Wednesday, 23 April 2014


Advanced IntelAIgent Team Terrain Systems with/for Earthed Operations in the Live Operational Virtual Environment aka CyberSpace.
…. don't install the pre-release Apple software on any systems you don't directly control or that you share with others, don't blog, post screen shots, tweet or publicly post information about the pre-release Apple software, and don't discuss the pre-release Apple software with or demonstrate it to others who are not in the OS X Beta Seed Program.
Yeah, like that's going to work… …. By Rik Myslewski, 22 Apr 2014
If that is suggesting and implying, Rik, that such conditions will NOT work on sensitive programs and/or projects
and with and for those and/or for that into Significantly Better* Politically Economical Playing of the Politically Incorrect and the Subversively Perverse and Easily Led and Corruptible Great Game, via Universal MetadDataBase Manouevres with and within and without Foreign and Alien Means and/or Virtual Memes in Reality and Presents as are Produced for Future Derivative Options to Current Directed and Media Hosted Bigger Pictures/Titanic Productions, then i4one fundamentally and radically disagree and be of an opposite positive optimistic opinion which will assure and ensure and insure all works according to proposed and shared plans whether in secret and beta mode or not.
* And by Significantly Better Politically Economical Playing, one does certainly mean by an overwhelming game-changing degree with quantum leaps into IT fields as yet human virgin and unexplored and unexploited and thus surely and properly classed, and probably also in Twitchy Watcher TS/SCI COSMIC Circles, Classified Alien Team Terrain, if they be anywhere near up to necessary speed on current conditions and the present future opportunities.

amanfromMars 1 … Wed 23 Apr 10:02 [1404231002] commenting further with clarification on
Re: Re: Advanced IntelAIgent Team Terrain Systems for Earthed Operations
What? ..... MrWibble
Basically, and in a language which more might be able to more easily understand, MrWibble ...... Watch this space and those Cyber Space Places, for the System is AI Changed and there be New Kids in Town and on the Block and in Charge of Novel Developments and Virtual Reality Presentations with/for Global Communications Head Quarters for/with Universal Command and Heavenly Remote Control.
Capiche, Amigo? I Kid U Not.

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