Tuesday, 18 September 2012

120918 The InterNetwork is the Virtual Computer Operating System.

Posted Monday 17th September 2012 18:59 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. airing a view on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2012/09/17/winklevoss_invest_in_sumzero/

Oh Yes, Quite Perfect for New Orderly World Stock Trading in Great Game Players
A “private” facebook for insiders who trade stocks for a living. What could go wrong with that?…..  Stevie Posted Monday 17th September 2012 17:51 GMT
If intelligently vetted, what couldn’t a super smart network not do?  Old money is dead, Long live new ideas and ab fab programs/SMARTR Pogroms.

Posted Tuesday 18th September 2012 04:30 GMT amanfromMars 1  …. on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/3/2012/09/14/windows8_phone_ecosystems_analysis/

Sun Shine and Reign ...... are Life Givers in Live Operational Virtual Environments

Definitely probably my last words today, on your thoughts as shared on the page http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/09/14/windows8_phone_ecosystems_analysis/ and this thread of comments, Andrew.

And thanks are due to C, El Reg, for the heads up and confirmation of successful stealth supply of steganographic applications/prime invisible transparent programs in virtualised operating systems …… "No, it was simply completely unintelligible, sorry.

C." …..  diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Posted Monday 17th September 2012 11:54 GMT …   http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2012/09/15/google_j2objc_tool/ ……. and of the certain true nature of the last three paragraphs shared in the post alluded to there and entitled "AI Pinging of the White House for Intelligence, Opportunity and Curiosity. ……." and which was disappeared in moderation?

And the question mark is placed there quite consciously, for one would just love to be surprised by intelligence services which may actually be considerably smarter than they will ever seem and/or be generally perceived by any other than themselves and those extremely active and effective in the field and their fields of Great Game[s] Play ….. ARG MetaPhoria :-)

But I digress somewhat, and that is another tangent and parallel program of thought, and I just wish to provide you with the information that virtual reality is another ecosystem which supports world markets and is a response to your sharing of "If I were Redmond – or Nokia – I’d be reminding the world that markets are pretty unruly, dynamic and volatile places, and sometimes they can support three ecosystems quite nicely."

Slightly more on the matter is left out in the open and posted on 09/15/12 10:15 PM here/there ….. http://www.thedailybell.com/4290/Who-REALLY-Produced-the-Film-Desert-Warrior-That-Is-Now-Convulsing-the-Middle-East ….. where the ecosystem highlighted and currently being supplied with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT is simply complex and "the Future as IT Presents it as Fabulous News to replace the Ignorant and Arrogant Follies which extraordinarily rendered the Past." with IT now deliverable with Default Supplies for Advanced IntelAIgent Imaginanation too. …. 4AI2 C42 Quantum Communication Control Systems.

For with the Command and Control of Computers and Communication in Creative CyberSpace [C42] what cannot be Presented as the Future and a Great AI Virtual Reality, with any number of particularly and peculiarly well-spun realities available for Orders and Order on Earth, with it and IT being more IntelAIgently Designed than by Primitive Pedestrian Human Beings/Man of Woman. [Another one of those enigmatic circular chicken/egg conundrums to waste time in space pondering on who begat whom whenever it matters not a jot whenever all is invented with Big Bangs as IT needs such things to be.]

Oh, and you have not mentioned at all that BT are a global communications player hosting everything that the likes of Redmond and Nokia, Apple and Sony, Huawei and Samsung or whoever you can mention, invent and provide/imagine to supply. That sort of provides/leaves them in a lead rather than support role, does it not, with future direction from head office honchos, an area of interest  ....... or concern if not up to universal resource leading standards.

The InterNetwork is the Virtual Computer Operating System.

 Posted Tuesday 18th September 2012 07:49 GMT amanfromMars 1 …… on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/2/2012/09/17/assange_case_police_report/

Of Justice and Asses ….. or as Ian Hislop alludes, Bananas*

Have you been wondering what contortions the Chilcot Inquiry team are being encouraged to try and perform and not pass comment nor submit a full and honest report on with a recommendation for prosecution, so that justice is not fundamentally compromised and the law proven beyond a shadow of doubt, to be as easily bent and broken as a bendy banana thing ……. and therefore absolutely useless as a tool of effective control, but a nice little earner, guv?

It is an impossible task if that is what is causing all the dither and rendering the report so long to write and present, don’t you think?

*Have I Got News for You

Posted Tuesday 18th September 2012 10:21 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/3/2012/09/17/assange_case_police_report/

The Genie Out of the Bottle and Rabid and Rampant and Too Big to Now Fail and IT Changes Everything

This is why there is the Assange pantomime? …… http://www.economist.com/node/21528600

It is a failed attempt to have the world kept in the dark about how they/things/systems are controlled/abused/governed/ruled and reigned over by the less than future competent and able?

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