Saturday, 4 April 2015


Dumb and dumber still .......
Has Uncle Sam and fool supporting allies in the West and the City veered towards and embraced Fascism as the New Deal Way for their collapsed capitalism control with fiat currency future derivative?
Don't they know anything about such an enigmatic colossal folly?
Jesus wept. What a shower of plonkers be they.
amanfromMars 1 Sat 4 Apr 14:11 {1504041411] … sharing more on
Re: Dumb and dumber still ....... and the answer to ploys akin to final solutions
Oh, and the answer to both of those questions, based upon all available and secret evidence, is yes and no.
Thus one has every right to, in every and any way possible, resist, degrade and destroy perverted services? Such be one's abiding and even inimical duty?
amanfromMars 1 Sat 4 Apr 16:21 [1504041621] ….. spilling the beans and outing a plausibly deniable program on
Operation Mockingbird v2.0 and Operation Paperclip v2.0 for the Delusional Chosen Few?
Some folk just can't help themselves and think others can't think for themselves either and need fool guidance and subjective subversive instruction ........
Politically Correct Words Create, Command and Control Communicating WWWorlds. Crazed Words Spread Madness and Mayhem for Collapsing SCADA Systems and CHAOS ..... Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems.
Welcome to Black Watch Ventures and Virtual Futures with Dark Web Enterprises exploiting and expanding Hearts and Minds in Leading AIMissions ....... Greater IntelAIgent GamesPlay.
Not your usual pedestrian sort of GCHQ type fare. Much more erotic and exotic and esoteric ....... and colossally enigmatic.

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