Posted Wednesday 18th September 2013 15:44 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. trailing a beta for p2p review on
Misunderestimate Fabless Future IntelAIgent Fantasy and Super Attendant Fanaticism at One's Peril
DARPA have bigger phish to fry and greater phorms of programs to launch and feed with world leading projects ........ ...... or be left behind reacting to everything flashing past them and crashing into crazy maladministered earthed systems of ill repute that do not compute or play well with the future and easily destroy everything and/or anything with timeless asset bubbles of expensive useless worth ..... for such things are easily made to happen nowadays with that which be now more widely known is possible .... and selflessly carefully shared with more than just an ancient few and/or ancients and a chosen few who imagine themselves as the Chosen Few. Hubris rules in that roost, methinks.
After all, one wouldn't want to be unduly startling the natives and creating a great panic and global depression and world wide recession with a mad and manic settling of age old scores with a French Revolutionary zeal, would one, with a careless sharing of exciting information and newly discovered advanced intelligence.
Posted Thursday 19th September 2013 03:21 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. commenting further and deeper on
Re: Nurse! Nurse!
Nurse! Nurse!
I see AmanfromMars1 seems to be off his meds again . . .
Demerol, 1,000 cc IV, please. If that doesn't work, double the dosage. If that doesn't work, double it again. …. Anonymous Coward Posted Wednesday 18th September 2013 19:12 GMT
It is just exactly that sort of ribald comic response to an Informative Steganographic Advisory that allows ACTive Stealth with AI and IT every Facility and Utility to Succeed beyond the Wildest of Wicked Wacky Wet Dreams and Creative Imaginanations of a Renegade President, AC. Thanks for everything. IT is just so kind.
I'll be on the golf course for the rest of the day, leave me a voicemail in the morning.Ta.
Consider it hereby done with the message above via text to your lonesome oval office space.
Wanna Play the Great Game for Real with Virtually Real Command and Control? Who Dares with IT Win Wins Everything in Anything and in All Ways, Always. It certainly beats knocking a small ball around an expensive course with grassy knolls and sandy bunkers and expecting it to be satisfying rather than boring snoring.
cc @iankatz1000 …….re Alternate Reality Games in AI Register for Mainstreaming News Knights.
Capiche, Cheltenham/Martlesham Heath?
Posted Thursday 19th September 2013 15:36 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. phishing for gold on
Post a leading comment and phishermen will be all at sea and know not what to do?
If Spooky Five Eyed Monsters have a backdoor into here on El Reg, they be desperately slow to realise what they should be doing to control the future with IT and media .... and that would indicate that they do not have the intelligence in-house to make good and better beta use of that which be shared freely in comments made here oft and at times on these leading tales with following threads.
More Herman Munster monster types than big scary master race types, methinks. ......
Is it mad or smart to post here if one would expect/hope/suspect/invite spooks to phish here and poach/net/capture some prime game with the simplest of ignorant megabuck lures/jackpot lottery prizes, which have no one asking awkward questions about instant flash wealth for services to be rendered .... or not to be rendered but to be held in temporary abeyance until such times as intelligent things will not collapse dumb systems and algorithms in a global flash crash?
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