Sunday, 29 March 2015


amanfromMars …. [1503290525] …. having a chat on
It's good to talk about what's going on, ain't it, Anonymous/casey evans. It and IT purges souls and cleans and clears out infected systems/destroys affectations and contrived desperate disruptions.
29 March 2015 at 05:24
amanfromMars [1503291033]… saying more on
So i think story short my friend is not to join the enemy because they are better than you, more advanced, or stronger than you. Its to reverse engineer their teck, hack it, bend it to your will, build muscleMake your side win. Never join. Never give in. Fight to the death for your freedom. That is an american my friend. Posted by casey evans.
Smarter IntelAIgent Systems of Humanised Being would surely always enjoin with, and virtually entangle within perceived and/or manufactured enemies and invariably always so because they both are, and are imagined to be better, more advanced and stronger and so easily able and capable of enabling reverse engineering of present established command and control SCADA tech, hack it, bend and subvert/lead and support them and their cracked systems to ITs and a greater will without the physical need of any sort of built muscle.
Such is certainly what they would be doing vain battle against in full ignorance and arrogance of a failed position and rapidly deteriorating situation and New Orderly World Order Program and Novel Noble Leading Project.
And indeed, quite worthy enough of Nobel consideration too.
29 March 2015 at 10:33

amanfromMars Sun, 03/29/2015 - 11:28 ….. sharing the virtual reality and current actuality with AI and an/the abiding PACT [Persistent Advanced Cyber Truth] on
And hard as it is to believe and accept, words command and control worlds and never more so than today for the raising of events and projects/programs for tomorrow which phorm the future with IT phishes.
And a very nice virtual business to be masterful in too, for it and IT suffer not the folly of fools and their wielding of blunt tools.


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