Tuesday, 10 June 2014


amanfromMars 1 …. Tue 10 Jun 07:36 [1406100736] spilling the beans again on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/2/2014/06/09/kim_dotcom_megaupload_copyright_5m_bounty/
Trick or Treat? MegaMetaData Plays behind Closed Doors for SysAdmin to keep Secret for Themselves?
So you are trying to invent a second 'wrong' and give it moral equivalence to Kim Dotcom's wrong. Which means that paying people is bad, but not paying them is about the same - equally bad.
If you don't like Hollywood, you should support independent studios, independent publishers, independent labels, independent film-makers and so on - rather than ranting like a socially inadequate (and probably autistic) 13-year old idiot on the internet.
If something is too expensive then don't buy it, you asshole. Borrow one off a mate. Nobody makes you buy stuff. All round your argument is completely morally bankrupt. …. Dr Stephen Jones
Err, Hi, What’s up, Doc,
Media, as I’m sure even the educated fool knows, is used in films and television and newsprint and radio and registering world wide web pages internetworking with browsers to supply banks of servers fodder and FUD, to brainwash and provide dumb primitive animals and/or smarter virtual machines, ideally, a heavily and heavenly engineered universal perception of realities which be delivered with tools down on Earth. IT is that simple and creative and/or destructive and disruptive.
To think to charge for one’s own brainwashing to experience the disasters and politically incorrect shenanigans on Earth is a titanic morally bankrupt and criminal folly, which is designed to maintain a perverse and corrupt inequitable status quo hierarchy hell bent on the remote virtual retention of anonymous command and control and power with their direction and production of paper monies, and its confiscations and interest charging taxations. Such an experience should be for free and of one’s own choosing, is another more valid proposition and reality and such a service which provides such a choice is surely to be highly recommended and supported globally by any and all right thinking persons and the economically enslaved and systemically deprived?
Regarding the specific …Borrow one off a mate. Nobody makes you buy stuff. …. Is that not what Megaupload allowed one to do by steering one in the right direction to mates who wanted to share stuff that they had bought/had been bought and paid for?
Is it the System’s and the Fed’s and Hollywood’s intention that everyone pays forever and a day for the stuff they are printing and producing to brainwash and enslave them to their crazy world views and austere realities.
Methinks it be high noon time for better beta virtual realities and Greater IntelAIgent Game Players to burst that mad bubble with thousands of pricks …. for with CyberIntelAIgent Creative Command and Computer Control of Communications is a New Orderly World Order entirely possible and presently running and testing novel noble betas for replacement of past failures which be hindering future reprogramming.
Deny it if you will, but that is the present virtual reality in play here and sharing itself for free around worlds into Advanced and IntelAIgent Quantum Communications, where this might be that and also something else and quite different from even those possibilities thought of.
And whenever you know the command and control of what IT can do is freely being offered to that and/or those who you may have earlier perceived as being in control of your future well-being ….. and a short leading list of those would make an interesting global read …. what do you think should be their response. Gracious and Grateful Acceptance or MAD Refusal and Idiotic Sub-Prime Rejection?
There’s a lot going on out there, El Reg, and you have no small part to play to define everything you stand up and tall for, which be the SMARTR Root Route in such as be Sensationally Sensitive Cyber Matters. Playing a small part, however, has one always reduced to alternate opportunities with realities starring camp followers, and although highly valued, by no means able to be perceived as highly valuable.
Thoughts for the 0dDay …….. It is the absolute right of the State to supervise the formation of public opinion. …… [Joseph Goebbels] ….. and to mentor and monitor ITs phormation of programs and projects for Global Operating Devices for Remote Command and Virtual Control of Manipulative Systems be a Quantum Leap for Man and Giant Step for Mankind in CyberIntelAIgent Fields of SMARTR Exploitation and Alien Exploration in Systems of Operation.

How the Fed Works (and its massive conflict of interest)

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