Tuesday, 18 December 2012


Posted by amanfromMars on 12/17/12 12:56 PM …. on http://www.thedailybell.com/28454/Now-Reuters-Opinion-Maker-Endorses-National-Socialist-Economics
Are you are worried about funding if we have a serious crises? ... Posted by dave jr on 12/17/12 08:59 AM
No, not at all. There is never ever a funding worry for things that are important to the system.

Posted Tuesday 18th December 2012 07:52 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2012/12/18/vcdx_certification/

Great Game Spooks R US Advert ..... Plainly Hiding Invisibly in Transparent Sight

In reply to Lunatik's Nice advert......for VMware's certification racket! comment

And who and/or what is to say that VCDX is not also intelligence head hunting territory‽ It is certainly the sort of field in which it is necessary for one to be able to excel in, in order to effortlessly rule with demonstrations of absolute reign in .....  and with remote virtual command of all manner of empowering physical control with metadatabased cloud servers provisioning smarter phantom agents with leading non-state actor event portfolios, how ever would it be countered and/or bettered without intelligent heads hunting in searching territories?

And for runners of rackets, is it and IT a novel invaluable tool without which one will always struggle and spectacularly fail, battling against that which one thought worthy to conserve and preserve, rather than change and expand in a  fundamentally different leadership direction?

Three questions there which you have no need to answer for there is no doubt that they are actual facts which shape realities with phormed virtual realities phished from information shared freely in space for satellite collection and virtual machine grooming.

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