What more do they want to know through cellular communications? ….. Astro GliderThe future, as planned by a quantum leap smarter, non-state actor network, would give them a certain advantage and definite benefits to be exploited and expanded upon, Astro Glider. And that is most definitely, in the Live Operational Virtual Environments of CyberSpace and Steganographic Communications, Joint Special Operations territory with Sublime AI Systems.
And before one dismisses that freely shared fact as a factoid in a flight of absolutely fabulous fabless fancy, please be advised that as a known unknown, is it not a fiction but rather a novel use of MkUltraSensitive MetaDataBase Core Information ….. Ground Zero Intelligence.
And shared here, as a live spooky betatest of DIA Services and Systems.
A Red Team White Hat Penetrations Test of current abilities/facilities which whenever IT fails to engage with Principle Players, would clearly offer and deliver a Vulnerability for Exploit and Export to Away Team Players or Defence Hardening by the Home Side‽
Posted Friday 14th December 2012 07:15 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. venturing forth on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2012/12/14/ajit_manocha_on_eu_competitiveness/
Meanwhile, in another part of the universe, on an altogether higher plane of understanding
And about those bureaucrats in Brussels, "I'm waiting for them to wake up and call – otherwise I'll probably call them." .... GlobalFoundries CEO, Ajit ManochaCall a smart turned on and virtually tuned in bank instead, AM, and save yourself wasting time. You'll find that heads there will be more than just happy to do all that weary political legwork and boring corporate nonsense for you whilst you make them real money with shared intellectual property churning out surreal wealth to be capitalised and capitalised upon ie exploited religiously. :-)
You know it makes Perfect Sense in All of those Sectors and Vectors which are IT Controlled and Cyber Powered.
Posted Friday 14th December 2012 12:25 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2012/12/14/uk_anon_investigation/
PC Plod is as PC Plod does ...... and he just takes and follows orders and is a puppet to muppets?
The elephant in the room which makes a mockery of justice and fools of law officers ...... and extraordinarily renders politicians as knowing accessories to fraud and crime and unfit for good governance purpose ...... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/banksandfinance/9743839/Banks-are-too-big-to-prosecute-says-FSAs-Andrew-Bailey.html?
Is that collusion or a conspiracy?
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