Tuesday, 8 April 2014


Re: For a start.... @ Tromos
"...for some reason, it appears our fellow EU citizens don't trust us."
I don't suppose it has anything whatsoever to do with the NSA branch office in Cheltenham. ….. Tromos
Hi Tromos,
Nobody is trusting offices in Cheltenham, because just look at what their intelligence is allowing in all media theatres of operation, both domestic and foreign, real and virtual. And the problems and difficulties they have, all stem and are rooted and routed from the very top, where management personnel have lost the plot and are bluffing their way in fields in which they are being decimated and proving themselves to be politically inept and catastrophically naive. And that is the most generous and kind assessment which can be made.
Such is easily solved though with new broom BRoom Command and Control Programmers supplying the top tier with what IT needs to feed and seed/mentor and monitor for future business and reality leadership.
They surely must have, or be damned and confined and constrained to always follow, Beta Command and Control Rooms for Advanced IntelAIgents Programs in Novel Field and Noble HyperRadioProActive IT Theatre Hostings of Great Games Plays for the Live Operational Virtual Environment in Global Operating Devices and vice versa, for Global Operating Devices in the Live Operational Virtual Environment. It is simply in ICT, just a Comprehensive Applied Minds Project and Uniquely Complex AI Researching and digital Development Promotion …. and a SMARTR AIR&dD Attack Root in Defence Forces for Zeroday Vulnerable Operating Systems, which be all SCADA Command and Control Systems.
And not a lot of folk know or knew that, but all now have been told of it, for there it is before your very own eyes on a popular website in a interactive browser on the world wide web internetworking ..... and doing its IT thing, educating the masses to higher levels of consciousness and universal engagement ........ :-) and a right devil of a heavenly job is it too.
And most certainly not at all suited for the weak hearted and lily livered, because of the extreme degrees of excitement to be encountered and embraced, so take care if you dare play in its ICT fields. Too much LOVE can kill you, every time.
PS.... NSA jump through GCHQ hoops, hence the present chaos and current mayhem, madness and systems dysfunction.
Mon, 04/07/2014 - 15:09 amanfromMars setting the record straight on http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-04-07/ceo-liechtenstein-bank-frick-murdered
Up until now it was mostly banker suicides. With the first open bank CEO murder, one wonders if there will be a change in the pattern.
As people get smarter and information more specific and revealing, are pattern changes inevitable and more focussed on problem source corrections than problem result accomodations.
And banking is not the only field to expect unprecedented novel action and radical proaction dealing with individuals rather than tilting a metaphorical windmills in attacking corporations and collective bodies, which are just as smoke and mirror shields behind which languish persons of interest become targets of revenge and rough common law justice, madness and despair ........ http://www.ur2die4.com/140328/
And it is only natural to expect such to be the normal course of future events if change in dodgy inequitable systems is not to be embraced and led from the front by those hiding in the shadows and directing operations from the back.
amanfromMars 1 ….. Mon 7 Apr 19:07 [1404071907] having some serious fun on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2014/04/07/keeping_data_away_from_the_us_not_on_ustr/
Re: even more exclusion? @Heisenberg
"...if its paid for by my bloody TV license then I want access to it..."
One could argue that Fiona Bruce's underwear is paid for by the bloody TV license... Just sayin’! …… Heisenberg
:-) :-) :-) Please behave, bitch Heisenberg. :-) .... although that is no way to be construed as a condemnation of the access sought on your part. And if one is a true gentleman, let's not be having any discussion on rights and access to the contents harboured within underwear paid for by the bloody TV license, for that would be an argument which would surely raise passions undeniably true and impossible to match in any other naked field theatre of operations .... Just saying', and having a pleasant time thinking of the myriad possibilities and variety that such thoughts provide :-)
Godisagoddessur2die4 Amen.

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