Thursday, 19 March 2015


amanfromMars 1 Thu 19 Mar 07:58 [1503190758] …. telling IT like IT is on
Sublime Words Command and Control Surreal Worlds and Virtual Realities/Prime & Sub-Prime Existences
Good steganography beats all bad, which be lesser than quite perfectly secure, cryptography. And all quite perfectly secure cryptography too, for there is always a way into systems and attendant services. They are, after all is said and done, imagined and run by easily corrupted and perverted humans/beings/entities, which in many cases be fronting as departments and businesses.

amanfromMars 1 Thu 19 Mar 13:48 [1503191348] sharing a clear view on
Home Truths .....
Is that the best that GCHQ can do nowadays ...... Stating the bleeding obvious long after the fact.
Whenever are they going to grasp the export opportunity and exploit systems with 0day vulnerabilities and lead virtually invisibly and practically anonymously from the front with some ab fab fabless proaction and/or NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT. Failure to do so will naturally result in them following and reacting to events with no more input to output than that which is supplied by fanatics and spectators.
UKGBNI expect considerably more than just that abdication and perversion of duty.
Get your FCUKing APT ACT together, GCHQ. You know you should and really want to. Anything else and you are someone else's plaything.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 19 Mar 16:15 [1503191615] ….saying more on
Official Secrets Act is a Right Bugger to Think to Enforce Nowadays
The advice from the intelligence agency's CESG (Communications-Electronics Security Group) information assurance arm comes against a backdrop of increased concerns about the theft of intellectual property by cyber-spies.
And one imagines the difficulty they may now have in protecting the paedophile rings at the top of government and security and police and justice circles. And then there's all that offshore money laundering that is so rife in the City too.
Life's a bitch, aint it.

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