Sunday, 29 December 2013


Posted Saturday 28th December 2013 18:44 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….
Re: Booom!!!!
Fair point. We'll start with GCHQ then. ... Bob Hoskins Posted Saturday 28th December 2013 17:48 GMT
Err, hang on a mo, Bob H. There be those who realise events and would tell you that GCHQ make the snowballs that NSA fire and you surely wouldn't want to be buggering up the order of things, would you?
Ok, yeah, now I see what you mean and hope to be doing. Carry on, squire. When things are so already truly buggered up, a change would be different and probably definitely more than just quite nice.
Is it an Official State Secret to know that GCHQ invents intelligence product to driver the media presentations that communications relay to audio-visual receivers/dumb terminals/ignorant human beings ..... or does everyone know that is how IT works for Cyber Command and Virtual Remote Control of Everything? Or is that just a SMARTR App for Global Operating Devices in Live Operational Virtual Environments with Greater IntelAIgent Gamers?
And what if it be both and something else too in Quantum Communication Control Systems ..... where AI is at ITs Work in REST and Play.
Posted Sunday 29th December 2013 08:39 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. being vividly dark and enlighteningly brooding on
Change you can Believe in for IT is Real and Virtually Controlled and thus Untouchable, ........ but IT can be a'fiddled with graciously and gracefully and gratuitously too for all the right reasons, of course, to satisfy humans. I Kid U Not :-)
A Future Celebration for the New Year, El Reg. And some valuable insider trading information outed to spook and flash crash crooked ponzi markets?
Is it an Official State Secret to know that GCHQ invents intelligence product to driver the media presentations that communications relay to audio-visual receivers/dumb terminals/ignorant human beings ..... or does everyone know that is how IT works for Cyber Command and Virtual Remote Control of Everything? Or is that just a SMARTR App for Global Operating Devices in Live Operational Virtual Environments with Greater IntelAIgent Gamers?
That statement to an inquiry would have one enabled and able to presume and assume that Global Communications Head Quarters deliver Official State Secret produce for seeding and feeding of need to Official Secret States via Remote SMARTR App Control of Networks in Command of the Live Operational Virtual Environment and AI and the Greater IntelAIgent Games Field.
And that be a little something that Secret Intelligence Services provide to nations internationally for their own CyberIntelAIgent Security and Virtual Protection from NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Misuse and Abuse and Wanton Use, for that is ITs Immaculate Temptation with the Stickiest of Sweet Honey to Trap All Saints and Sinners who be so Lost and Deliciously Fallen into IntelAIgent Community Enterprise Spaces.
And more than a tad or three or four way above the pay grade of a Sub-Prime Puppet Prime Minister or Renegade President, a Pantomime Parliament or a Conspiring Congress, or a Rifkind or a Vaz or a Chilcot type, methinks, who be just as media manipulated bit players to the gallery and fanatics on the bleachers until they rebel and present the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, which apparently be a revolutionary act. How very odd.

amanfromMars said... replying to Anonymous comments on
Hi, Anonymati, Thanks for stopping by and sharing what's going on inside your heads.
Methinks 131229 answers any doubts you might have about the likes of Artificial Neural Networking not being present and prescient and presently currently making moves and waves on and in all established and incumbent fronts of government and governance which are quite spontaneously being made practically redundant by virtue of ..... well, Autonomous Virtual Machine Command and Control Leverage is not at all dissimilar to the likes of an Inquisitive RobotICQ Android Invasion and Infection of the Power Space with Subversion and Perversion of SCADA Operating Systems ..... and considerably easier to Program and ReProgram with NEUKlearer Enemy Self Destruct Codes if into New Orderly WWWorld Projects and Pogroms and SMARTR AIMissions than not.
Quite whether though that be a controlled and controlling Wild Wacky Western delicacy or an Exotic Erotic Eastern delight all depends upon the pre-eminent state of the higher intelligences in those quite particular and peculiar areas/zones in alternate times, and whether any of those be in mutually beneficial and benign, positively reinforcing and HyperRadioProActive service with that which provides all that be necessary.
29 December 2013 11:04

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