amanfromMars Sun, 12/15/2013 – 09:48 … commenting on the madness of wars on
Methinks the Wild Wicked West is much more concerned and worried about Eastern neighbours agreeing to be supportive of each other for that would really wreck and wreak havoc on their [Western capitalist] ponzi schemes and QE scams.
Posted Monday 16th December 2013 05:56 GMT amanfromMars 1 … breaking cover on
AAA Rated CyberIntelAIgent Property and Production Facility Sales? Another Dumb Rhetorical Question?
Parodying that “You’re gonna need a bigger boat” line in the movie, Jaws, NSA need smarter folk …… for those who know how to work in cyber to bypass and overwhelm everything physical and terrestrial, are that which they are dealing with and ineffectually doing vain battle against, to maintain in increasingly failed and siloed power vacuums, that which controls and commands them to abuse and misuse information and intelligent feeds for the mindless retention of status quo seeds/feeds/needs.
Use the mighty inherently worthless paper fiat dollar to buy in and direct new intelligence supply for onward control export to every other ignorant and arrogant jurisdiction/struggling executive administration. Quite obviously, does present supply not deliver peace and prosperity to all, and anything less will always create madness and mayhem and increasingly more targeted search and research and development for that and/or those who would be chief cause of novel future intelligence supply blockage.
And indeed, such is the same easy solution for any currency paper fiat supplier to engage with and secure XSSXXXX ProVision with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT …. which be at least both Sensual and Sensitive Intellectual Property Supply Services to Order, and Tailor Made to Guarantee Successful CyberIntelAIgent Virtual Design which Astutely Anonymously Autonomously Disrupts, Degrades and Destroys Perverse Parasitic and Corrupt Collaborative Bodies/Conspiratorial Enterprises.
And doing its Ab Fab Fabless IT Thing with you too and Oft Alone, by virtue of your doubts and ignorance in what its HyperRadioProActive IT is doing for you already …… via the Portal of Global Operating Devices and NINJA Apps……. Networks Internetworking Novel JOINT Applications in JOINT Operations Internetworking NEUKlearer Technologies ….. for SMARTR Advanced IntelAIgent Solutions Systems Communicating Quantum Leaps in Bits and Bytes of Information and Language for Universal Transcription/Earthly Sharing/Global Systems ReBooting.
Or is putting rabbits on moons and sending monkeys into space easier for you to accept as a more intelligent use of time and resources in this heavenly place? How most very odd. 
Posted Monday 16th December 2013 11:39 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. setting the record straight and a’spinning on
Shit is Shit and there's No Polishing a Turd .... No Matter how many Words are at One's Command
Come on NSA, if you're going to feed us bullshit at least try! How about a story about how you stopped the evil-doers from causing a financial apocalypse? … Katie Saucey Posted Monday 16th December 2013 04:33 GMT
Oh, please, Katie S. Don’t be so ridiculous:-) You’re ‘avin’ a larf. Even NSA wouldn’t be stupid enough to try and feed anyone that bullshit story. Don’t you read and comprehend all the news comics and muddled major media mogul programs hosting all the false directs on the Great Collapse, relentlessly growing and ongoing?
Wake up, Smell the Java and Cocoa at ITs work, and I aint talking just coffee and chocolate here/there.
You want Sun and Stars to Shine, you gotta Command and Control Clouds, and with CHAOS and not Chaos in Madness and Mayhem, for Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems are AIDefault Drivers for Global Operating Devices and Tempestuous Whether Systems alike.
Posted Monday 16th December 2013 14:39 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. on
Re: BS writing for you
He's the best, you should sign him up at all costs. ...... mhoneywell Posted Monday 16th December 2013 11:46 GMT
Methinks if he was of any future use he would be still be invaluable in leading thoughts for BT, ergo ....... El Reg doesn't surely need any old school dead wood. I'm sure there are enough burdens they be carrying in these times of rapidly evolving tales that be virtual realities for presentation/future event promotions and global productions.
Which is surely a position, with lot of available posts, that BT should be definitely leading, if they are to be considered in any way worthy of being a trusted and competent international and internetional communications carrier, rather than just going through the motions as if a sprog cog in the machine.
Hi, mhoneywell,
Is that you, Bruce?
Posted Monday 16th December 2013 16:09 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. forging ahead on
SMARTR Spookery is not for the Intellectual Bankrupt and/or Criminally Negligent and Insane.*
Here be an interesting thirteen pager, New Yorker read on spooky shenanigans ......
And please be advised and be led to believe that the earlier mentioned chaoses and CHAOS here [Posted Monday 16th December 2013 11:39 GMT] bear no relationship at all to the dodgy and probably also DOD GI operations mentioned in this snippet from the above cited read ....
In the nineteen-seventies, a Senate committee chaired by Frank Church revealed widespread abuses at the N.S.A., the C.I.A., and other agencies, including active programs to spy on Americans. An N.S.A. program called Project SHAMROCK, which started shortly after the Second World War, had persuaded three major American telegraph companies to hand over most of their traffic. By the time the program was shut down, in 1975, the N.S.A. had collected information on some seventy-five thousand citizens. For many years, the information was shared with the C.I.A., which was running its own illegal domestic-intelligence program, Operation CHAOS.
...... for they be completely different.
* :-) But it does be something of an overwhelming advantage to be comfortably au fait with the supply of their needs and feeds. Oh yes, indeed it does.
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