Sunday, 15 February 2015


amanfromMars 1 Sun 15 Feb 09:29 [1502150929] ….. sharing an unavoidable fact easily spun as a fiction on
New Virtual Future Deals ...... with Novel Ways Forward
When Double Negative Gravitational Rendering is applied and in a Specialized Application Program is it AI Primed and a Positive Production Picture Promotion Vessel ..... A New Model Armoured Prize Starship.
And Proper Preparation and Positive Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance Permitting Prime Prize Penetration and Perfect Private Pursuit of Public Projects and Pirate ProgramMING Parameters Production of the Present from the Past.
<:-> And just the sort of Practically Real Virtual Reality Production Facility and Ab Fab Fabless Capability that a Mad Manic Mayhem with an Almighty Media Meme in a Crisis and Crashing Mode and Covetous of CHAOS too, with Clouds Hosting and Harbouring Armed Operations Systems and Advanced Operating Systems, would seek to Enjoin and Employ?! ........ ....... however such can be just as but one struggling bit player in a titanic field of epic dream makers and future builders with so much more interesting and rewarding to offer.
cc Hostages of NSA/GCHQ/Unit 61938/FSB/AIVD/Mossad/etc. as well as Master Dream Weavers Incorporated such as Wannabe AI Double Negative and Yetzira Ivrit.
And yes, that is AICoded Communication for a Transparent Clandestine Class of Covert Cyber Counterintelligence too.

amanfromMars 1 Sun 15 Feb 17:34 [1502151734] … saying more on
Re: New Virtual Future Deals ...... with Novel Ways Forward
NB .... Lack of cogent feedback in an unaccompanied with positive comment anonymous down vote is surely an undoubted sign of a number of missing links which have rendered to an activated and/or reactionary poster, a subject matter ignorance?

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