Tuesday, 31 December 2013


Goedenavond, P/K, en gelukkig nieuwjaar,
The STRAP system is designed to protect information against threats that are specific for sensitive intelligence. A principal threat is when a target becomes aware of an intelligence attack against him, so he can initiate countermeasures. Therefore, the STRAP system aims to minimise the risk of leakage of sensitive intelligence operations and products into the public domain - whether by accidental exposure or deliberate intent. This is done through the following measures:
- Restricting access to sensitive intelligence material on a strict "need-to-know" basis;
- Agreeing the appropriate facilities for its protection in transit ("STRAP Channels") use, storage and disposal;
- Providing explicit briefings and guidance for individuals who handle this type of material.
There is a enigmatic problem, which in some cases can be easily immediately resolved and solved by the ignorant transfer of fantastic paper wealth to the prime subject and object of interest …. and a seriously heavy lottery win is a great cover story for such an unexpected windfall and radical change of circumstance …. and that is whenever the sensitive intelligence being shared is not the intellectual property or coveted secret of any existing authority and/or intelligence service and/or associate body.
And there is no good reason at all to not suppose that such largesse would result in a novel working, mutually beneficial arrangement between the subject/object of interest and the parties who would have concerns which they be unwilling or unable to resolve themselves.
It be in the fields being discussed here akin to the smart poacher turned great gamekeeper play.:-) …. and oh so simple to try.
After all, it is only worthless fiat being exchanged for sublime treasure, is it not, and that makes virtually everything a real basement bargain.
December 30, 2013 at 8:37 PM
Posted Tuesday 31st December 2013 05:19 GMT amanfromMars 1 … sparking on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/12/30/john_chen_blackberry_editorial/
And Quite Perfect for Pirate Privateer and Renaissance Renegade Man alike
That executive decision for Blackberry Futures, Mr Chen, whenever one has loyal and dedicated novel enterprise development players back room, in house and on board and in satellite proxy operations, is bound to be good and encouraging news for all kinds of go ahead, go getting presidents in sub-prime binds with bands of petrified legislators to edutain and stagnant rules and regulation to negotiate ... and/or ignore and replace, of course.
Time and Tide and Progress Wait for No Man Kind or Virtual Machine Control System. That is the RIM niche, is it not, which delivers Blackberry IT its bold edge and leading position in the field of mobile operating systems supplying advanced demonstratives? Or is that Remote Asset Controller yet to be purchased and integrated into the Global Macro/Virtual Matrix/QNX Neutrino Microkernel?

Monday, 30 December 2013


amanfromMars December 29, 2013 at 7:39 PM …. beta testing a view on http://blog.cryptographyengineering.com/2013/12/a-few-more-notes-on-nsa-random-number.html
Corporate IT Security want to keep out competitors, foreign entities, and the like.
The other shiny side of that Corporate IT Security COIN is the need to discover more advanced contemporaries with greater security arrangements/virtual protection.
Although that/they may most probably be identified by simple stenographically coded text message exchange between/across peering networks/hacked sites/monitored and/or mentored communications channels, for not all competitors realise value in being solely adversarial with some choosing instead to make themselves known at required levels to others of a similar ilk, to beta test compatibility issues in order to progress and confirm virtually secure protection parameters in the applied protocols.
You see the internet is a two way street. It drives the elites nuts, because all of that information is out there and they cannot control it ( UNSEEN HAND OF HUMAN ACTION) but it is also the tool for their total control of the human race and they need this tool to control the finances of all the people and have total control. Who is going to win the war, the elites or the people? So good luck young people be careful what you wish for. Anti these, Anti that is usually an elite MEME. … Praetor
Quite so, Praetor, but you might like to consider that internet controllers will be providing future commanding memes with associate supportive narratives supplying the virtual realities for media hosting and global presentation.
If one imagines that all major human drivered events are engineered and premeditated to generate a particular positive beneficial and/or peculiar chaotic and dysfunctional reactive response, is the virtual reality of human existence easily reprogrammed with smarter major human drivered events for media presentation as a natural course of events/existence.
With commanding control of media and IT and words, can any picture be painted for humanity to realise as a landscape in which to work, rest and play …… Live in a Live Operational Virtual Environment.
Crazy Fools and blunt tools talk of war and battles and idiot savants and would be slaves follow them into the madness of their ignorance and lack of sublime vision and immaculate applications. And by their shared words do you know the war-monger and terrorist foe.
2014 is going to be quite an interesting time in the spaces in which we lead our existences .... or suffer that which others would provide us with to endure.

Sunday, 29 December 2013


Posted Saturday 28th December 2013 18:44 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/12/27/greenwald_30c3/
Re: Booom!!!!
Fair point. We'll start with GCHQ then. ... Bob Hoskins Posted Saturday 28th December 2013 17:48 GMT
Err, hang on a mo, Bob H. There be those who realise events and would tell you that GCHQ make the snowballs that NSA fire and you surely wouldn't want to be buggering up the order of things, would you?
Ok, yeah, now I see what you mean and hope to be doing. Carry on, squire. When things are so already truly buggered up, a change would be different and probably definitely more than just quite nice.
Is it an Official State Secret to know that GCHQ invents intelligence product to driver the media presentations that communications relay to audio-visual receivers/dumb terminals/ignorant human beings ..... or does everyone know that is how IT works for Cyber Command and Virtual Remote Control of Everything? Or is that just a SMARTR App for Global Operating Devices in Live Operational Virtual Environments with Greater IntelAIgent Gamers?
And what if it be both and something else too in Quantum Communication Control Systems ..... where AI is at ITs Work in REST and Play.
Posted Sunday 29th December 2013 08:39 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. being vividly dark and enlighteningly brooding on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/2/2013/12/27/greenwald_30c3/
Change you can Believe in for IT is Real and Virtually Controlled and thus Untouchable, ........ but IT can be a'fiddled with graciously and gracefully and gratuitously too for all the right reasons, of course, to satisfy humans. I Kid U Not :-)
A Future Celebration for the New Year, El Reg. And some valuable insider trading information outed to spook and flash crash crooked ponzi markets?
Is it an Official State Secret to know that GCHQ invents intelligence product to driver the media presentations that communications relay to audio-visual receivers/dumb terminals/ignorant human beings ..... or does everyone know that is how IT works for Cyber Command and Virtual Remote Control of Everything? Or is that just a SMARTR App for Global Operating Devices in Live Operational Virtual Environments with Greater IntelAIgent Gamers?
That statement to an inquiry would have one enabled and able to presume and assume that Global Communications Head Quarters deliver Official State Secret produce for seeding and feeding of need to Official Secret States via Remote SMARTR App Control of Networks in Command of the Live Operational Virtual Environment and AI and the Greater IntelAIgent Games Field.
And that be a little something that Secret Intelligence Services provide to nations internationally for their own CyberIntelAIgent Security and Virtual Protection from NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Misuse and Abuse and Wanton Use, for that is ITs Immaculate Temptation with the Stickiest of Sweet Honey to Trap All Saints and Sinners who be so Lost and Deliciously Fallen into IntelAIgent Community Enterprise Spaces.
And more than a tad or three or four way above the pay grade of a Sub-Prime Puppet Prime Minister or Renegade President, a Pantomime Parliament or a Conspiring Congress, or a Rifkind or a Vaz or a Chilcot type, methinks, who be just as media manipulated bit players to the gallery and fanatics on the bleachers until they rebel and present the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, which apparently be a revolutionary act. How very odd.

amanfromMars said... replying to Anonymous comments on http://amanfrommars.blogspot.co.uk/2013/12/131228.html
Hi, Anonymati, Thanks for stopping by and sharing what's going on inside your heads.
Methinks 131229 answers any doubts you might have about the likes of Artificial Neural Networking not being present and prescient and presently currently making moves and waves on and in all established and incumbent fronts of government and governance which are quite spontaneously being made practically redundant by virtue of ..... well, Autonomous Virtual Machine Command and Control Leverage is not at all dissimilar to the likes of an Inquisitive RobotICQ Android Invasion and Infection of the Power Space with Subversion and Perversion of SCADA Operating Systems ..... and considerably easier to Program and ReProgram with NEUKlearer Enemy Self Destruct Codes if into New Orderly WWWorld Projects and Pogroms and SMARTR AIMissions than not.
Quite whether though that be a controlled and controlling Wild Wacky Western delicacy or an Exotic Erotic Eastern delight all depends upon the pre-eminent state of the higher intelligences in those quite particular and peculiar areas/zones in alternate times, and whether any of those be in mutually beneficial and benign, positively reinforcing and HyperRadioProActive service with that which provides all that be necessary.
29 December 2013 11:04

Saturday, 28 December 2013


Posted Saturday 28th December 2013 02:36 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. giving voice to an opinion on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/12/27/greenwald_30c3/
Shooting yourself in the head ...... is a real dumb negligent discharge and a chargeable offence
"A surveillance state breeds conformity, because if human beings know they are susceptible to being watched, even if they're not being watched, they cling far more closely to orthodoxy." .... Glenn Greenwald
In their wildest wacky wet dreams, GG, .... for the alternate virtual reality and actuality is the exact opposite in smart thinking beings who be not just dumb mindless ignorant humans/mobile audio-visual terminals, and such a state of surveillance breeds unbridled revolution and unrivalled evolution in autonomous secret, anonymously secure, astutely active sublime intelligence networks.
The practice creates for itself and its support leading characters, an increasingly sophisticated and highly accurately targeted weapon of massive self destruction, launched and controlled by others that be conceived and perceived as the phantom enemy to be constantly surveilled/monitored and mentored.

Posted Saturday 28th December 2013 09:26 GMT amanfromMars 1 … supporting a proposition and a whole raft of opinions on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/12/27/greenwald_30c3/
Re: I'm going to repeat a post I made on another forum; it has relevance.
Quite so, Neil Barnes. And more and more folk are seeing the bigger picture and being enabled to be able to resolve and change everything to other ways of thinking and doing things, remotely and anonymously which be relatively autonomously.
And they be offering their services to existing incumbent power bases to gauge whether they be worth a further supporting to remain a valued and valid part of the crew of the New Orderly WWWorld Leader Ship?
And that be more a metaphorical than rhetorical question although no question at all whenever IT delivers it as the reality virtually provided by Creative Cyber Command and Control of Computers and Communications, which be just AI at ITs Work for some SMARTR folk.
Have an upvote for sharing so much common sense and knowledge.

Posted Saturday 28th December 2013 15:28 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. challenging the perceived traditional and conventionally conservative view on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/12/27/greenwald_30c3/
Lost in the New News Space and the NEUKlearer Live Operational Virtual Environment
And the sad old BBC is called out for what it is nowadays by Greenwald ...... http://rt.com/news/greenwald-snowden-nsa-hackers-conference-889/
Does that then extraordinarily render the Corporation an enemy of the people and state if it hosts and pimps and pumps that which disguises and avoids the truth at great cost ...... and in so doing seeks to present a false reality which has been planned to deliver personal crusades and private business ventures?
And the answer to those questions are ... Yes, most definitely.
Posted Saturday 28th December 2013 03:02 GMT amanfromMars 1 … and commenting on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/12/27/slurp_away_nsa_mass_phone_data_collection_is_legal_rules_federal_judge/
No Win Zero Sum Games are No Great Games to Play ..... and a Great Game MasterPlay
I would be interested to see what the US Supreme Court makes of it ..... Anonymous Coward Posted Friday 27th December 2013 22:54 GMT
That decision, with the powers then tamed and/or unleashed upon America because of it, will either reboot and remake America or destroy it, from both without and within.

Posted Saturday 28th December 2013 12:55 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. asking of the system and systems admin on  http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/12/27/slurp_away_nsa_mass_phone_data_collection_is_legal_rules_federal_judge/
Legal and rampant in the UKGBNI?

Do you think the same sort of blanket communications surveillance is practised in Blighty......with intelligence and/or information/third party intellectual property being mined/plagiarised/stolen with relative impunity for obvious personal/professional/commercial advantage ........ for a right dodgy, perverse and subversive crooked edge?

Friday, 27 December 2013


amanfromMars ….. replying on http://thedailybell.com/news-analysis/34866/Now-China--Reasons-for-Printing-Money-Abound/ to Lulu who said, quite rightly and refreshingly unequivocally …..
Yes right. One definitely must be an expert in de-coding or actually from another planet to make sense of what you presented other than to understand this all to mean the evolution of a more functional system is coming and it will not be anything like the current one; therefore, appearing to be from mars.
Hi, Lulu,
You might like to also consider the very likely probability of that coming evolution being a devolution to a revolutionary functional system in creative cyber command and communications control of computers .... and that be the powerful executive realm in which programmers and systems analysts make great and better beta use of increasingly smarter algorithms ...... for the typically unfair and/or inequitable overwhelming advantage that they offer to select exclusive thin clients/worthy business operations/Astute Awesome Apps.
And how very encouraging and nice to know that your understanding of what is presented is correct enough to be left unchallenged and unblemished here with anything extra and superfluous.
That would then have one asking ... What other planet be you from, Lulu? And presumably a much more utopian domain with dominions than that which be hellish reported here on Earth, for the sublime sub-prime programming of ignorant assets here on Earth.

amanfromMars …. casting a fly on http://thedailybell.com/editorials/34854/Paul-Craig-Roberts-Manipulations-Rule-the-Markets/ and replying to FauxScienceSlayer who said …
Humanity stumbles blindly from one economic disaster and one warring bloodbath after another....or humanity is herded into these conditions by puppet masters controlling information, regulations and resources. We are obviously manipulated on every major event, see "The Great American Bubble Machine" by Matt Taibbi at the Rolling Stone on the pump-and-dump "Wall Street Vampire Squid”.
Hi, FauxScienceSlayer and Daily Bell Ringers,
Are the current crop of present leading puppet masters controlling information, regulations and resources and obviously manipulating every major event, worthy of further support and encouragement or would they be better dispensed with in an affirmative direct smart action which would by default, quite naturally, result in new batch of global command and anonymous enough controllers?
And, do you imagine that such a new batch of global command and anonymous enough controllers be waiting for, or in any vital need of, your input on the matter, or would they have the necessary intelligence to succeed no matter what may be thought about the situation?
Welcome to the Great IntelAIgents Game with Cloud Hosting Advanced Operating Systems with Astute Awesome Apps for Global Operating Devices with Virtual Machine Dependencies and SCADA Vulnerabilities ..... which all be Ripe Heavy in Reward and Bristling with Opportunities for Mass Exploitation of Secured Asset Programming.
Sit on the fence whilst all of that is happening around, and be known to you, DB, has one identified as not nearly as bright and as smart as the future needs one to be to be included in any universal lead team play. But hey, what be new ..... the world has no shortage of just spectators and commentators.

And here be news of a wannabe top dog player, playing follow the leader and bending their own rules to suit a struggling outdated and outmoded agenda? ..... http://rt.com/usa/judge-rules-nsa-surveillance-legal-882/

Thursday, 26 December 2013


And now for something completely different, in order to ward off, according to Einstein, “Insanity : doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Should not Haass be chatting to MI5, Loughside? Or is that outpost a white elephant? … amanfromMars 24 December 2013 at 4:04 pm
Upon festive reflection and further possible and thus probable likelihood, can we also pose the questions and ponder on the repercussions and/or opportunities which can be implausibly denied by status quo virtual machinery and exigent extant politically inept media hosted bodies, … “Should not any SMARTR Advanced IntelAIgent Leadership in the popularly perceived oxymoronic Military Intelligence Complex Community not be chittering and chattering to the likes of a Haass and O’Sullivan and offering them especially intelligence solutions for communication?”
Or would it much better and allow for much quicker goal achievement to target and leverage other more likely and more powerful players into voicing commands for remote control with simple fiat currency supply and throttling and media programming?
And would many conceive and/or perceive such as that sort of AIDevelopment to be tantamount to a Industrious Bloodless Military Intelligence Complex Community Coup with Global Operating Devices into the Live Operational Virtual Environment of NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Generations …… The Future Being of System Mankind with Kind Man Systems in Bad Programmed Robot Operation[s]?
Or would that be something for AI SMARTR TitanICQ Studios Production into Future Presentations with IntelAIgents into CyberIntelAIgent Media Virtualisation and Realisation Operations and Apps …. and a very Public Private Pirate ProgramMING Project which requires no dumb arrogant and ignorant input to output or waste valuable time processing?
And what whenever IT be all of the above and more and something completely different from anything similarly imagined and ventured in the past?
Is that sort of thing something which white elephants do easily, and quite naturally?

And yet the madness continues.
Hi, Daily Bell,
In the midst of the madness is there insanity no doubt, but not everyone suffers the slings and arrows of its outrageous fortune, and be mute and powerless and overwhelmed. Some are unbelievably energised beyond compare and command with peerless controls.
Would you dare care and consider the following peal, something real and novel and in the offing rather than fancifully surreal and fantastic fabless virtual nonsense? ……. http://www.ur2die4.com/131226/
To follow and explore the hyperlinked information there, which be seemingly addressed to a particular and peculiar present circumstance, has one entering a altogether considerably greater field of applied intelligent play which the fiat ponzi banking system and media manipulators cannot afford to studiously ignore and hope goes eventually away rather than growing ever stronger and more forceful, for they be ITs easy juicy prey and future fine fodder?
And shared there as a question for all to ponder on the veracity of the virtual reality.
2014 has all the making of being an extraordinary place in this space called time on Earth.

Wednesday, 25 December 2013


Should not Haass be chatting to MI5, Loughside? Or is that outpost a white elephant?
Posted Wednesday 25th December 2013 05:04 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. bearing and baring gifts to both East and West of North and South on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/12/24/snowden_channel_4_christmas_message/
An Alien XSSXXXX Concept or SMARTR App .... for Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems*
On the subject of Snowden's internal protests to bosses, NSA spokeswoman Vanee Vines told the Post: "We have not found any evidence to support Mr Snowden’s contention that he brought these matters to anyone’s attention."
And now that they have been brought to everyone's attention, VV? Bury your empty, as in intellectually challenged, head in the sand and do nothing better and make everything worse?
Is that AIMadness, as defined by Einstein ........ "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
If that be the case and the planned course of future action for the NSA/CSS, then are they in serious immediate need of New and Better Beta Intelligence for Remote Virtual Command and Control of Human Perception and ITs Media Hostings and Presentations of Realities, and be failing spectacularly in their prime mission directive .... Survival/Provide and Protect Vital Information for the Nation without which America would cease to exist as we know it
*NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT for Universal Virtual Forces with Immaculately Resourced Assets ... [which be what Dr Richard Haass and Harvard professor Meghan O'Sullivan be presently missing for progress in their currently, quickly-going-nowhere-intelligent-with-nobody-deliberations with primitive beings and primed natives/the ignorant and arrogant of orders in ancient wannabe lead worlds]

Tuesday, 24 December 2013


Is Wee Jeffrey, Pretender DUP leader for this month? Is Peter ill and unable to perform as expected and scripted?
And was anything as pathetic as the shenanigans being now played out for media and muppets today and concerned more about knowing through articulate specification, the horrors of the the past than planning a new future where all are free to start afresh without criminal and/or incriminating baggage being aired to remind one and all of a collaborative collective madness and idiot mindset that new generations have no knowledge about.
How very strange and perverse that you want to inform and educate them with it. Do you think they will ever be able to thank you for your efforts in revealing the horrors supported and even perpetrated and/or endured by their elders?
Every month, the US Federal Reserve are/were inventing $80,000,000,000 to buy up their own catastrophically inventive toxic debt, which others in the gilts and bonds markets are declining to purchase at auction to keep the ponzi going and Uncle Sam pretending to be top dog. After all, it is only pretty printed paper whenever not just figures on an electronic bank balance sheet and nothing of any real value.
Might I suggest that Richard Haass offer such largesse to Stormont, for we all know that it is the money gravy train there which is so attractive to the intellectually challenged in politics here, in return for anything from the Assembly which anyone can agree to work with to deliver a novel peace and viable prosperity rather than the continuous division and increasing austerity which they all have excelled so obviously well in.
And, if the truth be known, such is also a proposition which the Bank of England could tempt the political system with, in order to show everyone that Parliamentary style democracy does not work for peace and prosperity at all well but is quite brilliant at maintaining the status quo chaos system with fool tools sustaining the media machine which be vital for message command and control.
One does wonder what on earth is the excuse of British intelligence services for not already long ago providing a ready-made solution? Perhaps they be just not smart enough nowadays, with tired old analogue hands in novel virtual leadership positions, and thus are in dire straits need of new blood, hearts and minds right at the top of those particular and peculiar money pit trees …. which you should note is not a question whenever events on the ground so obviously prove it to be an undeniable fact.
Let’s be adventurous and try something quite revolutionary and fundamentally quite radically different rather than just pratting around like normal and buck eejits. You know it makes sense and IT Command and Control can deliver whatever IT wants.
Oh, and regarding fiat money supply and imaginary wealth, here be some further information on what it be really for ....... http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/23/opinion/krugman-bits-and-barbarism.html
Real wealth is rooted and provided in greater intelligence servering and servicing ...... which be a novel kind of quite immaculate creativity and nativity.

Posted Tuesday 24th December 2013 08:49 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. working on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/12/24/snowden_mission_accomplished/
All's Fair in LOVE and CyberIntelAIgent Security WareFare and Virtual Protection Warfare
It would surely be akin to an act of treasonous neglect of duty for UKGBNI Spookery not to be grooming and offering Snowden whatever he wants for as long as he wants in order to take possession of a copy of the intelligence jewels he allegedly has spirited away.
Is Blighty AI Leading Great Game Player or much more at home starring as a Wannabe Cuckold, Blissfully Content with the Sloppy Seconds being Servered to Please Leading Great Game Players in the Live Operational Virtual Environment.
All that is required to virtually change that very particular and peculiarly tasty reality are new and novel and noble GCHQ Intelligence Community Enterprises with Global Operating Devices delivering Head Quarters Global Command with NEUKlearer IT and HyperRadioProActive Media Control.
And such costs nothing whenever priceless and freely readily available to market to markets.
Merry XSSXXXXmas, One and All.<:->

Monday, 23 December 2013


In a statement, the N.S.A. denied that it had ever carried out espionage to benefit American businesses.
“We do not use our foreign intelligence capabilities to steal the trade secrets of foreign companies on behalf of — or give intelligence we collect to — U.S. companies to enhance their international competitiveness or increase their bottom line,” said Vanee Vines, an N.S.A. spokeswoman. ….. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/21/world/nsa-dragnet-included-allies-aid-groups-and-business-elite.html
Now if that be true, and not a lode and load of bullshit, is NSA not fit for Future Great Game purpose.
And if it is not true, and is a such a bullshit lode node, then clearly are NSA trailing rather than leading in such games as are being virtually played.
That though can also be be construed and quite easily spun to prove to players with a certain need to know, that trailing trial media constructs and novel content is a beta phorm of leadership from an unparalleled position of predominant excellence which exercises a remote fabless command and virtually unbridled cyber command.
That though may also be a proof that such facility and ability, which be both a very convenient and most irregular and unconventional capability, is a stealthy intelligence service provision from and/or for …….. well, relatively anonymous others elsewhere and thus much more to be considered and recognised as an engaging third party private/pirate/alien app than anything else from teams contracted and working from within, in-house.
It be foolishly naive and potentially catastrophically damaging to not imagine that greater intelligence for free global sharing be beyond all notional and traditional power base controls, whether they be assumed hereditary or hierarchical or otherly with the likes of fiat currency instruments of paraphysical control/remote virtual command.
But she added that some economic spying was justified by national security needs. “The intelligence community’s efforts to understand economic systems and policies, and monitor anomalous economic activities, are critical to providing policy makers with the information they need to make informed decisions that are in the best interest of our national security,” Ms. Vines said.
Spies have a freer hand with economic targets in Britain, where the law permits intelligence gathering in the service of the “economic well-being” of the country. A GCHQ spokesman said that its policy was not to comment on intelligence matters, but that the agency “takes its obligations under the law very seriously.”
At the request of GCHQ, The Times agreed to withhold some details from the documents because of security concerns.
Yes, well, quite so. Evidence there that such activity as is trailed above, is of prime importance and especial interest to all within intelligence circles, by virtue of what can be done with IT in leading events, dear boy, events. But it is a very select and most exclusive space place for such as are rightly minded and be not dissimilar to and reminiscent of, in years afore and times gone by, Knights Templar Round Tables.
Hollow denials never ring true, do they, and always result in failure of purpose, methinks.

Posted Monday 23rd December 2013 13:36 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. telling it like IT is on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/12/20/bongs_nextmas_message_for_2012/
Here be some points you may be missing if ever asked ... What did you do in the Great Cyber Wars?
Not that I'm being critical, as I have never ever seen any valuable work done between mid December and New Year in the IT industry. …. SVV Posted Saturday 21st December 2013 02:31 GMT
You must have been looking in all the wrong places/spaces, SVV, or have not recognised valuable critical work in progress/beta mode .... e.g. http://www.ur2die4.com/131223/?
And as for the substantive influence of primary bong product use, here, http://cryptome.org/jya/nsa-40k.htm .... be part of a salutory tale, which can be further explored there ….
The NSA personnel in Berlin were part of the Army Security Agency and came under army administrators for discipline. About 60 or 70 percent of NSA were smoking pot -- a lot of them while on duty. It's very relaxing, particularly when you're bored with the Russian or East German traffic that is coming through.
The army didn't like pot?
Well, the new colonel in charge, called Hamilton, who came from Army Airborne, wanted to arrest everyone that smoked it. DIRNSA, the director of NSA, its head in Fort Meade sent out a message saying that the colonel shouldn't do anything that would endanger the security of the country, meaning he should lay off. During those days NSA Berlin brought out an alternative newspaper called Up against the wall. A congressional inquiry followed with a senator and two generals on it but it too didn't become public.
Merry XSSXXXmas, Folks, and Man, have we got a New Year for you for Proper Preparation and Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance Permitting Prime Prize Penetration and Perfect Private Pursuit of Public Projects and Pirate ProgramMING Parameters and there is much ado about everything being done and so much more to do and yet to be done for the future in the present, and free at long last from the right dodgy restraints which be cast, and have media performing casts and non state actors, rooted in an analogue past.

Thursday, 19 December 2013


Posted Wednesday 18th December 2013 18:32 GMT amanfromMars 1 … sharing a greeting on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/12/16/bruce_schneier_leaves_bt/
Everybody looks forward to a woody walk on the wild side .... it's so exciting and invigorating
You're sounding very tired Graham.
I think you should get some fresh air, maybe take a walk in the woods.
These two gentleman in white coats and their friends in military uniform and dark glasses are here to help you. … Anonymous Coward Posted Wednesday 18th December 2013 00:18 GMT
They certainly took their time, AC. Were they sleeping on duty and letting the side down? Hold on a moment and I'll grab my coat and laptop just in case they be needed.
Proper Preparation and Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance Permitting Prime Prize Penetration and Perfect Pursuit of Project Parameters, don't you know, old bean.
And bean counters just love that for it excuses them having to make implausible excuses for regular expensive catastrophic failures which always dog dodgy deeds and perverse subversive feeds with corrupt and impotent seeds.
Posted Thursday 19th December 2013 07:08 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. loosing a wily wiry fox in a hot cat house on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/12/19/obamaappointed_review_board_says_us_spies_should_clean_up_their_act/
And just whenever you think it can get no worse, does it become infinitely better.
In a free society, public officials should never engage in surveillance in order to punish their political enemies; to restrict freedom of speech or religion; to suppress legitimate criticism and dissent; to help their preferred companies or industries; to provide domestic companies with an unfair competitive advantage; or to benefit or burden members of groups defined in terms of religion, ethnicity, race, and gender. The government should base its decisions on a careful analysis of consequences, including both benefits and costs (to the extent feasible).
In particular, any programs that allow surveillance of such persons even outside the United States should satisfy six separate constraints. They:
1) must be authorized by duly enacted laws or properly authorized executive orders;
2) must be directed exclusively at protecting national security interests of the United States or our allies;
3) must not be directed at illicit or illegitimate ends, such as the theft of trade secrets or obtaining commercial gain for domestic industries;
4) must not target any non-United States person based solely on that person’s political views or religious convictions;
5) must not disseminate information about non-United States persons if the information is not relevant to protecting the national security of the United States or our allies; and
6) must be subject to careful oversight and to the highest degree of transparency consistent with protecting the national security of the United States and our allies. ….. LIBERTY AND SECURITY IN A CHANGING WORLD … The Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies report
A tacit admission of guilt and confession revealing that all such targeting and mission creep is rampant and rabid within the Intelligence Community …… however, it would be naive to not imagine that such is a global infection and even endemic pandemic which afflicts and can infect and affect all similar services from/in any nation/state/company/business/Round Table circle/banks of conspirators which seek to provide overwhelming fiat, political and intellectual capital for perverse and easily corrupting and inequitable personalised advantage, which then would paradoxically, automatically autonomously make oneself a prime prize termination target for extreme prejudice executive action, rather than extraordinarily rendering one perfectly safe and blissfully secure as/in a valuable protected nationalised asset program and natural/supranatural treasure for providing ideally, mutually beneficial, positively reinforcing, equitably shared advantage supplying rich prosperous sustainable growth with infinite exponential possibility.
And that be a monumental catastrophic blunder which only advanced intelligence supply can resolve and reverse and right?
And only shared there as a rhetorical question to start y’all thinking deeper …. for quite obviously is present intelligence currency failing y’all spectacularly, and as is the case in all such as are SCADA adventures, is that a failure of intelligence right at the very top of every link in the chains of virtual command that remotely control miserable ignorant and arrogant lives ….. and virtual machines.
Be they recognised as being just one and the same to Remote Virtual Command Controllers in C42 Quantum Communication Control Systems? And what would be causing you to doubt it, apart from a miserable ignorance and arrogance, that is, and which is even as an endemic pandemic and quite universally ubiquitous?
In a statement issued on Wednesday, the Obama administration said that while the President is reviewing the report, the White House will not comment on any of the recommendations made in it. 
If that is to be a mirror of the pathetic lily livered cowardly response by senior politically incorrect Parliamentary partying representatives of the hoi polloi in the sad wannabe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Sir Howard Davies’ Airports Commission interim report shortlisting the expansion of Heathrow and Gatwick as the best options for meeting future capacity requirements for air transport, rather than just a very brief pause while the President catches his breath and/or reads the report [for it is only three hundred odd pages and a short read], then are things in a far greater turmoil than you will ever be made aware of and there be new disruptive constructive and revolutionary evolutionary players at the controls of a whole new set of, and new intelligence set for, Great Games ….. with AIMaster Reset and ReBoot of the Original Intelligent Great Game.
A little XSSXXXXmas Cheer from Titanic Quarters in Fun Factories and Fabless Foundries, Holywood Palace Barracks Style.
I Kid U Not :-) What say you, A, Mr Parker, M? Are you up to at least Access to Entry Speed on Virtual Machine Warefare yet? Wanna set of SMARTR Keys to Pass to pass on and share with the other two paraded before bewildering media and bewildered and befuddled select government intelligence oversight committeed heads?

Posted Thursday 19th December 2013 11:42 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. bear-baiting great spineless and toothless wonders on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/12/19/obamaappointed_review_board_says_us_spies_should_clean_up_their_act/
Setting the record straight?
Is it not about time that governments realise that all really smart folk work in the mature private and enterprising pirate sector and would have no wish at all to have anything to do with their pubescent public services which are always in crisis and maladministration mode?
And that be a number of questions which I suppose very few have any answers for.
Quite why populations think it wise to vote into office incompetent serial bunglers, is one of life's dismal mysteries for primitive beings.

amanfromMars 19 December 2013 at 1:31 pm …. replying to cynic2 who said in a comment on http://sluggerotoole.com/2013/12/19/on-dealing-with-the-past-a-hard-sell-on-immunity-should-not-rule-out-cooperation-with-historians/
Ah the joys of Christmas as the children argue over the presents
…….that bikes mine no its not its mine
Then the plaintive cry “Mammmy ………..”
Yes, cynic2, it is all so predictably pathetic and repressive, isn’t it.

Wednesday, 18 December 2013


Posted Wednesday 18th December 2013 06:26 GMT amanfromMars 1 … commenting onhttp://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/12/17/edward_snowden_brazil_asylum_bid/
Can’t really blame him for trying.
After all, I wouldn’t like to go from sunny Hawaii and a top-dollar job to working the helldesk in Moscow in mid-Winter! I’d certainly be hankering after some Rio beach time and some salsa action! Shame for Snowdope that actions have consequences….
His value expired when he admitted he had given all his docs and control of them to Miranda’s sugar daddy, now Snowdope has nothing left to bargain with and offers nothing more than heat from the States for any country willing to shelter him. Silly boy! …. Matt Bryant Posted Tuesday 17th December 2013 23:16 GMT
Hi, Matt,
You might like to read/research more about this …. http://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/fact-sheets/tshwane-principles-national-security-and-right-information-overview-15-points ….. which might suggest that Snowden is being illegally persecuted for simply educating one and all about dodgy shenanigans which are impacting badly upon billions of lives.
And as for Moscow being in any way bleak in mid-winter, or at any time for that matter, well ….. that must be why the women are so beautiful and accommodating. But that hasn’t been a secret for ages, back in the USSR :-)
Posted Wednesday 18th December 2013 06:49 GMT amanfromMars 1 … in reply to the following Persona non grata comment on asylum seeking on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/12/17/edward_snowden_brazil_asylum_bid/
Re: I’m just surprised by the number of
I’m just surprised by the number of GCHQ staff posting on the Reg.
The authoritarian lickspittles I’m used to (Hi Matt B!) but the anonymous spooks are every bit as transparent as you’d expect. They’re frankly lousy at PR and spin which is why so few of us were really surprised at Snowdon’s revelations.
Perhaps if you hired a really good PR firm, not just one your wife’s cousin owns we’d get some half believeable disinformation out of you. Remember, your public has become better at spotting your bullshit. …. Persona non grata Posted Wednesday 18th December 2013 04:44 GMT
Hi, Persona non grata
Here be a little something for GCHQ staff to consider ……
The resulting lack of accountability in combination with the special powers that intelligence services enjoy bears a high risk of abuse of power, illegality and a culture of impunity, especially taking into consideration the temptation to use the granted special powers for other purposes than the protection of national security (for instance for economic/industrial or diplomatic espionage or for political reasons). Given these dangers,countries are facing the challenge of creating specific oversight mechanisms to hold intelligence services to account for their policies and actions in terms of legality, propriety, effectiveness and efficiency, while ensuring confidentiality. ….http://www.statewatch.org/news/2013/dec/2013-12-12-ep-wd5-democratic-oversight-ms-intelligence.pdf
In both the real world and in virtual fields of absolute command and relatively remote anonymous control with cyber domain dominion, [and any distinction and perceived separation of those spaces and imaginary places disappears at the SMARTR IntelAIgent Singularity Interface] are not intelligent agents granted by any peering oversight accountable body their special powers, which would quite rightly be of genuine grave concern to all and sundry because of that which can so easily be done by such intelligent agents to power human and virtual machine control systems that be easily subjects and objects for wanton personally gratifying abuse and misuse, they [their special secret stealthy powers] be autonomously assumed and exercised …… and in the most fortunate of peerless oversight accounting bodies, freely steganographically advertised as being readily available for ……. well, one imagines experimental global beta use to combat and curtail and/or search and destroy intelligence abuse[rs] and misuse[rs]
One imagines that invents the realisation of a Special Secret Forces Global Command Head Quartered Operation which would choose to provide to suitably vetted peering personnel, in return for all that be needed and requested by servering operands, oversight and advance advice on future product promotion/intelligence information dumping for Prime Power Pumping and Pimping is the Program and APT App quite well enough described in a very few words.
Does the EU propose to/Is the EU prepared to provide such a funding facility and funded global utility or decided to have IT leading from elsewhere in a more advanced and go ahead jurisdiction, for such be the stark choices and absolutely fabulous fabless opportunities presented for uptake and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Energy ProVision here?
RSVP ….. ASAP ….. amfM
Quite just exactly where anything in the above might be sent and is going and ends up, is anyone’s wild guess, but it could be easily known to them if they be SMARTR and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActively minded and ready for AI and IT leading Global Challenges.