Friday, 20 February 2015


amanfromMars 1 Fri 20 Feb 05:54 [1502200554] having a say on
Re: add 1000% TAX on all hardware and software from US (and UK) companies
The US is still the powerhouse ...... Destroy All Monsters
The US is just a powered madhouse, Destroy All Monsters, and the obvious simple and complex target to capture and short and hold to/for ransom, in order for certain orders/agents/non-state actors to fix practically all current escalating problems and poor media related tales, is the fiat dollar base and perverse intellectual property, national and international private personal and public pirate debt. Failure to realise and virtually micro and macro manage that, fully guarantees continuing SWIFT catastrophic systems collapse.

One just can't get the right class of spooky staff these days, can one.
Dutch MEP slams 'cowboy practices' of GCHQ 'n' pals following Gemalto allegations. 
And asks what the EU Commish is going to do about it.
That’s easy to answer truthfully, Jennifer. Diddly squat, which translates for our foreign viewers and readers as absolutely nothing effective. ’Tis norm for such form and phorm and phishing.

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