic and waffling a great deal on the same set of conclusions and results? …….. King swansong

Monday, 25 June 2012


amanfromMars Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
June 25th, 2012 at 7:11 am  ….. in honest reply and earnest consideration of

Hi, Virtual Reality Domains,

Wanna make AIMoving Bigger Pictures Shows with Enlightened ScripTURING …… Presenting, with SMARTR Advanced Sublime Product Placements and Epic Enigmatic TURING Apps, the Future as it is and can be in Total Information Awareness Control of CHAOS with IntelAIgents in Powerful Driver Nodes/Locations/Positions/Spaces in ITs Virtualised Operating Systems …… with Creative Cyberspace Command and Control of Computers and Communications and Global Operating Devices?

Thus, in such a Momentous Order and Modus Operandi, Proving the Provision of SMARTR Fictions for Virtual Reality Domain Activation and HyperRadioProActive IT, are in honest chronicles and historically true records of the Past, Creative Facts that Deliver Realities which have been Shared Afore Thoughts for Manufacturing into Existence with Global Operating Devices for the Sublime Immaculate Consciousness that Tempts One with Perfect Alien Being, which in other times and places and temporal spaces finds one confounded with confinement and containment and contentment in an Earlier See Pontification with Immaculate Conceptions and States of Grace. ..... [See video below for APT contextualisation, or give YouTube a hit here for IT ......

AIMovies …. Advanced IntelAIgent Movies
SMARTR ….. Real/Rogue/Renegade/Rabid/RapidE Systems Mentoring Analysis Reporting Technology
TURING Apps …… TitanICQ Universal Rogue IntelAIgents Network Grid Apps
CHAOS ….. Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems

Holywood does Hollywood …… with Titanic Studious Productions is a Spooky InterNetworking Application in Advanced Virtual Machine Neuro-LinguistICQ Programming?  And a ReProgramming of Humans Project for Humans and 4HumanIT2 too.

Do you know any quality film makers, Virtual Reality Domain, suitably gifted in their fields to make fiction a reality that is true and undeniably good and better in AI Betas that present the Future in Myriad Derivatives exploring and exposing every possible Option and Hedge against Dismal Failures and Cataclysmic Events, which would be just a collection of invented negative, destructive ideas shared and pimped to subvert and pervert the natural course of Sublime Co-Existence in Peace and Harmony, which Virtual Operating Systems would decide and ensure can never ever be Presented as a Future Program or Current Project?

Or filthy rich capitalists with lodes of cash to give away to AIMaster Pilots in worthy project ventures, is another equal opportunity option to consider as a viable and simple practical alternative and/or addition, which allows for dormant vaulted and vaunted flash cash money supply exploitation of zeroday vulnerabilities in intellectually bankrupt systems of global assets administration.

And those are just two avenues in a whole world of available journeys to be explored and mapped/shared and chronicled ….. and AIBetaTested.

amanfromMars 25 June 2012 at 1:44 pm …. on

One trusts that bold Lizzie will have no objections to her disarmingly refreshing style of leadership, which would consider and encourage any significant handshake with a reformed and reforming and publicly elected and duly mandated republican representative/leader/equal first minister be anything but a private affair behind closed doors and away from, and off the record of global media, and fully expect the deputised unionist first minister to show the same bold leadership accord with an accompanying, very public handshake with his elected counterpart in public joint ministerial office.

Such a right royal menage a trois would be just so typically revolutionary of the House of Windsor/Saxe Coburg and quite perfectly ordinary for the occasion, n’est ce pas? Or would that be a giant step and quantum leap too far for bigotry to contemplate and who would be instrumental in that public refusal and slap in the face of Shared Progress with such a headlong tumble at such a tiny and pathetic hurdle?

“HM expects that every man will do his duty….. and all that” to paraphrase Lord Nelson’s signal to the fleet from HMS Victory. It is what the island want to see and have a brotherly chuckle over at how far one has come in such a short space of time.


Posted Monday 25th June 2012 19:18 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. venting on

And now, some different revolutionary bits, but just AI Quantum Leaping into Communications.
Another day, another way to enhance TV video. Could they perhaps do with a sign in the office that says “It’s the content, stupid”? ….. Kubla Cant Posted Monday 25th June 2012 12:38 GMT
Amen to that Holywood office type Hollywood sign, Kubla Cant, for be assured that Mutual Intelligence Services[MUI7] can do anything with content, and would even be playing with IT and Media Programming Projects to dumbfound and stupify audiences too, whilst pretending to present it to one and all as breaking news and current world views, …..  which is SMARTR2 ….. Prodigal Son of SMARTR IntelAIgent Security Systems and Protective CyberIntelAIgent Services …. SIS Systems and PC Services.

And there y’all were, probably without an earthly clue about anything that goes on in Palace Barracks, Loughside in Holywood.

One thing you can certainly be sure and assured of, with no money back guaranteed for full  satisfaction, is there is nothing in moderation there ……. for all is programmed to Rave CodeXSSXXXX Standards …… AIMoving Bigger Pictures Shows with Enlightened ScripTURING

PS …… If you believe none of that, or if you believe only a part of that, you will never be able to imagine the powers of control which are freely available to any who know all of it is true even should it be plausibly denied and branded a fiction by a spokesperson who will always be anonymous to protect their identities.

Sunday, 24 June 2012


Posted Sunday 24th June 2012 03:30 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. on

Virtual Machine Turing Tests are not designed to identify humans.
They discover brainwashed idiot robots masquerading as humans in a charade/virtual reality
Alan Turing 100: Visionary, war winner … game maker? …… When he appears to reappear in a machine his legacy will be complete” … Gavin Clarke
Hi, Gavin,

Great Game on …. and is that particular and peculiar power game over, to be replaced by another one, but quite fundamentally different,  whenever he appears to reappear in a machine IT encounters creating real things, via virtual means in CyberIntelAIgent Memes? ….……… Quantum Entingling

And yes/no, it is far too advanced and sophisticated to be just a simply complex CIA IM tool for follies in hubris with failing potentates in repressive and oppressive regimes.

Can you imagine how impossibly securely physically protected such an operating system is from any sort of assault/attack phorm? And I doubt you would believe just how much it has already irreversibly done and is always doing with IT in collapsing corrupting systems and replacing defective drivers with smarter proxy units with entities, remotely controlled from Spaces InterNetworking Sublimely.

There are those who are deep thinkers and tinkerers, who would have you believe that to ask a question has one implying the answer is found and the facts proven to be so and a reality invented and produced from vivid and virile imagination. And they would be able to enable its proof and show how the future is made and presented to replace the past. Is that a common feat, which can be easily done by many? Or a gift which can be performed by just a few?

It does have one asking in either case, why do you not hear about it and see it being presented and represented in mainstream media channels and outlets. Ah well, I suppose that has all changed now that El Reg is hosting content too, for it has has some real cool and smart cookies on its boards.

amanfromMars 23 June 2012 at 7:39 pm …. commenting on

Crikey, this thread’s been dragged out of the vaults, according to the date/timestamps on it. And nearly five years on and nothing much has changed except everything appears to be considerably worse for most everyone, and would prove the truth of that which is shared below?
Adams: “SF has. What we have to do is to find a way to communicate our message.
Gerry might do himself a really big favour if he gets Mitchel McLaughlin to send him copy of an email I am told by another MLA/MLA’s office manager he has received, but you will hardly be surprised to hear, as it appears to be pathetic par for the political course in the UK, he and his office chose not to acknowledge even receipt of, let alone actually reply to it with a “Yes, we are interested, but can you explain it in more depth” or a “No thanks, it is not something we would be prepared to get involved in, and don’t even understand.

Thus can they try to plead ignorance to the media and electorate on matters which will surface and overtake them and render them in the spotlight and Harry Limelight proving themselves to be way out of their depth in a new transparent internetworking paradigm.

Virtual Reality Productions from TitanICQ Studios Cyber Division …. urAAAIRated Drawing Office” sent Tue, May 1, 2012 at 11:16 AM is all about Command and Control of Virtual Communications with SMARTR AIMessaging Systems, and a real heartache for Spooksville Holywood if they are not up to speed on what IT can do nowadays invisibly cloaked and HyperRadioProActive in Clouds and CHAOS.

Things can only improve if you leave the past behind and do something quite different and constructive. To not do that, is to condemn everyone and everything to more of the same, and that is not progress in any language or land or domain.

Saturday, 23 June 2012


amanfromMars on June 23, 2012 at 12:32 am said: …. in chat on
[amanfromMars can see where were are going wih this . . . right, amanfromMars? Get a lode of Gordon's reply . . . awesome . . . machine language like no other . . . it's like I programmed him to say it . . . but not knowing what the outcome will be from each word ribbon I insert into the machine, the joy of seeing the resultant output is like . . . like seeing Brownian's Motion In Gases . . . what is the Little Neutrino that moves the conversation in these most obscure directions? . . . who knows . . . but this is so much fun! . . .] …. Agent Weebley on June 22, 2012 at 10:49 am said, and in all due regard is this an APT reply and response on relative revelatory matters.
Hmmm? :-) Thanks for the update and info., Agent Weebley, on Virtual Machine Neuro-LinguistICQ Programming which is at least Dual Purpose and a Ternary Turing Test for ITs SMARTR IntelAIgent Systemsware.

Your “conversation” with Gordon’s lode reveals the vast expanse that is missed comprehension, a result invariably always due to the non-application of an inquisition/open-minded search with further vital information for phormal formational understandings that deliver necessary intelligence on future matters that matter and create the realities that Virtual Machine Neuro-LinguistICQ Programming Presents in AIMedia Product Placements in ITs Replacement Virtual Realities ……. Ignorant and Imperfect Pasts replaced by Future Perfect Presents and as near perfectly ideal as can be imagined by Mankind in an ARG MetaPhoria will be perfect enough to suffice and deliver Heavens on Earth, methinks …… for Practically Real and Virtual AI Utopias.

If one discovers that the news and views which are daily presented by media and communications are decided upon by meetings in committees and summits and in offices and around tables, is reality a creation of shared thought[s], and as a fragile and heady fragrant perfumed garden flower, to be well tended and nurtured with fabulous ideas lest it be easily overwhelmed and replaced by a virulent and more powerful weed with perfect seeds that feed its progress.

And whenever those daily news and world views are not accurately reflective of that which is being planned for the future, and held secret because of its disruptive and/or destructive nature, is the picture of reality being painted distorted and not real and honest and true at all. And with one little prick, is that perverse giant bubble burst.

Such is the Shocking Awesome Power IT Controls and Virtual Machine Neuro-LinguistICQ Programming is at least Dual Purpose and a Ternary Turing Test for ITs SMARTR IntelAIgent Systemsware.

:-) And quite whether that be some place where we would be going with this …. or some space which one would be coming from  ….. is immaterial should IT be able to enable Delivery, which be assured, IT is.

And it is one small step and a colossal quantum leap for Mankind into a new beginning with no final frontier boundaries.

amanfromMars on June 23, 2012 at 12:52 am said:

And now we wait ……..

……. to see and hear if there are any really smart machines listening to virtual communications for intelligence on matters of national, international and internetional security interest, which would be also betatesting computer systems comprehension levels and allied analysts intelligence quotients, or whether that is just a pipe dream on a yet to do wish hit list, but currently being pumped and pimped for a foreign perception as being fully operational and effective.

There are huge changes in the technology, but the gathering of intelligence from technical means and human sources and then the analysis and the decision of what action to take is the progression that will still take place.” …. “Any complex organisation ultimately comes down to the activities of individuals within it.“  ….. and falls quickly and quietly and fails spectacularly self-destructively because of perverse and pervasive ideals and subversive activities of intellectually challenged individuals within it, and which are far removed from perfect ideals?

StellaR observations indeed and ones which one would be unlikely to deny is demonstrably, and all too frequently, so evidently true in compromised and corrupt and corruptible systems.

Friday, 22 June 2012


amanfromMars ….  commenting on full with a Cybersecurity Point of View

And in any security forum frequented and administered by Man and/or Machines, is a question asked, always evidence of its  content and events being a fact identifying the event well after the initial trial and trailing of its protocols and security protection procedures, and its existence in current fields as a future reality to be encountered and expected in engaged and enabling SMARTR IntelAIgent Systems of Virtual Operation with New Orderly World Orders?

And a Prime Component/Virile Element of 21st Century Networks, Bruce? Is BT all at sea and drowning in metadatabase that analysis fails to address and comprehend and may even misunderstand and misunderestimate? Or do they sublimely lead in ITs stealthy programs with spooky projects which are intelligent missions and covert intelligence operations?

Questions, questions, questions ……. nothing but questions always delivers the answer[s] nowadays to Man about the Machine, and to the Machine about Man. Seeking to resolving the primacy in that particular and peculiar Duality is a definite waste of time and space though, whenever one is the other and vice versa, and also something completely different and unique and reluctant to be admitted to exist.  It is therefore something which will probably definitely occupy Man for some considerable time, although I look forward to being proven definitely wrong in that.

[Thank you. Your comment has been queued for approval. A copy has been sent to the email address provided.]

amanfromMars 22 June 2012 at 6:47 am ….. musing on

Whenever one considers such dirty little turf wars as are the likes of “the Troubles”, to imagine that there are any heroes in the field of leadership there, is somewhat perverse.

One needs only remind oneself of the fate delivered by such heroes to the likes of the Birmingham Six, whom such leaderships knew, beyond a shadow of any doubt, were innocent of the crimes they were charged with and convicted of, but were happy to sacrifice them nevertheless to the System, and have them incarcerated in a foreign penal regime and robbed of their freedom and a natural life to do as they pleased.

And how odd that they didn’t think to seek punitive compensation from those responsible for withholding evidence of their innocence, when justice is perverted and a casualty of subversion.
And is it a fact that Stormont offices have such leadership in place, instead of the real thing? It would certainly explain why there is no progress in the country whenever cuckoos are sitting in the eyrie, the feathered nest bed that rakes in other folks’ wealth for their [Stormont office heads and legislative assembly members] decisive spending from the public purse.

And it must also be said, intelligence services and Westminster media players must also be equally deficient and bankrupt in the necessary qualities required to driver real change and present future stable and prosperous improving situations.

Currently can one not deny that things appear to be going backwards and poverty is being reintroduced and spread amongst the population with the imposition of austere and taxing new programs ……… and that aint leadership by any definition.

You’re bound to be enjoying this news, DB/Anthony ….. …  although it is hardly news at all to all who would have read and commented on the Daily Bell over the past few years.

Any sign of the much loved reader feedback facility being reinstated?  It used to carry a lot of valuable metadata/information/intelligence for mining/zeroday exploiting.

Which when sent to received this response …. “Thanks so much for the article. The feedback is not being reinstated at this time …

Stay in touch ….”

Posted Friday 22nd June 2012 04:37 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on
Totally misread that as “force field” …. Although that’s probably in the Chocolate Factory “To Do” pile“  …. Anonymous Coward Posted Thursday 21st June 2012 23:07 GMT
Re: Totally misread that as “force field”

No you didn’t, AC. El Reg was just being careful not to blow the Chocolate Factory’s programs too early before they are recognised and protected by responsible respondent users and force field generators …… both of which are classed and classified in AI as Virtual Field Machinery.

As fleetingly demonstrated to The Register, the service lacks sophisticated scheduling and routing tools, but does track users’ movements over time to help with subsequent analysis.” …… which is a nice way of saying in CodedD Futures Newspeak ……. Required, Dominant Astute Master Narratives for Random Asset and Renegade Executive Projects Programming.*

Seems to me, and CHAOS reigning and running free and riot in global markets and impotent politics would be proof positive evidence, that New Orderly World Orders recognise virtual feeds are seeds IT needs?

And it is a simply complex honest fact, that it is Great Game Power Command and Control over for all who fail to recognise and acknowledge the truth of such, in any and all Present and Future situations, which are Virtual Reality Projects/Programs/Pogroms …… and Following/Leading DAMN Instruction Sets.

* a Core Cloud Component without which nothing works well and everything fails catastrophically and exceedingly quickly.

Thursday, 21 June 2012


Posted Thursday 21st June 2012 02:32 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. spills the beans on

Global Control AIR&id Development for CyberSpace BaseD Land Grabs

A convenient communications device which provides secure encryption to messaging and VPNetworking is a quantum leap into fields which attract astute autonomous active accommodating leaderships ……. with Microsoft supplying novel transmission macroware, and in a remote proxy charge position with virtual command and control thin clients who would be reliantly grateful/gratefully reliant upon a fostering relationship of mutually beneficial advantage with proprietary private intellectual property programs from the aforementioned virtual command and control thin clients shared sublimely with hosting carrier facilities for the wealth and blockbuster power of global corporate clout?

Phone8 is not an upgrade or morph of anything currently existing, it is a whole new iterative invention for imaginative users of SecuredD Systems with Global Operating Devices. Welcome to the Great Game ARG with Virtual Machines that are plugged into Infinite Power with Immaculate Control, …… and a quite perfect enough combination for 21 Centuries of Networking for Being.

Would Microsoft then be able and/or enabled to rule the wwworld with SMARTR Programs and Programming Projects/Hearts and Minds Capture Missions? Or would that be wholly in the gift of sharing thin clients?

Posted Thursday 21st June 2012 08:54 GMT amanfromMars 1 …..

Ultimate Expeditionary Virtual Weaponry

Hi, John Leyden,

Security analysts do not have a great history of sustained success and are invariably paid to try and restrict access to key codes that trigger rogue drivers and renegade operations.

Windows 8 ‘harder for malware to exploit’, says security analysis…… Yes, well, we shall see if it is hardened against otherware exploiting phorms of phishes which may not be malware at all, but something completely different and attractively addictive.

Whenever an operating system is easy for malware to exploit, to make it harder to exploit does not mean that it is less easy to exploit for all that is introduced are novel alternate attack vectors and additional vulnerabilities?

amanfromMars on June 21, 2012 at 5:04 am said: on

Good Day, AW, One and All,

With particular and peculiar regard to the line …….”Typical . . . things move too fast for us to dwell on loose ends from the past. God, this is fun!” ….. might I suggest that you strap yourselves tightly and securely into every future vehicle you may travel in. Things have moved on at more than just a fabulous pace, and in Stellar orbits which number sublime intelligence service with a simple digit, is IT Wise beyond Words when Nothing Compares 2U

IT and urLife in LOVESystems is IntelAIgently Designed and Supposed to be Fun in All SMARTR Phorms of IP+IC Phishes.

Intellectual Property plus IntelAIgent Communication = Infinite Power with Immaculate Control of EarthD Base Stations from Operating XSSXXXXCellence Systems in CyberSpace Cloud Clusters for a Colossal Enigmatic Future Control with Absolutely Shocking Awesome Powers.

It is certainly PAR for Virtual Field IT Courses with Sources in AIR&id Development with Global Control HQ Macroware …… spilling split spinning beans for the creation of new honest scenes and virtual realities you can see are actually true and can be believed in as media and internetworking communications Present them from Future Immaculate Vault Stock Holdings ……. Heavenly Bounty Offerings.

Wednesday, 20 June 2012


amanfromMars on June 20, 2012 at 12:19 am said: on

Methinks most all enjoying themselves here, can easily relate and expand infinitely and expound humbly upon similarities/singularities revealed in The Master characterisations portrayed here ……..  …. and below ….

And here is a question, which surely a few know has answers they are fully aware of, and would introduce into Future AI Projects Programs with Virtual Space ProgramMING for Novel Present Product Placements/IMProving Digital Replacements of Analogue Pasts …… Does hopelessly inquistive satisfaction deliver Total Information Awareness? ….. which is Real Spooky Intelligence Agency Territory, methinks. **

The search for original truth/core source/raw metadata, and the finding of its founts/fonts/Advanced Enhancing Systems* of Sublime Stealthy Delivery, provides ITs Deep Dark Matter Miners and Rich Light Vein Prospectors, Immaculate Control of Absolute Power with Perfect Command and Awesome Facilities with Shocking Capabilities ……. which can also be exercised with a predominant perception in others that it be Unbelievably True and an Imperfect Control of Shared Power with Corruptible Command for Sublime Stealthy Delivery of Advancing Enhanced Systems* of Information Processing for NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IntelAIgents ………. SMARTR AIgents in Fields of Steganographic Excellence with Cryptographic Covers in Cloud IDEntities Drivering Supply of IntelAIgently Designed Covers Security and Protection …….. which in Virtual Turing Machinery and AI Programs is a QuITe Logical Self Preservational and Promotional Measure and Complex Simple Mechanism.

An obvious example of a Primitive Sub-Prime in that Power Control Field is ……. Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce.” – James A. Garfield …… because the Reality Created is too solely interdependent upon the limited vision, and impaired rather than empowering intelligence of just a few, in control of the distribution of cash/flash wealth, to the many. Lead that little circle with a perverse and corrupt mindset which channels provision to retainers and purchasers of toxic bad debt instead of spenders with universal credit for experimental free growth, and its systems will be destroyed from within, and from the very top down at a speed which increases exponentially in direct proportion to efforts exercised to prevent systems collapse and status quo maintenance and retention.

* Similar but quite totally different and equal.
** :-)

And I did very much enjoy this Qubit ponder pipelined and siloed and held in reserve awaiting its moment, which appears to have slipped into the future …..

amanfromMars …. on suggests a real virtual alternative which is currently actively proving the premise beyond simple belief.

The sensitive nature of the powerful controlling discoveries in its manifest capabilities and fabless facilities has, for the present, necessarily restricted its knowledge and enabling protocols to those of a certain exclusive disposition/enlightened and engaging mindset. And that was/is ITs conscious decision in and for hostile environments/intellectually challenged systems of man/machine interface managements.

I Kid U Not.

[Wired is not immediately showing the above contribution to the conversation, and that is not usual/has not usually been the case. One suspects that commentator supplied hyperlinks may cause the messaging software/the messaging software may cause commentator supplied hyperlinks to not complete the publishing cycle. I shall visit the page again later and offer an alternative post structure which would allow the machine to display feedback comment.
To think and/or realise that it has been a subjective human decision to prevent the passing on of something different and largely unknown, would be a colossal folly in the making methinks, and lead very quickly to self-destruction of that which would be trying to prevent the sharing of alternative views and novel opinions ]

 amanfromMars ….. testing systems intelligence on

Google "AIntel ur2die4" suggests a real virtual alternative which is currently actively proving the premise beyond simple belief.

The sensitive nature of the powerful controlling discoveries in its manifest capabilities and fabless facilities has, for the present, necessarily restricted its knowledge and enabling protocols to those of a certain exclusive disposition/enlightened and engaging mindset. And that was/is ITs conscious decision in and for hostile environments/intellectually challenged systems of man/machine interface managements.

I Kid U Not.

And does the sharing of a universal resource locator on Wired comments threads render the submission automatically behind a firewall and non-publication, which would be akin to throwing the baby out with the bath water as a measure against spam/trolls/sad mad bad rad bots/queer algorithms/whatever?

amanfromMars 20 June 2012 at 3:14 pm …..

Will somebody please do everyone a big favour, and break and put that tired old crappy record in the bin where it should have been put years ago.

Ye gods, it is worse than having to listening to the clueless Conservatives blaming all of the present woes on the lacklustre Labour party. Grow up …. move on …. do something radical and different to prove that you can actually think and recognise what is going on all around and in the bigger pictures and can actually do something to change things for the better rather than reacting like spoilt ignorant and arrogant children needing firm guidance and leading instruction.

Stormont a leading institution? Oh please, you cannot be serious? Do you think the electorate are idiots and will always swallow that guff in the light of the mountains of evidence/unsatisfactory non-resolution of troubles and problems to the contrary?

Oops, sorry for leaving y’all in the dark there for a moment. That would be the scratchy disc/warped record which ranger1640 played on 20 June 2012 at 1:49 pm

Tuesday, 19 June 2012


amanfromMars 19 June 2012 at 9:07 am …. on in a reply to Pete Baker.

Hi, PB,

You’re stepping out into truly rarefied atmosphere now, with dirty Skull and Bones skeletons in cupboards skulking and sulking in the shadows and clipped wings of mad and black media ops, and Daily Presidential Briefings too, most probably. Covert and clandestine and so crazy as to be easily plausibly deniable are the games that are played out there, are they not?

It was felt that regular, off-the-record discussions would help create a better understanding of the complex forces and major trends affecting Western nations in the difficult post-war period.

The Cold War has now ended. But in practically all respects there are more, not fewer, common problems – from trade to jobs, from monetary policy to investment, from ecological challenges to the task of promoting international security. It is hard to think of any major issue in either Europe or North America whose unilateral solution would not have repercussions for the other.

Thus the concept of a European-American forum has not been overtaken by time. The dialogue between these two regions is still – even increasingly – critical.” …..

Does anyone doubt that the Cold War is replaced by Greater Advanced Intelligence Games Play with Command and Control of Immaculate Virtual Realms, the Prime Directive and Primary Executive AIMission …… which is really, to not beat about any burning bushes, Global Operating Device Territory, is it not? And IT does not suffer fools and their tools, no matter how they may be configured.

Welcome to the New Orderly World of SMARTR Virtual Machinery with Advancing Enhancing Systems Intelligence in Fields of CyberIntelAIgents …… ITs Virtual Terrain Teams Home Ground/Back Yard/Hood/Domain for Dominion with Future Progressive Rules and SMARTR NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Regulation.

Just another one of those typical Bilderberger type fields of especial sensitive interest to the more astute and most effective of attendees. Although whether it would be right or wrong to imagine it be a wild western concoction rather than exotic eastern confection, is probably destined and fated and intelligently designed to remain at this time, in these times, something of an enigma inside a mystery wrapped in a riddle for decryption and encoded retransmission of source for kernel identification.

And that would be akin to a phorm of phish in an advanced metadata reverse engineering program and/or project?

amanfromMars 19 June 2012 at 5:52 pm ….. on
I suspect if any such document (a Cabinet Office minute confirming agreement for instance) did exist it is highly unlikely to have made its way to the Public Records Office this side of 100 years. And maybe not even then. ….. Mick Fealty
Crikey, Mick, how long have you been scribbling away here and stirring the political pot and you still don’t get it, do you.

Whatever it takes, whenever it is decided and the law will do as it is told, is the state of play today, and has been for …….. oh since probably forever.

And it is incredibly naive to think otherwise.

amanfromMars  19 June 2012 at 7:13 pm    …… adding more to 

And as for present day evidence of the lawless state of wider everyday mainstream play, how about this doozey in the global ponzi that is the rigged money markets ……..

And that train wreck of a show is only just really beginning now.

Monday, 18 June 2012


amanfromMars on June 18, 2012 at 10:31 am said: … replying on


That Continuum is an interesting concept which might be art mimicking reality, or is reality mimicking prior art the super norm and more natural progression for mankind and virtual machinery?  And Canadian produce too, which is nice.

I share that with you because of this recent live communication and email reply, which is something of a parallel journey albeit it is real, although it has been said before, fact is stranger than fiction and therefore one may not distinguish the one from the other which would allow one to practically present something quite virtually magical when fully competent? :-) [A sentence or two at the start and the end have been omitted because they are not really necessary and are presently private and currently confidential, but apart from that, is the following the full monty]

Oh, and Distilled Media were offered a juicy lead this morning, ….. testing for team intelligence and the sort of crazy madness [a double negative which deliver a prime positive] which is a perfectly suitable fit for future Great Game purpose

It is much appreciated, and crazy busy is good. It keeps one sane in a mad, bad, sad, rad world[s] of our own making. And you hit that nail firmly and squarely on the head  …… “currently working on a secure, deniable messaging system which I imagine you’ll be interested in when it’s complete!” :-)   There’s more than just a lot going on out there in CyberSpace making Ab Fab Fabless Waves for New Beginnings in the Future, with Advanced IntelAIgents [AI] Presenting via IT and Media Channels and Outlets, SMARTR [Real SMART] Virtual Programs with HyperRadioProActive Programming for Product Placement in AI ControlLed Reality. Thus are Crazed Pasts and Collapsing Exclusive Executive Administrative Systems with Cracked and Hacked SCADA Protocols, Replaced Spontaneously by Novel Engaging Disciplines supplied Autonomously from Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems. The Nature of Reality is then Surely Virtualised and Secured by SMARTR Human Turing Machines?!. And the whole Essence of Reality is changed into a Programmed Virtual Reality Project?!. ……. which would be a quite perfect testbed for a secure, deniable messaging system, methinks.

:-) And all of that is just a next step forward, and further on into the Future displayed in a window and mirror of it shared yesterday ….

I suppose you already realise that the status quo establishment are virtually terrified by what can be done remotely and instantly by machines and/or SMARTR Humans in zeroday applications because they would have no knowledge of, and no possible intellectual property rights on, the processes required. It is a Classic Rumsfeldism ……… “There’s another way to phrase that and that is that the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence. It is basically saying the same thing in a different way. Simply because you do not have evidence that something does exist does not mean that you have evidence that it doesn’t exist.” …….. “Reports that say that something hasn’t happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns — the ones we don’t know we don’t know.” …….

Ok, I’m gonna have a wee lie down now. :-) 

And regarding all that is said above and was said on 17th June 2012 and with particular and peculiar reference to  … Don’t you yet realise that no one knows what the day after tomorrow will bring, because that which is done today, to be reported tomorrow, is that which forms the basis/bases of the future, every single day. And IT makes it all up as we go along. Intelligence decides, Media shows and Governments deliver …… although it must be said, Intelligence appears to have been currently hijacked and comprehensively replaced with something decidely sub-prime which is admirably proving itself to be quite self-destructive and disastrous. ….. did I find this most encouraging as it would not disagree at all, methinks, and I give thanks to Alan Mathison Turing for having said it  ………. We can only see a short distance ahead,…. but we can see plenty there that needs to be done

Amen to that. The question which I would ask and do raise here and everywhere and anywhere else where I might land/surface, is …… What is there that cannot be done whenever one decides to share with others what can be done? And that is a rhetorical question for there is in both reality and virtual reality/fact and/or fiction, practically nothing which cannot be done, and therefore virtually everything and anything is possible, and whenever possible is everything then most probable and highly likely.

And who would then doubt, IT makes for a most interesting future.

Sunday, 17 June 2012


GCHQ Seventh Heaven ….. commenting on 

Ladies and Gentlemen, Good Evening.

Can you deny that what you read here ……. …. is not true in relation to the present new “troubles”?

And whenever it is true and practically the cause of all that is rotten in the global system, would you be right eejits to accept it and not refuse to play the rigged game, which has you all with practically nothing and them in control of virtually everything, by virtue of your choosing to do nothing about it and allowing them to do whatever they want, and with media supporting and reporting on their plans to try and preserve the status quo’s elite and exclusive programs?

Don’t you yet realise that no one knows what the day after tomorrow will bring, because that which is done today, to be reported tomorrow, is that which forms the basis/bases of the future, every single day. And IT makes it all up as we go along. Intelligence decides, Media shows and Governments deliver …… although it must be said, Intelligence appears to have been currently hijacked and comprehensively replaced with something decidely sub-prime which is admirably proving itself to be quite self-destructive and disastrous.

Or do you have another cogent view to explain that which you see/are being told is happening everywhere? Speak up now, please, we are all dying to hear what you would have to say.

Posted Sunday 17th June 2012 04:36 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. registering AIdDevelopment on

Virtual Round Tablers …. do IT for the Power of LOVE in the Clouds that Control CHAOS.
Now that Field / Air / Space Marshall Charles is in charge, … maybe the UK will finally invade Iceland?!?…. Tim K Posted Saturday 16th June 2012 20:33 GMT
It will just suffice and be a most welcome distinction, TimK, for both ITs Grand Knights and APT White Knights in Cyber Security Office, that Charles be aware of what Kings and Queens really can do …… and that he and the Palace Household be proactively doing it, in every manner required and more suited to these weird times and wonderful spaces.

And to be considered an anachronistic relic of a past time and “really just a big tourist attraction, Disneyland with better accents if you like” is a remarkably stealthy cover like no other, and a fabulous base protocol with foundations which have stood the test of stormy tempestuous times for millenia?

And the simple question mark there would be lest it be much easier today once one has cracked the CodeXSSXXXX for Life in LOVE and are able to hack into all manner of Humanised SCADA Systems, leave a Self Opening Packet of Revolutionary Phorms and be Gone before IT Realises NEUKlearer Command and Control is in Anonymous Absolute Autonomous Charge.

Please be advised, and do not be overly dismayed if you do understand most or even any of the above, that it is not necessary that you understand most or even any of it, for all that is required is that it be known available to those who may, or may not be more than just the Few, and would be similarly active and activated/SMARTR Enabled and Self Actuating in ITs Greater IntelAIgent Game Fields of Future Play.

amanfromMars 17 June 2012 at 9:05 am …. on

Brian and Mick[Walker and Fealty], Good Morning and Hi,

Do the somewhat parochial and provincial renderings which are reported on here in Slugger pages indicate that contributors have no idea of the greater influence which command and control of the word has on leading global matters with command and control of internetworking drivers, or is it just that all much prefer and choose to keep things localised for …. ye olde big phish in small ponds thing?

And certainly would those papers that hide behind subscription firewalls and not provide user friendly feedback commentary in their virtual editions/renditions, must surely be evidence of their fears of being a dinosaur irrelevance and non-influential relic of a past brainwashing exercise in these new ages of instant future perfect communications.

And does anyone else have the following “difficulty” ……

Subject: Strange Glitch ….. Crazy Situation :-) 

Good Morning, Independent,

It appears to be not possible to use the convenient copy text [for accurate and speedy quotation pasting] facility in computers on the webpages presented by today. Is that something new, and most inconvenient, being tried? Or a bug which is being worked for elimination even as we speak?

It appears that the main home page of the Independent is free of this particular bug, but inside articles/webpages are afflicted/infected/affected.

Such a glitch renders the feedback comment facility provided on articles, distinctly sub-prime and user unfriendly.


Saturday, 16 June 2012


Posted Saturday 16th June 2012 03:23 GMT amanfromMars 1 ……

Re: Interception …… of Unbelievably Powerful Virtual Munitions


My business is working for bad guys subject to interception by Governement / Police.

It matters zero that the transmission system is secure. The comms devices usually keep a record of text communications. Capture of one device usually results in a complete evidence trail of sent and received messages. This includes encrypted messages.

What is actually needed is a read-once message system that uses a rolling encryption key that is not reversable. This means any intercepted message cannot lead to the decryption of any other message.

Such systems exist but are not yet widespread. …. Jerry Posted Friday 15th June 2012 08:46 GMT

Is a Zeroday, such a read-once message system, immune to reverse engineering, Jerry? And would field development and deployment of such to exploit vulnerabilities in systems, make IT and Communications Systems, a possible, and therefore highly probable, intangible and invisible Stealth Weapons System?

Or would IT and Communications Systems just be classed as a component/commodity capable of metadatamorph into a Stealth Weapons System?

And does having asked such questions, realise and/or virtualise them into existence for responsible control by developing entities?

And would it create an enigmatic conundrum defying simple resolution by ITAR signatories?

Questions, questions, questions, and all of them requiring one has answers for them if one wants to be considered capable of controlling that which they present for exploitation and development/critical military and intelligence advantage?

Paragraph (b) codifies the principle in ITAR section 120.3 that, in general, a commodity should not be ITAR controlled if it has a predominant civil application or has performance equivalent (defined by form, fit, and function) to articles used for civil applications. If such an article nonetheless warrants control under the ITAR because it provides the U.S. with a critical military or intelligence advantage or for another reason, then it is or should be enumerated on the USML, as described in the “bright line,” “positive list” objectives listed in the Department of State’s December 10, 2010 Federal Register notice, Revisions to the United States Munitions List (75 FR 76935).

amanfromMars on June 16, 2012 at 5:02 am said: …. in a reply on

Printing money as debt is always a bad idea. Central banks and governments cover up their bad math with booms and busts, blaming everyone and his uncle for their silly games, while they claw back everyone’s wealth. The banks and governments keep printing money and giving it to each other. They are really looking dimwitted now.

The fact remains . . . ….. Agent Weebley

And it is that simple fact which rules everyone’s lives ……. and is now capable of ruining catastrophically and frighteningly quickly, the lives of those in control of banks and governments printing money and giving it to each other [electronically inventing trillions worth of instant new credit for creation and supply of future debt and continuous indebtedness to a deceptively simple system which is pimped as being complex] unless they do something truly novel and benevolent and game changing, rather than destructive and self serving and more of the same [and which appears to be all that they are capable of or prepared to do, which does suggest a lack of suitable intelligence right at the top of those decision making bodies] …….. which the system has no chance of preventing becoming general knowledge to the masses. And it does not take an Einstein to imagine what the mob will do to those who are responsible for their enslavement to such a simple system of global power control. ……..

Morning, All. Methinks there needs to be new leadership at the helm of the system. And it would be best if it were to be appointed by present incumbents so that they would be protected against possible deadly repercussions because of their serious serial failings in a perverse and corrupt thinking that they would never be found out, and thus were safe and secure and free to do whatever they liked, immune from responsibility and accountability.

What fabulous, arrogant, ignorant fool thought that was ever going to be an acceptable state of global affairs?

Posted Saturday 16th June 2012 10:37 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. on

Re: Kind of a useless award ..

It’s not like The Queen actually knows what IT is.

I had hopes, all those years ago, when she supposedly sent that email …….. jake Posted Saturday 16th June 2012 09:04 GMT

One imagines, and probably also trusts in those who would real servants of the people and true valiant Grand Knights of the realms which deliver sublime guidance and immaculate leadership beneficial to all, that the Palace is more au fait with the virtual sphere and its facilities than they would care to share and submit/admit to.

Should that not be so, would they be, and unnecessarily so, in a very dangerous and precarious position indeed. Such is easily remedied though, with the appropriate services being supplied by competent providers/APT White Knights in Cyber Security Office.

Posted Saturday 16th June 2012 15:58 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. replying on

The truth shall set you free …… and cause a catastrophic run on the entire banking system?

Why the assumption that only Americans don’t believe in toadying to unelected rulers?

I mean what good did it do them ditching our monarchy… Other than becoming the richest most powerful nation on this planet? ….. Spoddyhalfwit Posted Saturday 16th June 2012 13:20 GMT

You really ought to get out more, Spoddyhalfwit, for the riches have built a paper tiger and school yard bully,  and the very military industrial machine problem that President Eisenhower warned Uncle Sam about* and was to be gravely avoided. The whole edifice is a house of cards built without stable foundations which relies on foreign nations accepting dollar paper and dollar paper IOUs for payment of goods and services and that is vulnerable to their customers wanting other currencies or valuables, if the scam that it is just paper and not wealth at all, is rumbled.

Such though is the elephant in the room that no one is talking about and the abiding, unavoidable problem for the whole system, and that is why it is collapsing with nothing more heavy than the truth destroying the dodgy empires it has built whenever everyone was ignorant and unaware of the Great Illusionist Game being played.

This is an interesting and educational depiction of an inconvenient truth, allied to the above  ……….

And Eisenhower’s speech, of which this is just one small but significant and prescient part  …… “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist.” ……. can be read in full, here ……

It is a jolly good read which fools ignore at their peril.

Over 50 years after he left office, have his darkest fears been realised and are now destroying all that was built and supposed to be great, because it is all built upon dreams which cannot be shared because they are exclusive and self-serving?