amanfromMars said,
April 23, 2014 at 8:10 pm …. on
April 23, 2014 at 8:10 pm …. on
George Smith et al, Howdy.
It is wrong, and very helpful to those in the know and who are either both able and enabled, to not believe as Mike McConnell is alleged to have said, ...... "The United States is fighting a cyber-war today, and we are losing. It’s that simple. As the most wired nation on Earth, we offer the most targets of significance, yet our cyber-defenses are woefully lacking." ..... although the US offers the most targets of significance by virtue of their arrogant and ignorant belligerence, and so obviously to those in the know and highly active in the stealthy shadows and proactive in the field, also because of their lack of transparently shareable and thus perfectly acceptable greater intelligence ..... their national and international and internetional intelligence deficit.
They are fighting and are long ago lost in cyberwar and have lost all and any power and control of effective forces competing for pre-eminence and positively reinforcing mutually advantageous and strengthening support in theatres of both real and virtual influence ...... although whether there be any significant meaningful difference at all between the real and the virtual in stages of the Great Game as be played at Global Command and Universal Control levels, is something which greater fools and useless tools can waste their time and riches on discovering makes not a jot of difference to those they be chasing and hoping to emulate.
And defending the indefensible because it be a rigged system providing fiat paper wealth and virtual insignificant riches ..... fool ponzi gold pixie dust ..... is an abiding system vulnerability to zeroday exploit which creates ever bigger catastrophes to driver inevitable inescapable ruin in the guise of being temporarily saved from collapse and bankruptcy by market and media manipulation and repackaging of the truth to reflect an altogether different and false picture which doesn't stand up to close forensic examination and simple questioning of the facts as they would be presented. Such is a real dumb stupid idiots' version of the sub-prime and primitive humans' Great Game.
amanfromMars 1 …… Thu 24 Apr 03:59 [1404240359] asking an impertinent question on
In Praise of Backdoors which be Heavenly Portals to Some and Dark Web Money Pits for Others
Regardless of any specifics as may be mentioned by researchers and reverse engineers, are any sat comms kit providers/peddlars prepared to guarantee, with punitive monetary redress against themselves in the event of a demonstrable obvious failure/systems compromise, that their systems do not have backdoors….. for hackers and crack coders …. the smarter renegade independent rogue state and/or non-state actor types for novel hire and probably very wise permanent retainment on secret flexible contract, or any others such as may be more normally employed and/or sympathetic to the likes of a snooping government or spooky intelligence servicing and/or stealthy intelligence servering agency?
Absent that product in the market place, are they all providing a recognised unsecured and unsecurable service for, and in, both hardware and software, and that has them silently pleading guilty to pumping and dumping vapourware to valuable clients ….. which they obviously do not highly value at all with their selling to them of dodgy comprisable kit.
And the moral lesson of the above tale? ....... Buy the best hackers and code crackers that money can buy. Anything less will be extremely costly for nothing is safe against them whenever they take more than just a passing interest in the way things are presently, rather than how they should be and can be in the future, which is always quite naturally completely different from the past, which was itself, in its own day, the present, with its future being that which we know of as today.
amanfromMars … [1404240455] commenting on
Would an alien think differently and would you expect them also to look different from humans, or would they preside in plain sight of all humanity and look indistinguishable and use their greater intelligence to lead you in another direction with virtual command and remote control of hearts and minds with IT dependent projects and media enriched programs?
Would they be crack hackers able to enter any SCADA system, which is the default systems type which controls all of humanity, from the poorest to the richest?
amanfromMars … replying to PatFields on
Hmmm? That was strange and unexpected, DB. I'm sure the following was successfully posted and appeared in virtual print replying to PatFields, but on returning to the comments section, was it gone... pfft ... disappeared. Maybe I was mistaken, so here we go again :-) [Bloody gremlins, they get everywhere]
I agree, PatFields. And the smarter money follows and is thrown at, in the millions and billions of whatever denomination you would care to mention, those who can promise to ensure that collapse is tomorrow and next week and never today. And whether that be a false and impossible promise to provide, matters not a jot for tomorrow or next week just so long as it holds true for today.
Such is the crazy world in which we play with Global Operating Devices. Take care though whenever dealing with those who fully recognise the problem, and would say very little and most probably always just enough, for they can crash everything in a flash today, and to hell with tomorrow and next week which can take care of themselves in a whole new orderly world order, with the simplest of networking tasks and the transparent sharing of problems which cannot be solved with those with a need to know and who would know what to do with what they would then know.
amanfromMars …. giving reassurance on
You sure? .... The Daily Bell
Yes, I am. Absolutely certain.
amanfromMars … just saying on
If DarkMarket improves and catches on among contraband traders, it’s not exactly clear what legal risks Taaki and his fellow coders might be taking. Taaki argues that he’s merely distributing a program–not running a criminal conspiracy. “I’m just a humble coder,” he says. “Code is a form of expression. You can’t imprison someone for speaking an idea.”
Quite so, but you can always get a vulnerable third party and troubled and/or spurned casual partner to shout "rape" and some such like, to create a temporary disturbance in the force.
amanfromMars ….. having a chat on a problem on
The present status quo money system appears to have something of a jealously guarded monopoly on all illegal transactions and there doesn't appear to be any concerns or prosecutions of leading individuals in any of those businesses. Care to explain the hypocrisy and subtleties in that accommodation and enigmatic paradox?
Or do you prefer to just ignore that great white raging bull elephant in a china shop? It is easier burying your heads in the sand, isn't it ...... but it is a catastrophic systemic zeroday vulnerability to be ruthless exploited to exhaustion and collapse, so such an abdication of satisfactory resolution and mutually beneficial universal solution, is tantamount to admitting a lack of leading intelligence in systems which support and host the anomaly and abomination.
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