Wednesday, 10 July 2013


Posted Wednesday 10th July 2013 05:33 GMT amanfromMars 1 …… sharing a view on
A global joke in their own lifetime is not a hard feat to achieve whenever one considers the EU?
With the dawning of each new day, do governments and parliaments with those sorts of media pronouncements/mad tales .... which are essentially only closed shop cabals and para-criminalising organisations with vested interests in creating an inequitable and more expensive and costly ignorant power base for themselves ..... increasingly extraordinarily render themselves exposed to be recognised as nothing more than wannabe emperors without the magic clothes and the invisible cloaks [special and/or specialised knowledge] which are vital for services engaging intelligence which either leads and/or disrupts the universal brainwashing process ...... aka Virtual Machine Management of Human Perception in Novel and Noble NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT.
And the beauty is, that inherent arrogance and resultant hubris blinds such titanic minnows to the reality of their position and IT situation.

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