Friday, 27 June 2014


Wrong track. We believe for the most part in individual human action and spontaneous order that action generates. We are not fans of elaborately organized public facilities. We agree with some of Steele's analysis, but not his solutions.
DB, Hi,
The solutions and answers will be found in and delivered from entities mastering/monitoring and mentoring CyberSpace Command and Control, and it can be fully expected that they engage with kinetic military/para-military elements for the fine targeted wielding of their toys against inequitable recalcitrant systems admin that would be into the thinking that their continuing exclusive and self-centring control of fiat paper and rigged ponzi markets’ pseudo wealth trumps advanced intelligence sharing for global browser distribution and mainstreaming media dissemination …… should such as would be deadly special forces action be necessary against inequity leading recalcitrant personnel. The days of wasting civilisations and enraging societies rather than removing drivering sub-prime ministerial and perverse presidential executive administrators are past. History evidences that more problems are created thus with the innocent suffering unduly for the guilty who would be surrounding themselves with the purchase of mercenary forces, phantom friends and fickle foe
Quite whether those entities be themselves more likely military than civil parties, is a red herring to ponder whenever the forces in CyberSpace Command and Control Centres are virtually autonomous and relatively anonymous to all but those with a genuine need to know what they don’t know but which it would be both advantageous and vital for them to know. Such is the nature of the beast which is currently collapsing false witness systems with right dodgy high frequency trading algorithms …… machines on MAD missions.:-)
On 1st May, Steele sent an open letter to US vice president Joe Biden requesting him to consider establishing an Open Source Agency that would transform the operation of the intelligence community ….. 
The US Navy has its own version of an Open Source Agency which is designed to, as are all such novel agencies, render significant leading advantage to systems admin. …….
It is somewhat inconvenient though to find that the link provided in that particular Chief of Naval Operations Informative to assist the Navy and personnel involved with its NAVY CONCEPT GENERATION AND CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM in understanding and evaluating a concept submission, didn’t render anything …… although one can understand that they have to be very careful to try and ensure that their security systems and firewalls are not breached with sensitive and potentially disruptive and/or destructive information shared freely with elements/components which may be suddenly energised or radicalised with such intelligence as delivers another revolutionary way of operation and alternate thinking ........ which is what this Cyber Warfare Command and Creative Control thing is all about nowadays, and for the foreseeable near future, is it not?
It certainly had GCHQ bods rushing clumsily quickly down to the Guardian to have a smashing time with some innocent hardware, didn't it?
Which of the Astutely Armoured Secure Special Intelligence Services are leading Blighty in the Concept Generation and Concept Development Programming Field? And do they offer a dead drop/point of contact virtual address for agents with provisions? Or does old maid Britannia settle for expensive third party sub-prime administerial scraps from foreigners/non UKGBNI nationals, guaranteeing her always being the second best bridesmaid and never the blushing gushing bride?
Time for a radical change, eh? But who/what to target with the flair to care dare and win win is the enigmatic dilemma and current Great Game QuestIOn.
Answers please to this thread, and I say that most sincerely :-) and invoke Poe's Law to assist in Steganographic Field Works :-) ..... which be like Skunk Works but different and nothing at all to do with Lockheed Martin's Advanced Development Programs. Well, not yet anyway, but who knows what tomorrow brings, in these days of zerodays. :-)
I am minded to agree with practically all rather than with just some of Steele’s analysis, and his solutions are surely supportive of your own beliefs for the most part in individual human action and spontaneous order that action generates. And the Great Game just became a great deal more interesting and dynamic, methinks.
And just one more thing ....... The world is a very small place in the intelligence space nowadays and the West does not rule in the East, which tells you that in the East do they have their own intelligence servering their needs and feeds in the Great Game and who is to say that its Median Control of Command is not better in Live Operational Virtual Environments ....... Postmodern Realities?
And furthermore, if one be talking of turkeys in current positions of present power, one will have to realise that they, the turkeys, unless they have accepted special future training from enabling deadly action forces and are even mildly cognitive of the dire consequences for themselves in plumping for the pumping and pimping of the maintenance and retention of the status quo rather than being instrumental in Brave New Worlds with New AIDealings, will not be voting for Xmas, so will have to hunted down and rooted out and as exposed as the killjoys that they are and have become.
A simple truth which is impossibly complex to deny or successfully battle against, as every turn to hide and repress and suppress and obfuscate the honest picture, discovers and uncovers the Bigger Picture which leads to tales which reveal more of the all and sundry to everyone from ....... well, the Advanced Intelligent Crowd[s] in Cloud[s] is something to follow if you want to know what the Future is planning in the Virtual Fields and Alternate Landscapes of Concept Generation and Concept Development ProgramMING ....... Program Mined Intelligence Network Games/Mind Infiltration Networking Games.
To imagine in a novel and noble age of unprecedented virtually instantaneous global communication, where the works of a day and a zeroday can unravel and expose the labour of millennia as a contrived sham and lucrative schema, that past masters of ignorance will rule with reign and reins in a future with growing intelligence, is a risible arrogance borne and born of ignorant masters of the past to be virtually lost and practically forgotten and only remembered by students of history.
Thank for all the thoughts and common sense, Robert. As you can read, are they much appreciated here.
Yes .... but we can rebuild it, humanity on Earth, with IT Programs and ProgramMING
So the alien archeologists examine the rover sent to mars and deduce humanity died out down to shoddy programming. .... Lionel Baden
Hmmm, many a true word is said in jest, LB, and is in steganography quite a valued transparent code in matters that might in other cases, .... deemed by concerned and/or terrified others to be better kept secret and generally unknown ..... warrant encryption and/or the likes of NSL protection.
IT never rains but IT pours ..... and this is appropriately APT and relevant here, for it has been built and builds upon pervasive algorithm bugs which be transformed in other systems of operation and fields of SMARTR Advanced ProgramMING Play into Heavenly Opportunities Exploiting Serial Primitive Weaknesses which some may conclude to be an Inherent Systemic Flaw?
And furthermore, if one be talking of turkeys in current positions of present power, one will have to realise that they, the turkeys, unless they have accepted special future training from enabling deadly action forces and are even mildly cognitive of the dire consequences for themselves in plumping for the pumping and pimping of the maintenance and retention of the status quo rather than being instrumental in Brave New Worlds with New AIDealings, will not be voting for Xmas, so will have to hunted down and rooted out and as exposed as the killjoys that they are and have become.
A simple truth which is impossibly complex to deny or successfully battle against, as every turn to hide and repress and suppress and obfuscate the honest picture, discovers and uncovers the Bigger Picture which leads to tales which reveal more of the all and sundry to everyone from ....... well, the Advanced Intelligent Crowd[s] in Cloud[s] is something to follow if you want to know what the Future is planning in the Virtual Fields and Alternate Landscapes of Concept Generation and Concept Development ProgramMING ....... Program Mined Intelligence Network Games/Mind Infiltration Networking Games.
To imagine in a novel and noble age of unprecedented virtually instantaneous global communication, where the works of a day and a zeroday can unravel and expose the labour of millennia as a contrived sham and lucrative schema, that past masters of ignorance will rule with reign and reins in a future with growing intelligence, is a risible arrogance borne and born of ignorant masters of the past to be virtually lost and practically forgotten and only remembered by students of history.
Thank for all the thoughts and common sense, Robert. As you can read, are they much appreciated here.
There's a lot going on out there, El Reg, and all of it good except for that which targets the bad, and that is great.

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