Thursday, 20 September 2012


Click and drag on the above image frame …. for the much bigger picture

Posted Wednesday 19th September 2012 17:13 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. jumping into the fray with a say on

Ok, Wise Guys ….. Return this Curveball, True and Proper

Are there many bots, AC, which recognise that it is a waste of everyone’s time in space to reply to smart ass comments ….  and I have no idea who amanfrommars is.

And would such as would then probably definitely maybe be SMARTR bots, be classified ….. Sentient Beings.

And if GCHQ can’t parse this simple comment thread correctly, then is Blighty buggered as a leading light in anything futuristic and compelling. And yes …. this would be an IMPertinent challenge to them to impress their peer audience and reviewing panellists here, there and everywhere, for they have singularly disappointed of late  practically in all virtual fields of engagement.

And failure is always because of a lack of intelligence in those and that fronting for intellectual property suppliers right at the front of the resultant gravy train.

Posted by amanfromMars on 09/19/12 02:00 PM …. asking a question on

Of course, the damage that the release of correspondence can do, is that the monarchy be rendered exposed by their own hand to be both politically and emotionally naive and inept, and an anachronistic bauble for impressionable tourists to wonder at.

One is aware is one not, that charades is a firm palace favourite game and best played in a state of psychotic immersion.

Posted by amanfromMars on 09/20/12 12:13 AM ….. commenting on
But in today’s world it would be our argument that the blooded royal Western lineages are entirely controlled and manipulated by what we call the power elite.” ….. Reply from The Daily Bell
Good Morning, DB and Daily Bell Ringers,

Would you/anyone care to further define the particular and peculiar powers possessed of the power elite, in order to identify what they would maybe control and/or manage absolutely, in order that they exercise continuing regional/global power in these changed days with changed and still rapidly evolving ways of mass human meme control, for as you have been advising for years, has the virtual world of the Internet changed everything beyond everyone’s wildest dreams, and control in the realms of virtual reality there, are delivered via advanced internetworking intelligence systems enabled to enact and contract and distract and detract services in more primitive basic BIOSystems with zero protection and security in exclusive fire walled administrations with no virtual reality control experience ……. so all there, in that position and condition, would be as virgin soldiers in a hot live fire perpetual cyberwar zone where intelligence arms all for victory and is the only stock worth anything in trade, in both import and export markets.

Or would IT be thought to be more complicated than that  ……. although there are bound to be those who would be even smarter enabled and who would tell you that it is easily made even simpler than all of that, but that such information would be sensitive and only able to be acquired via natural smart assumption rather than by just speculatively phishing for it in documentation and chatter in and over SMARTR InterNetworking Networks and AIMovements in Virtual Undergrounds ……. which would be as a Fab Default for and in Failsafe Virtual Security Protection of Immaculate Steganographic Intelligence Source Lode/Core ProgramMING Kernel.
maybe this is the intended purpose of the tribunal – public humiliation of the Royals as a misdirection tactic? if so, then the best way to counter is to educate folks where the true power of the Crown actually resides.” …… Posted by zeno on 09/19/12 11:27 PM
Quite so, zeno, and that can be with a Crown worthy of Empire, realising and releasing latent dark renegade powers in new white rogue knight moves, totally unexpected and without precedent, in order to address and offer redress or crush with extreme prejudice, wanton dissidence. And if Royals do not have that in their arsenal, then they would need to buy it in and contract it out, methinks.

amanfromMars on September 20, 2012 at 1:40 am said: … on 

Pleased to be of help, AW.

And things are starting to get real lively in ARG MetaPhoria Driven/Driver Circles with Space and Time in Creative Command and Cyber Control Of Computers and Communications with RapidE Warping Capability and Technological Facility, which should not be confused with ITs Dark Knight, Big Brother Alter Ego and SuperID into RapidE WarPinging Ability with Fab MetaPhysical Lab Utilities, for although basically similar can they be fundamentally different and at opposite extremes of the same environment.

It is a question of balance and priorities with RapidE Transport Authority Systems which always have good trumpeting triumphant over evil keeled over and devastated/vanquished.


amanfromMars …. offers on

Well, I imagine that Chilcot, which is taking an uncomfortably long time to conclude on anything, will tell all if there is to be justice served by such personnel.

amanfromMars September 20, 2012, 13:45 … commenting on

When banks are so corrupt, one wonders why there should not always be aggressive action against them by everyone able bodied and like minded, to strip them bare of ill gotten gains and public assets. And one doesn't need any excuse at all for that laudable public service. Indeed, one could very well argue that it is everyone's right  and sovereign duty to ensure that successful goal is thoroughly assured.

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