Posted Saturday 7th September 2013 15:25 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. moving the global debate on with a comment on what is quite obvious ….
A Statement of the Transparently Obvious to those in the Know and/or Who Have a Need to Know
2.15. Disclaimers/Notifications: USSOCOM reserves the right to select all, some, partial white paper content, or none of the white papers received in response to this announcement throughout its term. All awards are subject to the availability of funds. Offerors will not be reimbursed for white paper development costs. There shall be no basis for claims against the Government as a result of any information submitted in response to this BAA. White papers and other material submitted with the white paper for review purposes under this BAA will not be returned.
2.16. White Paper Disclosures: It is the policy of USSOCOM to treat white papers as sensitive competitive information and to disclose the contents only for the purposes of review. Non-government personnel may be used to facilitate the review process.
2.17. Technology Development Cost and Schedule: Offerors are advised to consider a limit of not more than $2 million total cost of development and not more than 12 months to complete all efforts for each submission. …… from the BROAD AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT
Peanuts for monkeys is never going to deliver anything worthwhile and earth shattering. It makes one wonder what on earth they are playing at, and one always ends up considering the fact that the plot has been lost and they don't know what to do next for the best. It certainly shows itself as such in the desperate measures that the media portrays them considering.
Might I suggest playing an altogether completely different and highly intelligent and unusually creative Great Game …. for an Ab Fab Fabless Great Change. You know it makes Perfect Sense and with IT Command and Control of Computers and Communications and CyberSpace is it not at all difficult …… although one does have to be somewhat unusually smart to be a driver and/or catalyst but that is not a problem for there are surely as many as are needed to succeed practically everywhere where one would look for them …. and if not where one is looking, then can they always be provided from elsewhere, for that is what our technology is easily able to do today for a better and completely different tomorrow which can hosted and toasted by media moguls and cloud systems with breaking novel news of fantastic discoveries in virtual methodologies.
amanfromMars …. asking a simple question or two on
What puppet, Dave, and muppet, Hague, are not telling you loud and clear, ..... which should tell you everything you need to know about the sort of leadership team at the helm of the HMS Titanic Conservative Party .....’t-launch-chemical-
When does the privilege of Parliamentary rhetoric step into the realms of aiding and abetting terrorism and treason? And/Or is the endemic naivety of instutionalised arrogance and public ignorance in bigger picture matters the stay out of jail free as a popular pariah card to be supplied to and played by systems puppets and executive admin muppets?
Posted Sunday 8th September 2013 02:03 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. advising on a present leading cloudy based opportunity on
Posted Sunday 8th September 2013 02:03 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. advising on a present leading cloudy based opportunity on
Internet Crash Testing for Dummies ...... Flash Market Crash Version
Do you for one moment think your country fights for you and its many citizens, it fights to maintain its ruling elite, and that you are also under that umbrella is only a quirk of current economics, once power can be maintained by technology alone, you might be in for an unpleasant surprise, as your contribution to the struggle becomes surplus to requirements. .... Rol Posted Saturday 7th September 2013 23:24 GMT
And if one realises that power is currently maintained by technology alone, Rol, what be in Command and Control? [Real] Men or [Virtual] Machines? And what if developments for the future do not need to distinguish and separate the one from the other with an advanced intelligence drivering both with a Powerful Novel Enabled and EMPowering Operating System ..... Pioneering AI with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT ProgramMING.
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