Monday, 4 June 2012


amanfromMars, In a nutshell, a Shell IDEntity into SMART CHAOS with NIRobotIC Quantum Remote Virtualised Controls ….. sharing some home truths on
One imagines that there are more than just a few who would be wondering about the fitness of Sir Alex Allan for his present office, [the Prime Minister's adviser on the Ministerial Code] an office which one presumes is specifically designed to ensure that such as has occurred, never occurs.
And the PM’s track record in support of his appointees who have his full support, and then have been found to be lacking in the necessary honesty and integrity required of a transparent and vibrant administration, delivers a double whammy of woe and concern with regard to his position as a leading role model too, and that in its turn would clearly suggests that the Conservative party itself is bankrupt of talent. A cuckoo in the nest is never going to deliver a golden eagle, no matter how often one would pretend to be able to soar and command dominion of lofty realms.
Reacting to events definitely tells everyman and the dogs on the street that someone else is leading and providing that which is to be reported/pimped, pumped and dumped upon the world, North, East, West and South, as NEWS to be followed and believed.
And sadly would the rot not stop there either, as tacit higher assent implying royal approval of such leadership, also delivers its own unpleasant fallout/damaging insight.
And things will, and this you can definitely be assured of in this day and age of deep packet metadatabase inspection for root core power discovery, always deliver the honest reality of a situation rather than the supply of a feathered clone pretender, which is more a figment of inadequate imagination and virtual reality nightmare, remaining to rule the roost.
amanfromMars on June 4, 2012 at 9:09 am said here … …. in reply to Agent Revolver’s comment of …..
What one man/plant can do, another can, as well. But the recent Cain’s hot piss was weirdly directed against the wind. Somebody behind the Red Shield should choose clowns more thoroughly.
I would not disagree with those fundamental truths, Agent Revolver, although I would add that what a few may be able to do, may be way beyond the reach of the many, for only a few may have the requisite intelligence, even as they would share what they might know to all, in order to discover who else might have such necessary intelligence, and thus can they forge stealthily ahead in plain sight, safe and secure in the knowledge because they are not understood and are misunderestimated and/or dismissed as unlikely to succeed in their Virtual Reality Adventures and SMARTR AIMissions, which would be Ignorance compounding Arrogance delivering Practical Invisibility permitting Change with Takeover and Makeover of Status Quo Leads which are Followed and Monitored and Mentored.
Such a state of affairs though, would admirably suit them as IT extraordinarily renders to them, unhindered virgin fields of exotically expansive and erotically esoteric and exploitive play in any number of new and quite surreal and HyperRadioProActive Greater IntelAIgent Games ……. SMARTR GIG Presentations …….. AIdDerived Futures?
Methinks that would be quite perfect for Red Shields who have hitherto up until now, chosen and/or been regaled of nothing but fool clowns too well versed in their mad past follies.

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