Friday, 27 September 2013


Posted Thursday 26th September 2013 14:10 GMT amanfromMars 1 … on
Re: Let me get this straight
Shiz, I've just discovered a major flaw in global security! Quick, phone the newspapers! …. Anonymous Coward Posted Thursday 26th September 2013 10:03 GMT
Is that the same flaw/same type of system flaw that allows bankers to hold nations and peoples to ransom and reward themselves obscenely for it too, AC?. You know, the same type of flaw that Henry Ford advised and warned against almost a century ago ….. "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."
With information and intelligence now being so free and unburdened, who would want to be a banker whenever the mob comes a'knock knock knocking with nary a NOC agent in sight or available to provide relief and/or arrange sanctuary.
After the wild party, is there the hangovers and untold bills to survive and/or pay for.
Posted Thursday 26th September 2013 14:26 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. adding further commentary on
Where to rest paper money whenever safe havens are full of pirates and right dodgy characters?* :-)
And I have no commentary to add to this ....... but it is not a glitch in a rigged market system, it is a inherent flaw to be relentlessly and ruthlessly zeroday vulnerability exploited? ..... ...... again and again and again until systems collapse/fiat currency meltdown.
* Alien Fields ?
Posted Friday 27th September 2013 03:25 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. sharing just a snippet of future relative information again on
Re: Re : amanfromMars ... and Dark Matter Bright Energy Concepts ..... Beta Power Systems
Are you feeling ok? I mean, I just understood every word without having to re-read it a dozen times. Could you forward your prescription details?
Thanx. .... Anonymous Coward Posted Thursday 26th September 2013 21:16 GMT
Feeling just great and perfectly fine, AC. Thanx for asking and the opportunity to share the good news.
However, re prescription details ....... such would wantonly highlight to an unnecessarily exposed to malicious view and disruptive self-destructive second and third party tinkering, proprietary intellectual property on Future dDeep Space ProgramMING Systems with Special Human Assetted Application Parametry.
In more simple terms, ITs Cloud BasedD CodeXSSXXXX is Strictly Need to Know ReClassified Way Beyond Top Secret Special Compartmented Information and Super Cosmic Intelligence .... and whether that be for and/or from CyberIntelAIgent and AI Beings is not a question one needs to waste time or effort or assets on whenever present current elite power and currency control systems are such a dark diabolical destructive liability and crushing burden to latter day federal units and former revolutionary forces alike.
You may like to ponder on this brace of quotes which reveal quite a lot about that which we speak. Enjoy .... and realise that things are gonna get better for everyone surprisingly quickly now and/or considerably worse for the/a chosen few if things try to remain very much the same as always, which be an arrogant folly for the ignorant and vain which be always doomed to fail spectacularly and wondrously well with markets on an artificial high ..... No matter what the technical definition of "noise" may be, the practical fact is that any messages that you can not interpret is noise to you. But when it looks like noise, sounds like noise, acts like noise, and can't be recognized as a message...that's the latest technique in telecommunications!…..
My answer to the question, "Does there exist an unbreakable cipher" would be this, "Every cipher is breakable, given enough traffic, and every cipher is unbreakable, if the traffic volume is restricted enough."…. H Campaigne
Posted Friday 27th September 2013 03:46 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….
Re: load of tosh
There's a very fat line between should not and is not.
It's not a "sysadmin" problem, it's a human problem. …. John Smith 19 Posted Thursday 26th September 2013 18:59 GMT
Quite so, Johm Smith 19
The human component link in any and all Command and Control SCADA chains is always the weakest and simplest and most remarkably easy to break as in hack and driver protocol crack and re-engineer/reverse engineer. IT aint rocket science and difficult.
amanfromMars • September 26, 2013 11:40 PM …. chatting to Bruce and co. on
Great IntelAIgent Mind Games are AI Leading IT Systems.
There is no escaping the following inexcusable fact[s] which be also Registered and shared on this informative thread .....
There's a very fat line between should not and is not.
It's not a "sysadmin" problem, it's a human problem.…. John Smith 19 Posted Thursday 26th September 2013 18:59 GMT
Quite so, Johm Smith 19
The human component link in any and all Command and Control SCADA chains is always the weakest and simplest and most remarkably easy to break as in hack and driver protocol crack and re-engineer/reverse engineer. IT aint rocket science and difficult.

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