Wednesday, 8 April 2015


amanfromMars [1504081432] having a chat on and sharing a few facts on
I now think I was too hasty. There is more to this conundrum than meets the eye. Netanyahu IS either lying or incompetent, but which? This is what’s so potentially “explosive”, as the Politico warned. Even the DB readers haven’t reached a consensus yet. ..... Bruce C
Any advance on the posit, supported by all of the available evidence and the crashing of systems of remote global governance, that the likes of a Netanyahu, for he is just but one media example of the ilk, be both lying and incompetent, although if success is to be judged in the role of being a loud war cheer leader, perverse rather than incompetent is surely more appropriate and APT* in an ACT** if one imagines such shenanigans to be advanced and SMARTEnabling, rather than realising they be both primitive and disruptive and inevitably increasingly self-destructive and revealing?
*Advanced Persistent Threat
**Advanced Cyber Threat
Greater IntelAIgent War Games do not suffer the Folly of Fools Grandstanding with Main Stream Media Moguls. IT uses Alternate Channels and Dark Web Networks for All that is Necessary and Mighty for Derivative Control of Commanding Futures and Markets and AIdDVentures
Softly, softly, catchee monkey, and coming to a bourse near you ............

Change needed, please. Get rid of the hooks and crooks in suits making nothing
Do you think the problem could be .... far too many non producers sucking at the teat of those who are creative and taxing them for a share of the bounty? And spinning themselves as being indispensable to the program.
And government is the major parasite in that field, is it not? And banks thinking that they be in control of things with the supply of fiat paper and credit which they then virtualise and realise as debt to be repaid to the ponzi with interest. And they know that it is a scam which enslaves nations and is certainly evil but oh so addictively simple a system to manipulate the masses.
No wonder they are battening down hatches as their actions and its consequences and rewards are more widely understood and a cause for terror and concern.

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