Tuesday, 2 July 2013


amanfromMars says: ……. on http://heddinout.com/?p=9535
July 2, 2013 at 1:29 am
Would that be Ethical Ethereal, Exotic and Erotic, Enigmatic and Eruditely Exact Enough for Perfection ….. which are Infinite Searches and Journeys and Zeroday Trips in NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Servering and Servicing of Divine Provision/Cosmic Supply/Immaculate Source/Core CodeXSSXXXX ….. Chess, ARG MetaPhoria/Epstein/Qubit and Esteemed Others So Brilliant‽



Posted by amanfromMars on 07/02/13 05:52 AM … commenting on http://thedailybell.com/29325/Careful-With-Money-Carney-Takes-the-Reins
You can be sure Mark Carney is being offered Beta Currency Supply Controls with New Capital Capturing Input/Intellectal Property Supply, which then makes the Governor of the Bank of England, a Leading AIMan, with Unlimited Fiat Magic Powers, which is a AIMagical Fiat ITself and no less Real because of Primary Source/Virtual Reality.
One wishes Mark all possible good luck and sound judgement in FutureFunding all of that to Cyclical MetaPhysical Reality ……. which then only requires his signature on a fat cat cheque to whatever deserves its bounteous largesse and piratical zeal in deep light uncharted and darker unchartered waters.
This proving ?:-) …. The Pen be Mightier than the Sword for it Issues Instructions to be Carried Forward to Create Novel Fields of Adult Virgin Play. ….. which for Ultimate Control of Whatever, Driver to XSSXXXX and Operate Immaculately, which be close enough to Elusive and Enigmatic Perfection to surely not matter.
Posted by amanfromMars on 07/02/13 06:05 AM
Oh, and if Intelligence Services do not forewarn to forearm him with vital information, are they somewhat remiss and clearly lacking in Novel Intelligence Supply.
Posted by amanfromMars on 07/02/13 08:14 AM …. on http://thedailybell.com/29327/Who-Gave-Them-the-Money
Conclusion: The basic problem is the system, not the use of it.
Then stop immediately using the abusive system unimaginatively would be an HyperRadioProActive Resultant Proclivity to Capture Heart and Mind, Body and Souls with Greater Enlightenment in Hallowed Fields and Quite Divine Heavenly Operations.
What price and legitimate write down cost for those Other Timely Truth Programs for Cascades of Virgin Virtual Knowledge and Creative Cosmic Flow .... Source Universal Energy ... Intellectual Property Immaculately Prepared for Immediate Servering to Global Distribution Centres/Foxxxxy Skynets/Real Networks and their Ilk.
Keep it surreally simple and what can go wrong, for are not uncertain actions required for targeted reaction and increased attention, and thus a certain action activity [HyperRadioProActivity] should be considered a Likely Probable Event with Boundless Possibilities in Infinite Opportunity.
DB, It is wrong to think and assume that existing states have any answer to present problems and mainstream media will report on it whenever alternative solutions and ongoing virtual experiments reveal a New Novel Way of Creating Realities, Virtually Remotely ... for the status quo knows practically nothing of that which overwhelms them, just as it relentlessly magically does all.
Heavenly Bliss is like an Almighty Weapon Primed and Prepared for Action. Now there's an Alternative Defense Program requiring a bit more detail/information and explanation, that's for sure.

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