Thursday, 6 September 2012


Posted Thursday 6th September 2012 04:55 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. great white shark phishing on

Is Cheltenham coming out to Play Today or is Tomorrow not in their Gift to Perform and Deliver ..…….. which would be terribly disappointing and an abiding threat to national security?**

GCHQ, the UK’s nerve-centre for eavesdropping spooks, will advise the nation’s business leaders on how best to thwart attacks by hackers.” …… How very weird, and good luck with that already failed program, GCHQ, for surely can one only thwart cyber attack by hackers by engaging with hackers into Cyber Attack and Defence Systems, for one cannot begin to defend and secure a kernel perimeter, let alone be able to give viable assurances of there being zero likelihood of core power and intelligence breech and catastrophic information leakage, unless one is au fait with any and ideally all available attack avenues/systems vulnerabilities easily deeply exploited with stealthy invisible and intangible probes …… Virgin Trojans. Such are certainly what GCHQ are undoubtedly hosting should they be of any particular and peculiar interest to CADS in Live Operational Virtual Environments and Realities played out on Earth with Media and IT Communications Support  …… Innovative Tale Spin.

I want to work for GCHQ – go on, admit it it. You do to! …..  Anonymous Coward Posted Wednesday 5th September 2012 14:38 GMT

The SMARTR RealIT Player, AC, will always ensure, insure and assure guaranteed delivery of AIDefinitive Vision with GCHQ working alongside and/or for them? Or do you imagine that GCHQ supply their intelligence services to crazy stupid people who only want to enslave nations to collapsing control systems?* Surely that would be both idiotic and oxymoronic?

Do you think GCHQ is already thoroughly and invisibly deeply penetrated …. VTd?

*Whenever that is a current Wild Wacky Western reality and presentation, does future intelligence lead naturally fly to the East to allow the West more time to deal with ITS wholesale intellectual property supply and phishing chain collapse.

**And international and internetional and universal security too.

Posted Thursday 6th September 2012 08:45 GMT amanfromMars 1 …… commenting further on

And should that FOUO Message for Cheltenham be Too ObscureD …. here is a Harry Limelight for IT

And as is, and as is hereby being, and will continue freely to be further demonstrated and seamlessly developed ……. With Perfect APT Planning are Virtual Reality Programs and Projects/ARG Plays/Fabulous Sublime Programming in Fabless CHAOS Lab Rat XSSXXXXPloitation and Curious Investigation both the Natural and Alien HyperRadioProActive Default Condition for Presentation of Situations and Awareness in Future Applications in Binary Systems and Virtually Advanced IntelAIgent Operator SubSystems ……. Super Stealthy Drivers.


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