Wednesday, 6 June 2012


amanfromMars, In a nutshell, a Shell IDEntity into SMART CHAOS with NIRobotIC Quantum Remote Virtualised Controls …. on
The banking system’s modus operandi/vivendi ….. fractional reserve lending and fiat currency creation to distribute as flexible debt disguised as credit to cripple freedoms and try to channel progress through the self same parasitic third parties …. is hacked/reverse engineered to its core foundation, and now well enough known to far too many able beings, as a crooked and perverse, ever increasingly self-destructive Ponzi scam, and a business model which has no future in the future ….. and it is catastrophically vulnerable to nothing more complicated than it being more clearly explained to the masses who have been brainwashed into believing that it is something completely different and vital, whenever it is actually venal.
Exposure of the system to the reality of its failed premises is that which is even causing leading players of the system to pause and consider their exposure to that which will follow quite unpredictably and spontaneously as activity in counter movements highlights the true nature of the beast.
And Henry Ford did warn all fools of the danger they face as intelligence improves and spread like wildfire ……. “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.

amanfromMars June 06, 2012, 23:32 …..
“It’s not cyber war, it’s cyber terrorism, and I’m afraid the game is just beginning. Very soon, many countries around the world will know it beyond a shadow of a doubt,” Kaspersky told reporters at a Tel Aviv University cyber security conference.
“I’m afraid it will be the end of the world as we know it,” he warned. “I’m scared, believe me.” ……
I agree with you, Eugene [Kaspersky], but you have absolutely nothing to fear if you have nothing secret to hide, and hidden from general knowledge and transparent global view because its presence and purpose would identify you as a renegade administration sponsoring and launching state sponsored acts of war and terrorism …… in a Great Game with slow ignorant fools and blunt arrogant tools which try vainly to mimic Grand Master Imperialism in order to only deliver the certifiable madness that is a Present Future Imperfect, Post Modern Neo-Classical Fascism.
And whenever that is your bent and avowed folly, have you everything to worry about, all the time, and with no viable nor available defence against that which is ranged against you, would that be a quite perfect and seriously smart enemy/opposition/competition/friend and worthy of unconditional global support, would it not?
Now, who can identify a rogue administration led by a renegade promising renaissance a false hope and change which cannot be believed and supplied. Who are those spivs and pretentious pretenders to media manufactured greatness?

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