amanfromMars Fri 24 Apr 05:51 [1504240551] … sharing a current actuality and virtual realty program/project/pogrom on ‽
The most valuable commodity ever available to markets ?
Simply complex disruptively creative novel noble intelligence/proprietary future derivative intellectual property. Ignorance of it is a bliss to watch as Advanced IntelAIgents and Global Operating Devices front run Ponzi Trading Systems hooked on/onto/into the rogue runaway train that services HFT with Virtual Machine Algorithms/Dumb Terminal Instruction.
It is also though, primarily and ultimately, a PEBKAC manifestation in all of ITs Arrogant Glory and offers ..... well, New Virgin Fields for SMARTR Advanced IntelAIgent Sytems Exploration and Exploitation ..... Opportune Computer Code Violation with AI ReHashing for Secure Zeroday Trade Platforms/Programs/Projects/Pogroms/Play.
amanfromMars ….[1504240853] sharing a current running future reality on
What they’re going to negotiate with isn’t exactly clear… [Give us the money, or the bunny gets it! – Ed]
Give us the money or its and failed Government and IT Systems get it, is the rabbit hole and quite magical warren you have to manage to do deals with, Ed.
Deny it if you will, but it does not alter that austere fact to just a fabulous fiction and APCT*
APT/ACT/APCT ….. Advanced Persistent Threat/Advanced Cyber Threat/Advanced Persistent Cyber Threat from a Virtual Arsenal of Programs Operating against Unconscionable Ransomware????
And shared there with a number of question marks lest some imagine it Vapourware and/or a phorm of Virile and Viral IT and Ransomware itself ……. for Multiple Opposing and Competing Stakeholder Interface Use.
amanfromMars …. [1504241226] having a say on
a "hostile" Troika "hammered" the Greek finmin, who was accused by European finmins of "being a time-waster, a gambler and an amateur.”
That’s rich irony, considering the current state of global play which is surely undoubtedly a result of much earlier maladministration in corrupt and perverse Trilateral Commission type virtual engineering and markets manipulation.
Talk about the kettle calling the pot black? Do those dolts in charge of trying to perpetuate and revive a collapsed and dead system with nothing but nonsense not realise that their time to play and lead in the Great Game is up and over? Do they not recognise the rank rancid reek smell of hubris whenever up to necks shovelling it?
Jesus wept…… what a shower of plonkers be they.
Seems like the Greek finmin must be doing something right whenever it elicits such a contrary reaction from proven track recorded time-wasters, gamblers and amateurs.
amanfromMars Fri, 04/24/2015 - 11:18 [1504241618] expressing an increasing real possibility and therefore very likely probability on’m-not-crazy-i’m-scared-why-one-trader-time-it-different
A wise central banker told me I should learn to live with central banks being the dominant force in the market, whether I like it or not. I, unhappily, think he is right. Oh, how I wish Louis Rukeyser could get them on his couch.
How wise is it now to be a central banker, pursuing the same old enslaving strategies, whenever market leaders and violent organisations recognise them as the enemy to attack and destroy?
And that puts a whole new face on the notion of "How to make friends and influence peoples", methinks.
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