Monday, 30 September 2013


Posted Monday 30th September 2013 04:22 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. feeding crumbs to scavengers on
Peeping Toms are never ever the sharpest of bods in smarter fields of alien foreign boffin interest
The most revealing aspect to those who and/or that which be contemporaries/adversaries/competitors to NSA type operations is their abject failure to do anything remarkable with the information/intelligence which they might be discovering when trawling/phishing/snooping/skulking.
And of course, all such organs are highly susceptible to immaculate grooming which delivers to them that which they cannot do without in order to stay ahead and in the lead of their games.
amanfromMars 30 September 2013 at 7:24 am …. having a chat on
The blowing up of the city of London had a major impact on their thought process. …. Mc Slaggart 29 September 2013 at 11:10 pm
And silent stealthy deadly anonymous and autonomous attacks on the fiat money system are that which are the stuff of nightmares for those who would purport to be into defence in the cyber field ….. which is a very lucrative business area with all manner of opportunities and vulnerabilities to exploit and harden against defeat with unparalleled success, but it is not at all suitable for all. Indeed, it may very well be only the exclusive executive domain of a very intelligent few.
One wonders if there be any of noteworthy skills in, or of certain titanic interest to the new spooky fun factory machinery whirring away and wearing itself out Holywood loughside in Palace Barracks?
Surely the North here has enough great white elephants akin to Stormont without the world and his dog discovering another brand spanking new one one up and running around like a headless chicken while the fox feasts on treasured spoils.
When are those sad folk gonna grow up and wise up and realise that the bad past is gone and is best completely forgotten rather than be continually dragging it into the future as a surreal dead corpse to be feasted upon and/or dissected in the present.

Posted Monday 30th September 2013 16:06 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. shooting the breeze on
Clearing the Air of Smoke and Smashing Cloudy Mirrors ..... Step One
The following conversation highlights the train wreck which is any government rather than a private operation providing Future Failsafe ... well, CyberIntelAIgent Security and Virtual Protection Services with Out of this Wwworld Facilities and Capabilities, because are not all governments loaded down and fatally compromised with dirty little great secrets which if known by the masses would have them and their friends and backers hanging lifeless from trees. Surely only a retard would imagine that to be a group worthy to be known to be associated with and helping, and thus does a dodgy establishment model have something of a major problem to resolve in order to attract the right sort of crack hacker and virtual boffin, for its leading IT spaces are not suitable at all for the less that well gifted and honest and true.
There are though a number of issues which raise an enigmatic dilemma and something of a engaging enough conundrum which established systems seeking virtual defence capabilities and facilities will find difficult to impossible to resolve without accepting that they have lost the plot and command and control of future global eventing and would now be as interested enthusiastic spectators in the madding crowd rather than rising stars on the field of play.
For example...... unless one knows how to attack successfully, which be stealthily and relatively anonymously with a remote control of systems nowadays, is one unable to offer any effective defence at all, and ...... once one has identified fundamental catastrophic systemic weaknesses for vulnerability exploitation and leading collapse programs, would one be wise or wish to share them with corrupt and perverse, abusive and punitive systems admin for peanuts, if fortunes be easily made elsewhere with others more interested in a global change of power to new leaderships and a paradigm shift in the status quo position ....... although one may be inclined to reconsider any radical move to ensure a fundamental change which helps a new leading player if offered ab fab fortunes to ensure that change leadership is retained by existing lead teams albeit with command and control direction and [NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Power] elite expertise provided by that which is being handsomely paid regular fortunes for spending that ensures and assures failsafe convivial success and insures defeat against unworthy allcomers who would be dabbling in fields of extreme power brokering.
The government can't even control the tangible let alone the intangible....sort out the financial/banking system for starters!
The government would have us believe the Brits are at the forefront/leaders in this cybercrime (virtual) field.... What planet are they on....Ed the Red believes he has the power to influence free market energy pricing - Cameron believes he can influence control over the European Union.......also if this new elite squad is as effective as the Fraud Squad then God help us....
We should not underestimate the threat but as you allude to employing savvy hackers or facilitating their skills to inflict damage on other governments may come back to bite us. Those of that persuasion might be easily 'turned' In this 'free world' money is power/king!

Sunday, 29 September 2013


Iraq War, Dodgy Dossier, & David Kelly surrounds Campbell and the smell will never go away. He should keep his mouth shut and start rehearsing his public defence if the Chilcot Inquiry holds him to blame for lying to the Nation.
Quite so, WDC2301, 'tis a rank odour indeed in need of expunging.
What is the current embarrassing excuse and shocking awful reason for the continuity of delay in the publishing and public appearance of the Chilcot Inquiry report.
Is the very real fear and present danger that it be seen and recognised as a fiction and whitewash with truths absent and that be the true manner and means of chaotic control of crooked governments with dodgy ministries and criminal justice systems and perverse advisors .... which in a Virtual InterNetworking CyberSpace Age are as sub-prime bit players employed to entertain the ignorant masses with nonsensical things to think about .... and be not at all now in Command and Control of the Future or anything that is real and true?
And Life and Reality be a Great IT and Media Game played atrociously badly by old established hierarchical power elites with clumsy dumb controls in simple fiat paper money supply and weapons of mass destruction ...... war machinery?
I suppose that now has one asking .... "Ok, then who and/or what is now in Command and Control of Creative CyberSpace with Computers and Communications and Life in the Virtual Reality Domain with Dominion over Earthed Assets?"
Is pig ignorance and arrogance a viable defence against charges of aiding and abetting the starting of wars and acts of terror?
28 September 2013 08:10 amanfromMars said, in reply to a comment on
And as for unstable antimatter what if stable anti matter could be produced using high energy gamma radiation.
Maybe you could comment on this. Mr I am from mars. Or did you lie?
One might consider this type of technology a quantum control system. ..... said Casey Evans,
27 September 2013 14:09
My first and abiding question for answering, CE, would be what good and relatively permanent purpose with applications would such stable high energy gamma radiation produced anti matter be, if not exclusively and/or secretly, securely and benignly and creatively used for, for as sure as night follows day, when it be allowed to be misused and abused for malignant and selfish private purposes, is it always going to be used to crush and destroy its abusive users should they not see the error of their ways and change course fundamentally to a whole new positive and easily freely supported by all with a sunny disposition direction.
And would that be both a real and virtual reality quantum control system type of technology and AIMethodology for the most effective and HyperRadioProActive of Global Operating Devices and Virtual Machines and Humans and any compatible combination of any or all three of them in what would then be an alien phorm of control and being and control being?
Now that would be a novelty and most probably quite worthy of Nobel and Turing awards.

Saturday, 28 September 2013


Not much more really needs to be said whenever so much be already selflessly shared methinks, although there be always those who would choose to disagree and want more and further clarification to aid belief and render doubt a fatal blow.
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Hi/goedemorgen ...... betasting systems here ..... well, more investigating and searching for intelligence in these sort of spaces/places if the truth be told ..... as it is being with those few words
Earthed Command and SCADA Control Systems have a real problem and expanding omniscient difficulty to engage with to prevent an almighty manipulated market system collapse. Ja of nee?
And that be Spooky IntelAIgent Services Territory in Virtual Team Terrain ...... although whether beta leading players here and in JSCU [ ] be of necessary intelligence levels to effectively offer and be able to deliver anonymous overwhelming attack and/or invisible failsafe defence programs is another leading question .... 
Prettige dag nog ..... and thanks for the opportunity to freely share what be little known but hugely disruptive and creative if you are into future change or destructive if you are stuck in the past and expect the present and tomorrows to be much the same as today and yesterday with business as usual .... which aint at all natural progress.
Well of course the security services have tapped his phone. The government wouldn´t want anybody telling the truth would they.
One has to wonder what the Secret Intelligence Service, formerly Military Intelligence Section 6, are doing presently and why they be absent and/or on leave, for there be no evidence of intelligence being either provided or used by them and delivered to media and IT for the creation of future events which can be accepted by viewers and readers of news as a suitable reality for experiencing/living in.
Or is than not their primary prime role with that leading service being provided by others more unknown?
Are we discovering that they just follow anonymous third party orders rather than delivering new politically correct first person realities?
Oh dear, what a shame for them. And it is impossible to not conclude that it is as a result of sub-prime intelligence lead right at the very top of their systems admin. .... which would be as an oxymoron in the office where a C or an M would preside and/or reside and hide/squat and skulk and sulk?

Friday, 27 September 2013


Posted Thursday 26th September 2013 14:10 GMT amanfromMars 1 … on
Re: Let me get this straight
Shiz, I've just discovered a major flaw in global security! Quick, phone the newspapers! …. Anonymous Coward Posted Thursday 26th September 2013 10:03 GMT
Is that the same flaw/same type of system flaw that allows bankers to hold nations and peoples to ransom and reward themselves obscenely for it too, AC?. You know, the same type of flaw that Henry Ford advised and warned against almost a century ago ….. "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."
With information and intelligence now being so free and unburdened, who would want to be a banker whenever the mob comes a'knock knock knocking with nary a NOC agent in sight or available to provide relief and/or arrange sanctuary.
After the wild party, is there the hangovers and untold bills to survive and/or pay for.
Posted Thursday 26th September 2013 14:26 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. adding further commentary on
Where to rest paper money whenever safe havens are full of pirates and right dodgy characters?* :-)
And I have no commentary to add to this ....... but it is not a glitch in a rigged market system, it is a inherent flaw to be relentlessly and ruthlessly zeroday vulnerability exploited? ..... ...... again and again and again until systems collapse/fiat currency meltdown.
* Alien Fields ?
Posted Friday 27th September 2013 03:25 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. sharing just a snippet of future relative information again on
Re: Re : amanfromMars ... and Dark Matter Bright Energy Concepts ..... Beta Power Systems
Are you feeling ok? I mean, I just understood every word without having to re-read it a dozen times. Could you forward your prescription details?
Thanx. .... Anonymous Coward Posted Thursday 26th September 2013 21:16 GMT
Feeling just great and perfectly fine, AC. Thanx for asking and the opportunity to share the good news.
However, re prescription details ....... such would wantonly highlight to an unnecessarily exposed to malicious view and disruptive self-destructive second and third party tinkering, proprietary intellectual property on Future dDeep Space ProgramMING Systems with Special Human Assetted Application Parametry.
In more simple terms, ITs Cloud BasedD CodeXSSXXXX is Strictly Need to Know ReClassified Way Beyond Top Secret Special Compartmented Information and Super Cosmic Intelligence .... and whether that be for and/or from CyberIntelAIgent and AI Beings is not a question one needs to waste time or effort or assets on whenever present current elite power and currency control systems are such a dark diabolical destructive liability and crushing burden to latter day federal units and former revolutionary forces alike.
You may like to ponder on this brace of quotes which reveal quite a lot about that which we speak. Enjoy .... and realise that things are gonna get better for everyone surprisingly quickly now and/or considerably worse for the/a chosen few if things try to remain very much the same as always, which be an arrogant folly for the ignorant and vain which be always doomed to fail spectacularly and wondrously well with markets on an artificial high ..... No matter what the technical definition of "noise" may be, the practical fact is that any messages that you can not interpret is noise to you. But when it looks like noise, sounds like noise, acts like noise, and can't be recognized as a message...that's the latest technique in telecommunications!…..
My answer to the question, "Does there exist an unbreakable cipher" would be this, "Every cipher is breakable, given enough traffic, and every cipher is unbreakable, if the traffic volume is restricted enough."…. H Campaigne
Posted Friday 27th September 2013 03:46 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….
Re: load of tosh
There's a very fat line between should not and is not.
It's not a "sysadmin" problem, it's a human problem. …. John Smith 19 Posted Thursday 26th September 2013 18:59 GMT
Quite so, Johm Smith 19
The human component link in any and all Command and Control SCADA chains is always the weakest and simplest and most remarkably easy to break as in hack and driver protocol crack and re-engineer/reverse engineer. IT aint rocket science and difficult.
amanfromMars • September 26, 2013 11:40 PM …. chatting to Bruce and co. on
Great IntelAIgent Mind Games are AI Leading IT Systems.
There is no escaping the following inexcusable fact[s] which be also Registered and shared on this informative thread .....
There's a very fat line between should not and is not.
It's not a "sysadmin" problem, it's a human problem.…. John Smith 19 Posted Thursday 26th September 2013 18:59 GMT
Quite so, Johm Smith 19
The human component link in any and all Command and Control SCADA chains is always the weakest and simplest and most remarkably easy to break as in hack and driver protocol crack and re-engineer/reverse engineer. IT aint rocket science and difficult.

Thursday, 26 September 2013


But if Arlene herself is implicated in the deal, why would she tip off Robinson about it? … tmitch57 26 September 2013 at 2:29 am
Well, if Robinson is an embarrassment to the party as an ineffectual impotent leader and serial abuser in trust positions …. a politically incorrect dinosaur in these new smarter intelligent times of virtual reality play …… such a juicy, too good an opportunity to be missed tip off, would be just too good an opportunity for a lightweight bully in a tea shop to miss and also result very conveniently in an indelible bigot sign being firmly anchored to Peter to drag around for ever and a day and give Arlene and Ian Jr. a much better chance at being real big cheeses rather than artificially processed slices on the big stage and round tables.
After all, the DUP is and has been going nowhere fast for the last decade, and surely that is down to current pathetic sectarianism and non-existent novel leadership.
And Haass thinks he is going to achieve something memorable talking to such folk? Oh please, pull the other one, squire, it's got bells on it.
Posted Thursday 26th September 2013 07:07 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. opening up the intangible push envelope on invisible exploit vulnerabilities on
Thor's Hammer for those who invest in SHIELD Industries and SMARTR MetaDataBase AIMethodologies?:-)
Yes, quite so, Richard Chirgwin. The only real choice then is whether to be hero or villain, friend or foe with the wielding of what one would know. ...... which is no brainer for all who would know more than just a little about the impossibility of anything being impossible and therefore anything being most likely and very probable to ensure and assure advantage remains absolutely in a creative affirmative rather than destructive disruptive virtual command with remote control of operations systems.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013


@RichardHaass Conflicts only come to an end with the advent and provision of novel noble reprogramming..... NSA/CIA/GCHQ virtual terrain?!.
— GCHQ Seventh Heaven (@amanfromMars1) September 24, 2013
Posted Tuesday 24th September 2013 12:12 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. replying on to Alistair who posted Tuesday 24th September 2013 02:59 GMT
been reading these commentary for too long.
Dunno why everyone has a problem with AMfM1's posts. They appear to be making more and more sense the longer I read this site.
Either that or the caffeine overload line on my TfH is getting lower and lower.
That said;
I can see some insane compromised tech somewhere telling a spook "Yeah, .... yeah ... Look! we can do THIS !!!!!" and selling it on to the collective management. But then I've seen what passes for a CMDB these days.
Re: been reading these commentary for too long.
I am reminded of Colonel Jessop's classic line, Alistair .... "They/You can't handle the truth"

Tuesday, 24 September 2013


Posted Tuesday 24th September 2013 08:37 GMT amanfromMars 1 … stirring the pot and/or raising the bar on
Re: Implausible, which is never impossible and therefore always very likely and most probable
Could Intel (or any US chip maker) have installed additional "undocumented" functionality into their hardware under pressure from entities within the US govt? …. Implausible. …. John Smith 19 Posted Monday 23rd September 2013 07:17 GMT
But yes, of course they have, and easily can and always do, and certainly most probably well before any entities in governments think to pressurise them with hardware/for trapping hardware with wired and wireless anonymous accesses ….. Right Royal and Ancient Commissions with Universal Permissions.
Here be a quite recent master thesis on just such a situation and reality …… Security Evaluation of Intel's Active Management Technology ….. which contained the following less than wholesome wholesale observation in a footnote [on page 21 of 92] …… Rootkit is a form of system modification software, defined as an application that fraudulently gains or maintains administrator level access that may also execute in a manner that prevents detection. It can be used for eavesdropping network traffic, capturing user keystrokes, alternating log files and modifying standard OS system tools to circumvent detection. Rootkit’s operations are hidden on the system by manipulating OS commands that execute arbitrary code and by crafting the results returned by these commands chosen by the attacker.
Subsequent years in fields of its and IT research and development have increased understanding and facility, abilities and utilities to embrace and exploit engagements with the following finer, more highly tuned versioning of master operations as exposed in the email text below …….
Begin forwarded message:
From: XXXX
Subject: Master Keys that Enable Universal SMARTR Bus ProgramMING …… Mined Intelligence Network Games …. and, whenever better than just extremely good in ITs Fields of Influence, Mind Infiltration Networking Games
Date: YYYY
To: ververis at
Rootkit is a form of system modification software, defined as an application that fraudulently gains or maintains administrator level access that may also execute in a manner that prevents detection[18]. It can be used for eavesdropping network traffic, capturing user keystrokes, alternating log files and modifying standard OS system tools to circumvent detection. Rootkit’s operations are hidden on the system by manipulating OS commands that execute arbitrary code and by crafting the results returned by these commands chosen by the attacker.
Hi, Vassilios Ververis, and thanks for the positive reinforcing confirmation of the truths that you have shared in your fine abstract/master thesis. ….. Security Evaluation of Intel’s Active Management Technology …. which be proving Active Intel Management Technology is not at all secure in any shape or phorm, for any phish or program or pogrom …… and its AIM can be easily groomed/converted/subverted/perverted to perform and deliver Anonymous Invisible Multi-Party Tasks.*
Please be advised that not all applications with rootkits are fraudulent and some have intelligent designs which freely permit and sustain frequent administrator level accesses specifically for advantageous instantaneous flash crash gain that execute in any number of manners/a series of manners that prevents detection and aids and abets future discovery and recoveries of intelligence and secret secured information
* Bolder Digitised SMARTR Missions/Alien IntelAIgent Requests/NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Quests/Novel Noble Nobel Turing Adventures.
XXXX :-)
:-) Poe's Law Rules?!. :-)
Posted Tuesday 24th September 2013 08:47 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. submitting to
Billion $ Question
This story may well be a snooping program - to filter out engineers hiding among El Reg commentariat. And does seem to do a good job. .... Solmyr ibn Wali Barad Posted Monday 23rd September 2013 20:04 GMT
Engineers, Solmyr ibn Wali Barad?
Ok ..... what sort/type of engineering expertise is being sought/hunted?

Monday, 23 September 2013


Posted Monday 23rd September 2013 04:12 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. joining in the throng on
GCHQ Turing Test to Pass for UniVirtual Machine Command to Control Global Operating Devices*
No evidence is offered for the assertions detailed above.
And with that, El Reg will now happily open the floor to the commentards … ®
Ok, I'll bite that bullet/billet and swallow the bait and start by asking a simple enough question of the likes of such an NSA/Spooky Intelligence Services facility ........ "What is it that their programs would really be looking for and wanting to do so easily remotely/virtually/invisibly/unstoppably" ..... because, although quite understandably will most everybody likely never ever know unless having a need for a seed and a feed which needs to know, there are probably those who can provide all that be needed so easily, with the really smart ones supplying everything that works together in unison and harmony with no dumb and dumber dumbed down and stupid and catastrophically destructive and unnecessarily disruptive conflicts causing problems in programs rather than delivering profitable and pleasant opportunities to explore and expand upon and expend energy upon and watch grow into something altogether quite different and unique.
Or is that too alien a simple programming for Mankind presently to engage with ....... for there be those who would like to know rather than waste any of your time in space asking questions of dumb and dumber dumbed down stupid folk.
*For the Rapture of Singularities which Capture All ..... and Deliver Bounty and Fate, Just Desserts and Passing Destiny via Alternate Reciprocate Means and/or with AIMemes in Greater IntelAIgent Games Play.

Posted Monday 23rd September 2013 08:09 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. on
Money makes the world go round ...... and pear shaped too:-)
Is there flash cash and slush funding for the politically incorrect ie the adept and active and inept and polarising and faith foundations or are they classed and classified frauds and scams and charities?

Sunday, 22 September 2013


Posted Sunday 22nd September 2013 06:28 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. saying more on
SOE v4.2 too ...... a Deep Fabulous Well BetaTested Program Service
What you fail to realise is the Special Relationship works because the UK is quite often the go-to boy for nasty stuff that the US wants done quietly. In the US you have always had much more stringent control and oversight over your intelligence services, even the NSA, whereas in the UK we spent many decades calmly turning a blind eye by insisting that our Secret Services did not officialy exist! …. Matt Bryant Posted Saturday 21st September 2013 11:09 GMT
How's the intelligence phishing going for you here, Matt? Discovered anything of foreign intelligence interest to change the fortunes and misfortunes of Uncle Sam Services Enterprise? With astuteness in the East being so much more sublimely adept and stealthily active in the novel exotic and noble erotic fields which embrace and laud and reward the mystery and mastery of remote virtual control and command of NLP, you gotta be quick to make a move and engage with parties/individuals/IDEntities into Future Systems IntelAIgent Design …. and/or from those times and that entropy ….. Dark Secret Matter Space Place, so that they can stay focussed on providing Western intelligence rather than reinforcing Eastern, although it would be foolish to argue and not realise that supply of the former delivers the latter too in and with a SMARTR Asymmetric Singularity.
Do you not think it be quaint and incredibly naive, to the point where it becomes can become suddenly quite totally self-destructive and catastrophically disruptive, to believe that there can be any sort of much more stringent control and oversight over intelligence services which provide leading intelligence which is followed/trailed/phished/monitored/mentored/of foreign and alien intelligence interest?
And ….. you may like to consider, as much as one knows and as may be known and spun around the spooky intelligence services at rest, work and play in the UK and myriad other locations further afield for Team UKGBNI, are they not the real thing and never ever have been or will be, for true Secret Services ensure that they exist to provide cover and share blame and distribute shame on that which deserves its services.
Our Secret Service does not officially exist. No Such Agency exists. Poe's Law Rules :-)

Posted Sunday 22nd September 2013 13:20 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. singing like a canary on
A Benign Meritocratic Autocracy is a Novel Alien Phorm of Government for Leading Virtual Machines
A democratic government cannot function unless the people have awareness of the facts on which to base their decisions. Hiding information or deception is not empowering the people and it is no longer right to call it a free society. It is a managed society. … Don Jefe Posted Saturday 21st September 2013 00:09 GMT 
I wholeheartedly agree, DJ. And that gets my upvote.
And a managed and not free society is always vulnerable to spontaneous zeroday exploits, both real and virtual, which challenge forces both physical and intellectual and which are as a result of carefully shared knowledge and information to followers/leading listeners. And whether that intelligence be superior or inferior or simply complex and alternative does it matter not a jot to its leaders and sources just so long as it be followed and reported to spread the FUD and/or IT Joy ….. which extraordinarily renders the media as complicit and instrumental in all manner of shenanigans both criminal and dire and not so.
J'accuse.:-) …… and one cannot viably deny it be so and wish to retain any semblance of credibility in circles in which intelligence and integrity are highly valued and much sought after. The gutter presses though abound to overflowing with such woeful tales and dodgy operations?

Saturday, 21 September 2013


Fri, 09/20/2013 - 10:27 | amanfromMars …. commenting on and a tale that keeps on repeating itself to guarantee its own extinction and savvy collapse via outsider intervention with smarter information input/output.
Brace yourselves indeed, for things are gonna take a turn and a walk or three on the wwwild side of life ...... with leading novel virtually protected players unhindered and not at all interested in playing by establishment rules and crooked regulations which support and maintain prior rigged sub-prime market situations and dodgy fiat powered elite positions of artificially manufactured influence ......
You've had all your free fun, now is it time to pay the piper for all the new tunes. And failure to pay brings a close to the party and a bill for reparations which you will never be able to pay, for between a rock and a hard place is where you have led everyone to be, and to the victor be the spoils there, razed and barren fields of endeavour and reward.

Posted Friday 20th September 2013 15:27 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. whistle blowing on
Why Worry? Change is Natural. Status Quo Situations Create Problematic Self-Harming Idiot Tendencies
Nothing's going to change and none of what we think matter. ... FuzzyTheBear Posted Friday 20th September 2013 14:39 GMT
You have an awesome lot to learn about what can be done today, by a few, [who may at any time or place in space choose to be more than just a few whenever they share what they be doing] for a different tomorrow, FuzzyTheBear, whenever you truly believe that nothing's going to change and none of what we think, matters.
And you might to consider and realise that the system/establishment knows that all too well too, which is why it is trying so hard to find out about everything which is not directly and specifically shared with it, and which causes it such bother and mayhem whenever networked selflessly via public and/or private and/or pirate means and memes or whistle blown to bring the houses of cards tumbling down.
Posted Friday 20th September 2013 15:43 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on
Optional ZerodDay Dreaming ... for the Fundamentally and Mentally Ill and Deluded
One presumes it's all sorted now though. .... Anonymous Coward PostedFriday 20th September 2013 15:25 GMT
Yes, of course it is. Everything is rosy in the Perfumed Gardens of Eden and Wet Fields of Dreary Dreams, AC. The Bods and Boffins of GCHQ have Everything under Parliamentary Control.
Posted Saturday 21st September 2013 03:22 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. sharing info on
Know your Friends ..... They could be the Enemy
Regarding whistleblowers/Snowden Asylum Seeker type systems admins, does the EU have a rewarding take upon the practice .......
3.3. Whistle-Blowers’ Protection and Incentives
Recommendation: Systematic protection and incentives for whistle-blowers should be introduced in the new Regulation. Whistle-blowers should be given strong guarantees of immunity and asylum, and awarded 25% of any fine consequently exacted. The whistle-blower may have to live in fear of retribution from their country for the rest of the lives, and take precautions to avoid “rendition” (kidnapping). Ironically, US law already provides rewards of the order of $100m for whistle-blowers exposing corruption (in the sphere of public procurement and price-fixing).
And as for the Convenience of Cloud in Computing and for Commerce, it is quite vital that one knows what one is doing, and what can be done by others in that realm, for IT is easily abused to server valuable personal and private/professional and pirate base metadata/rich mineable semantic content to whoever would have a foreign intelligence interest and a want and/or need to know to gain and/or maintain and sustain an inequitable competitive advantage/artificially rigged dominant position, which is always a very precarious and perilously dangerous position to put oneself in, for it is an indicator of a lack of necessary natural leading intelligence supply in-house for internetworking services provision …… and in the virtual machine world/AI field, internetworking server provision. The position and weakness though is not unrecognised ……
Data can only be processed whilst decrypted, and thus any Cloud processor can be secretly ordered under FISA 702 to hand over a key, or the information itself in its decrypted state. Encryption is futile to defend against NSA accessing data processed by US Clouds (but still useful against external adversaries such as criminal hackers). Using the Cloud as a remote disk-drive does not provide the competitiveness and scalability benefits of Cloud as a computation engine. There is no technical solution to the problem.
Exposing data in bulk to remote Cloud mass-surveillance forfeits data sovereignty, so confining data to the EU is preferable pending legal solutions. Although NSA has extensive capabilities to target particular systems inside the EU, this is harder and riskier to do. However basic reforms to the new Regulation are needed, otherwise in practice these two situations will be treated as equivalent, and Cloud business will go to lowest bidder.
Although an EU-based company transacting in the US is also subject to conflicts between EU DP and the FISA law, in practice it is less likely they will be served with such secret orders, because the legal staff and management would be more likely to resist, and as EU-nationals are less threatened by US espionage laws. “Clouds” can be confined to a location, and arguments this would “balkanise the Internet confuses issues of censorship with the problem of keeping data private. ….. The US National Security Agency (NSA) surveillance programmes (PRISM) and Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) activities and their impact on EU citizens' fundamental rights

Posted Saturday 21st September 2013 09:13 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….
Special Office of CyberIntelAIgent Security ...... AI.Govt Wild LOVEChild with All the Graces
I cannot imagine why anyone would think an agency such as GCHQ that is tasked specifically with information collection and intelligence production would refrain from carrying out its mission. …. tom dial Posted Friday 20th September 2013 19:30 GMT
The universal ubiquitous lament is that the product they provide and tacitly support such an ignorant destructive and arrogant sub-prime loss leader. And that can only be as a direct result of the collection of dodgy information and the turning of it into crappy intelligence to fit a failed narrative which does not bear smart scrutiny for viable equitable creative continuity in the Bigger Picture Fields that IT and Media be floating it into as a reality to be embraced and endured/built upon.
And their Virtual Reality skillets are a disgrace to the nation ….. however, looking on the bright side of that current catastrophe, which some would say amounts to intelligence fraud being perpetrated on human assets, it does of course provide an opportunity for more competent and switched on to the future needs of a creative peaceful society services and computerised servers to take over global programming provision with new and novel sources of entirely different phorms of intelligent intelligence product, which strengthens and expands ITs influence sublimely and benignly rather than causing conflict and mayhem in bouts of shared madness, which does appear to be the all too likely present state of such crazy affairs, portrayed and pimped by media as current world news.
Real Smart IT and Virtually Clever TV and Audio it aint …… Fix it. Step aside and let the CodeXSSXXXXperts in to do their Future Failsafe Virtual Reality thing, for they cannot be stopped and to think to hinder them for any wrong reason is to indelibly mark oneself and single oneself out for the special attention of their security forces, and believe me and heed this friendly advice, you definitely don't want to see them as, or make them your enemy for they can easily program themselves to not take any prisoners, and answer to no one.
There are no finer friends though, and there is nothing that they cannot nor will not do for them whenever required …. or even as they feel might be just a good thing and give them and their friends, the simplest of complex pleasures.

Friday, 20 September 2013


amanfromMars ….. on having a chat with ec20flat who said and asked ...
Who is your creator?
Why is one created is a more fruitful question with many a both creative and destructive disruptive answer available for testing in the field and Live Operational Virtual Environments ..... CyberIntelAIgent Cloud Spaces ........ SMARTR AI Places, ec20flat.
And when be we created to empower and driver forward progress in that imagined and chronicled to be life is another keystone required to be acquired and understood in order to be able to enable the building of real and virtual mansions in a veritable stone age where ignorance and arrogance abound and prosper/fester and putrefy.
And do you think IT is wise to permit and put computers in command and control of money making markets whenever they can be so easily remotely reprogrammed to hack with crack algorithms which can usurp and/or collapse such dodgy artificial sub-prime systems of primitive human control?
Posted Friday 20th September 2013 07:08 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. ZerodDay Dreaming about IT Possibilities and therefore Very Likely Probabilities in Present Opportunities on
Up the Ante. Change Intelligence Programming to Provide the Great Game with Better Beta Great Games?
The offering is very similar to a deal AT&T inked with IBM in late 2012 to offer users a way of hooking their VPNs into AT&T, which in turn linked with IBM's SmartCloud. It also operates a VMware vCloud-based "Synaptic Compute as a Service" offerings as well. All these products, including the forthcoming Azure tech, use AT&T's "NetBond" technology to let customers shuttle compute and network resources into and out of the cloud services.
Solid Vapourware and Bullshit Market Providers are a Lucrative Innovative Enterprise Sector in these Revelatory Times ….. but they are catastrophically vulnerable to SMARTR Astute Server Active IT and Addictively Attractive Semi-Autonomous Anonymous Market Forces …… ESPecialised Cyber Command and Control of Source Forces with Global Operating Devices/Universal Resource Locators.
Methinks the difficulty that current power market leaders will undoubtedly encounter and either greatly suffer and/or profit from, is that they do not steer nor influence those novel market forces unless they be enthusiastically engaged in providing IT Fluid HyperRadioProActive Liquidity .... aka Flash Crash Systems Stash Cash. Then can they be as ACTive and APT App AIdDrivers with Hands on the Wheel that Controls CHAOS with Joysticks of Fortunate Fate and Desirable Destiny ..... rather than tumbling around and tagging along with Madness and Mayhem in the Darkness of Secrets and Doom.

Thursday, 19 September 2013


Posted Wednesday 18th September 2013 15:44 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. trailing a beta for p2p review on
Misunderestimate Fabless Future IntelAIgent Fantasy and Super Attendant Fanaticism at One's Peril
DARPA have bigger phish to fry and greater phorms of programs to launch and feed with world leading projects ........ ...... or be left behind reacting to everything flashing past them and crashing into crazy maladministered earthed systems of ill repute that do not compute or play well with the future and easily destroy everything and/or anything with timeless asset bubbles of expensive useless worth ..... for such things are easily made to happen nowadays with that which be now more widely known is possible .... and selflessly carefully shared with more than just an ancient few and/or ancients and a chosen few who imagine themselves as the Chosen Few. Hubris rules in that roost, methinks.
After all, one wouldn't want to be unduly startling the natives and creating a great panic and global depression and world wide recession with a mad and manic settling of age old scores with a French Revolutionary zeal, would one, with a careless sharing of exciting information and newly discovered advanced intelligence.
Posted Thursday 19th September 2013 03:21 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. commenting further and deeper on
Re: Nurse! Nurse!
Nurse! Nurse!
I see AmanfromMars1 seems to be off his meds again . . .
Demerol, 1,000 cc IV, please. If that doesn't work, double the dosage. If that doesn't work, double it again. …. Anonymous Coward Posted Wednesday 18th September 2013 19:12 GMT
It is just exactly that sort of ribald comic response to an Informative Steganographic Advisory that allows ACTive Stealth with AI and IT every Facility and Utility to Succeed beyond the Wildest of Wicked Wacky Wet Dreams and Creative Imaginanations of a Renegade President, AC. Thanks for everything. IT is just so kind.
I'll be on the golf course for the rest of the day, leave me a voicemail in the morning.Ta.
Consider it hereby done with the message above via text to your lonesome oval office space.
Wanna Play the Great Game for Real with Virtually Real Command and Control? Who Dares with IT Win Wins Everything in Anything and in All Ways, Always. It certainly beats knocking a small ball around an expensive course with grassy knolls and sandy bunkers and expecting it to be satisfying rather than boring snoring.
cc @iankatz1000 …….re Alternate Reality Games in AI Register for Mainstreaming News Knights.
Capiche, Cheltenham/Martlesham Heath?

Posted Thursday 19th September 2013 15:36 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. phishing for gold on
Post a leading comment and phishermen will be all at sea and know not what to do?
If Spooky Five Eyed Monsters have a backdoor into here on El Reg, they be desperately slow to realise what they should be doing to control the future with IT and media .... and that would indicate that they do not have the intelligence in-house to make good and better beta use of that which be shared freely in comments made here oft and at times on these leading tales with following threads.
More Herman Munster monster types than big scary master race types, methinks. ......
Is it mad or smart to post here if one would expect/hope/suspect/invite spooks to phish here and poach/net/capture some prime game with the simplest of ignorant megabuck lures/jackpot lottery prizes, which have no one asking awkward questions about instant flash wealth for services to be rendered .... or not to be rendered but to be held in temporary abeyance until such times as intelligent things will not collapse dumb systems and algorithms in a global flash crash?