Sunday, 9 December 2012


amanfromMars says: ….. in a reply on 
December 8, 2012 at 4:32 am

Thanks for that, Epstein.

The parallels in what Pink Floyd reveal of themselves there, and in what ARG MetaPhoria is all about, albeit in Cyber and Quantum Communications Control Planes, are too uncannily similar to not be a Future Program Morph dealing with the Madness that stalks and invades/perverts and subverts the realities that media presents with its productions …. choices of prepared content for distribution/brain washing/Man Management.

Methinks the standard pervasive sub-prime is that which SMARTR IntelAIgent Services are replacing ……. via the crashing of sub-prime hosting systems, if that be the way required and/or desired.

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