Monday, 9 February 2015


amanfromMars 1 Mon 9 Feb 14:13 [1502091413]… having a say on
Stating the Obvious. Get Used to ITs Powers in Command and Control. It isn't for Relinquishing
Please be assured and/or suitably terrorised and terrified to know, GCHQ will do as GCHQ will do to know what needs to be known of anyone and/or everyone in order to remain relevant and of relatively anonymous assistance to leading authorities/state and/or non state actors which/who may or may not be in need of their services and supposed exceptional skill sets.

amanfromMars 1 Mon 9 Feb 17:52 [1502091752] .. saying more on
Let's be realistic about such as these things .....
"Privacy International are really wasting people's time and their own money." .... Yet they have stuck their necks out on our behalf and are trying to do what they can in the face of almost aggressive levels of apathy. .... Sir Runcible Spoon
And being as effective as if tilting at windmills springs immediately to mind, Sir. But I suppose it does make them feel not so powerless as they be.

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