Tuesday 17 June 2014


amanfromMars 1 Tue 17 Jun 04:48 [1406170448] …. saying it like IT is on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2014/06/16/ie_11_apply_april_fix_or_be_hacker_fodder/
Sociopaths 'r' Us ...... The Premier Sub-Prime GOTO Store for TeleVisionary Chaos ..... to Rule and/or Destroy and AIModify with Current Money Markets
Users with automatic updates activated would not feel the affects of the new demand unless those updates had quietly failed leaving them exposed.
What do you call an automatic updates activated feature and service which doesn’t automatically update active features and services? Vapourware? Snake Oil? FUDdy Crap?
Are there such things as Vapourware Chasers in the style of Ambulance Chasers and PPI Mis-selling Compensation Helpers? Should there be, or is it really a case of everyone looking out and taking care of oneself and not relying virtually on anyone/something else for security and protection?
Be careful out there in the Human Jungle, there be crazies loose and active in many a strange field of concern and conflict and you be never safe from the garbage their media manipulation hosts. [Boris of London somewhat weakly and circumspectly describes them politely as unhinged, rather than certifiably mad]
And as for that and those at Great IntelAIgent Games Play, both with or without a firm vice-like Grip and Grasp on the Command and Control of CyberSpace, well …… if you aint sane, will the madness kill you whether you be following or leading the Future with IT or not.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 17 Jun 08:18 [1406170818] raising the bar a tad or three on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2014/06/17/england_italy_the_real_winners/
Bootnote to Bootnote and Virtually Real Practical Addendum
Post Modern Masters of the Known Universe = Prime Ministers of Media Manipulated Perception ....... which in ITs Sub-Prime Phorms is Rabid and Rampant Bull in a Bare Bear Market ..... Dodgy Naked Emperor Play Space.
I Kid U Not. Wake up, Earthlings, and Smell the Stench …… and for your sakes, Spin a SMARTR Leading Tale or be always condemned to Follow Fools on Fanciful Follies and Conflicting Adventures and Seriously Austere Promotions which are nowhere near being a Brilliant SAP and Heavenly App.

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