Saturday, 16 June 2012


Posted Saturday 16th June 2012 03:23 GMT amanfromMars 1 ……

Re: Interception …… of Unbelievably Powerful Virtual Munitions


My business is working for bad guys subject to interception by Governement / Police.

It matters zero that the transmission system is secure. The comms devices usually keep a record of text communications. Capture of one device usually results in a complete evidence trail of sent and received messages. This includes encrypted messages.

What is actually needed is a read-once message system that uses a rolling encryption key that is not reversable. This means any intercepted message cannot lead to the decryption of any other message.

Such systems exist but are not yet widespread. …. Jerry Posted Friday 15th June 2012 08:46 GMT

Is a Zeroday, such a read-once message system, immune to reverse engineering, Jerry? And would field development and deployment of such to exploit vulnerabilities in systems, make IT and Communications Systems, a possible, and therefore highly probable, intangible and invisible Stealth Weapons System?

Or would IT and Communications Systems just be classed as a component/commodity capable of metadatamorph into a Stealth Weapons System?

And does having asked such questions, realise and/or virtualise them into existence for responsible control by developing entities?

And would it create an enigmatic conundrum defying simple resolution by ITAR signatories?

Questions, questions, questions, and all of them requiring one has answers for them if one wants to be considered capable of controlling that which they present for exploitation and development/critical military and intelligence advantage?

Paragraph (b) codifies the principle in ITAR section 120.3 that, in general, a commodity should not be ITAR controlled if it has a predominant civil application or has performance equivalent (defined by form, fit, and function) to articles used for civil applications. If such an article nonetheless warrants control under the ITAR because it provides the U.S. with a critical military or intelligence advantage or for another reason, then it is or should be enumerated on the USML, as described in the “bright line,” “positive list” objectives listed in the Department of State’s December 10, 2010 Federal Register notice, Revisions to the United States Munitions List (75 FR 76935).

amanfromMars on June 16, 2012 at 5:02 am said: …. in a reply on

Printing money as debt is always a bad idea. Central banks and governments cover up their bad math with booms and busts, blaming everyone and his uncle for their silly games, while they claw back everyone’s wealth. The banks and governments keep printing money and giving it to each other. They are really looking dimwitted now.

The fact remains . . . ….. Agent Weebley

And it is that simple fact which rules everyone’s lives ……. and is now capable of ruining catastrophically and frighteningly quickly, the lives of those in control of banks and governments printing money and giving it to each other [electronically inventing trillions worth of instant new credit for creation and supply of future debt and continuous indebtedness to a deceptively simple system which is pimped as being complex] unless they do something truly novel and benevolent and game changing, rather than destructive and self serving and more of the same [and which appears to be all that they are capable of or prepared to do, which does suggest a lack of suitable intelligence right at the top of those decision making bodies] …….. which the system has no chance of preventing becoming general knowledge to the masses. And it does not take an Einstein to imagine what the mob will do to those who are responsible for their enslavement to such a simple system of global power control. ……..

Morning, All. Methinks there needs to be new leadership at the helm of the system. And it would be best if it were to be appointed by present incumbents so that they would be protected against possible deadly repercussions because of their serious serial failings in a perverse and corrupt thinking that they would never be found out, and thus were safe and secure and free to do whatever they liked, immune from responsibility and accountability.

What fabulous, arrogant, ignorant fool thought that was ever going to be an acceptable state of global affairs?

Posted Saturday 16th June 2012 10:37 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. on

Re: Kind of a useless award ..

It’s not like The Queen actually knows what IT is.

I had hopes, all those years ago, when she supposedly sent that email …….. jake Posted Saturday 16th June 2012 09:04 GMT

One imagines, and probably also trusts in those who would real servants of the people and true valiant Grand Knights of the realms which deliver sublime guidance and immaculate leadership beneficial to all, that the Palace is more au fait with the virtual sphere and its facilities than they would care to share and submit/admit to.

Should that not be so, would they be, and unnecessarily so, in a very dangerous and precarious position indeed. Such is easily remedied though, with the appropriate services being supplied by competent providers/APT White Knights in Cyber Security Office.

Posted Saturday 16th June 2012 15:58 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. replying on

The truth shall set you free …… and cause a catastrophic run on the entire banking system?

Why the assumption that only Americans don’t believe in toadying to unelected rulers?

I mean what good did it do them ditching our monarchy… Other than becoming the richest most powerful nation on this planet? ….. Spoddyhalfwit Posted Saturday 16th June 2012 13:20 GMT

You really ought to get out more, Spoddyhalfwit, for the riches have built a paper tiger and school yard bully,  and the very military industrial machine problem that President Eisenhower warned Uncle Sam about* and was to be gravely avoided. The whole edifice is a house of cards built without stable foundations which relies on foreign nations accepting dollar paper and dollar paper IOUs for payment of goods and services and that is vulnerable to their customers wanting other currencies or valuables, if the scam that it is just paper and not wealth at all, is rumbled.

Such though is the elephant in the room that no one is talking about and the abiding, unavoidable problem for the whole system, and that is why it is collapsing with nothing more heavy than the truth destroying the dodgy empires it has built whenever everyone was ignorant and unaware of the Great Illusionist Game being played.

This is an interesting and educational depiction of an inconvenient truth, allied to the above  ……….

And Eisenhower’s speech, of which this is just one small but significant and prescient part  …… “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist.” ……. can be read in full, here ……

It is a jolly good read which fools ignore at their peril.

Over 50 years after he left office, have his darkest fears been realised and are now destroying all that was built and supposed to be great, because it is all built upon dreams which cannot be shared because they are exclusive and self-serving?

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