Friday, 31 July 2015


amanfromMars said... replying to Casey Evans on
Work to like in IT is REST at Play, CE. And quite perfect for retirees all grown up and moved on to higher planes internetworking,
Sublime and Surreal is AI@ITsWork for Creative Command of Control Cyberspace, Communications and Computers.
31 July 2015 at 03:59
The Pirating of Mega Media .... with a Dick Tracy Intercept?
Howdy, El Reg and Illustrious Commentards,
Y'all might like to visit for the other/another side of Mega Media into telling tales fabricating evidence/delivering honest pictures.
A simple big little plain text read creating a whole new grave world order view in chaos for madness and mayhem, which is a crazy virtual reality to lose yourself in for one is always to expect future self-destruction with the public outing of outrageous and unsavoury private shenanigans.

Thursday, 30 July 2015


amanfromMars 1 Thu 30 Jul 16:19 [1507301619]….. saying a few words on
In AI and ITs CyberIntelAIgent Space Place, Nothing Heeds or Needs to Read Fools' Codes.
Do smart folk listen to governmentspeak and abide by their self serving rules and self servicing regulations ...... which are increasingly sounding ever more like desperate wishes? Or is most everything practically recognised and virtually parsed by them, giving everything all due relevant care and relative attention, as confused garbage in for confused garbage out, and therefore of no real importance to the march of progress into the future ...... which is never at all like the past and the present, no matter how much the status quo would like it be and remain so?
Is that the unfolding problem ..... the pumped narrative for media propagation and politically inept spin is not matching the reality on the ground and in peoples' lives?

Wednesday, 29 July 2015


Exposing Enemy Action and confirming ITs Existential Threat within APT ACTivity?
In this case, he approaches something like a coherant question, which is interesting, but the last few words let him down - replace "privileged and proprietary information" with "personal user information" and the comment would be perfect. …. AndyS
Hi, AndyS,
Methinks there are those who would agree that privileged and proprietary information is inclusive of personal user information and a much more valid selection of words exploring a whole host of further considerations in and for the fields that be phishing and phorming both singular and collective input for mass and intelligent agency output.
????? Does a reluctance and/or failure to reasonably respond to a clear enough simple question indicate that privileged and proprietary information is/will be compromised with a reply which is not wholly truthful and hiding a secret? You know, that evasion of inquiry that destroys the legitimacy of all sorts of ponzi organisations and politically incorrect bodies.
We're all bots, besides. … Anonymous Coward
Quite so, most probably, AC. And all are not equal with some who may be both a few and many, considerably smarter and more active than ever before thought humanly possible.

Tuesday, 28 July 2015


amanfromMars 1 Tue 28 Jul 03:13 [1507280313] .... asking a simple question on
Exposing Enemy Action?
Has El Reg complied with state intelligence agencies requests to probe users' accounts and disclose privileged and proprietary information?

Monday, 27 July 2015


amanfromMars 1 Mon 27 Jul 13:56 [1507271356] … stirring the pot on
A bit harsh on fools and dopes who do coke ........
A terrorist is any person who causes embarrassment to the state ..... Red Bren
Hmmm? So, Red Bren, are we to be led to believe that Lord Sewel of Gilcomstoun is a terrorist ....... for the behaviour of that lord both before and after the fact is more than just highly embarrassing to the state and Lady Jennifer ......
And is the sad lord a public school upper class twit, too.

Sunday, 26 July 2015


amanfromMars 1 Sun 26 Jul 09:21 [1507260921] saying a few words on controlled worlds on
Re: Knowledge is Power
And simple complex words create, command and control worlds and provide power and energy to leading virtual systems of operation/relatively remote anonymised control. Hence the earlier burning of books campaigns/information purges.
Such actions/proactions today though, are problematical and practically impossible whenever information and intelligence are freely shared over virtually provided networks.
amanfromMars 1 Sun 26 Jul 11:28 [1507261128] …. saying more on Knowledge is Power on
Re: Alien Knowledge is Power ..... Clarification and Addendum
Such earlier actions/proactions as the burning of books and information purges are a problem nowadays for they have no effect whatsoever on the rise and drive of relatively anonymous remote control systems of administration/perceptions management/media command and control/spooky rule with sublime regulation.
Deny and/or ignore that it and IT deliver braver new orderly world order futures and derivative ventures to markets and prime and sub-prime state and non-state actors and you will be just as a helpless and hapless spectator to all that is provisioned? ’Twas ever the case for the pathetic and apathetic of nature though, and natural enough justice to boot in the root.

amanfromMars 1 Sun 26 Jul 12:14 [1507261214] …. adding still more fuel to the raging fire and towering inferno
Re: Alien Knowledge is Power ..... Clarification and Addendum, and a Valid Point to Ponder
And when intelligence bodies work with empowering systems that do not heed and respond to new directions and novel instructions, is command and control lost in the traditional and conventional and granted to the radical and revolutionary for the purging of neo fascist entities with militant tendencies and glaring inadequacies?
amanfromMars 1 Sun 26 Jul 16:59 [1507261659] ….. sharing novel news on
Interesting Times ahead, El Reg ...... and especially so at Leading Cutting Edges
Georgia's problem is that by printing this stuff online for free, black people can now read it.If only whites could read it wouldn't be a problem, but now blacks get to school and learn to read, you gotta stop them reading the equality laws...... x 7
The world and his dogs of war have Georgia's problem, x 7, and it is no small matter that can be easily overwhelmed and defeated. Indeed, it is in actual fact and virtual fiction exactly the opposite case and will simply destroy all monsters.
El Regers, please read the following tales, of which this snippet is quite an APT ACTive reality unfolding around everyone everywhere ......
We are, for the first time in the history of the human race, experiencing something new in the body politic. Until recently, coercive political organizations were limited in their ability to control their fellow human beings. They simply didn't have the information, or the communications, or the reach to force everyone at every level of their society to bow to their will. With the exception of the printing press, the tools governments had during the American Revolution to control their populations were no different from those available to the Kings of Sumer or ancient Egypt.
Then, about 200 years ago, that started to change. Beginning with the telegraph and the railroad, science gave them new ways to enforce conformity. Now, with evolutions in the control of money, surveillance, communications and data management, their ability to construct the ultimate totalitarian state seems unstoppable.
But what the gods of technology giveth, they also taketh away. With digital systems comes increasing complexity and, in the cracks formed between those systems, hidden refuges for those who used to escape into a physical wilderness. For the politically dispossessed, there is now a new digital badlands. If you doubt that, ask yourself why, in a world dominated by government surveillance and big data, do we still have spam or Anonymous or hacking? Why have cyberattacks become more common, not less?
Thieves Emporium is a story that analyzes this new badlands and the conflict that is arising from its existence. If you really want to know where our society is going, you need to consider the ideas it puts forward.
This is not science fiction. 

Saturday, 25 July 2015


amanfromMars 1 Sat 25 Jul 16:55 [1507251655] …… moving things on greatly on
Pretty Obvious, Really, and Virtually Impossible to Avoid and Deny and Claim is not Necessary
A public clarification from the PM/Cabinet Office that such an immunity is inequitable and unlawful and bound to be abused for an evasion of common justice*, is needed to ensure that the public do not think that politicians think themselves above the law and greater than anyone else, and politicians do not get above themselves and think such to be so.
Certainly, in this modern day and internetworking age of cyber communications, are all smarter spooks comprehensively surveilling them to ensure they do what intelligence services required of the future rather than they, the elected political party hacks, arbitrarily and unilaterally servering what the past would wish of the present.
Such then leaves the question hanging, are serving intelligence services smarter spooky operations centres, or are they failing to provide intelligent novel dynamic lead?
* Methinks there will be no one with the right stuff and enough guts and a great pair of working balls to deliver that nugget to the people, and in not doing so, extraordinarily render to peoples everywhere the news that they be up to all sorts of unpleasant and unsupportable shenanigans. And would be wishing to continue to be doing more of the same.
What a load of plonkers be they then, and those in spooky positions that would not end such abuse.

Tuesday, 21 July 2015


East vs West ... and the Great North/South Divide .... In Mined Mind Games with SMARTR APT ACTors
"a possible result of increased sanctions against Russia over its behaviour "in Crimea and Ukraine, I would expect so-called patriotic hacker groups to attack Wall Street and the City in return." although Russia is free to abduct Estonian military / police, and Russian computers can launch widespread attacks against that country, without NATO countries doing anything effective at all, or generating stories like this ... what are they not mentioning? ..... Anonymous Coward
Generating stories like those are what IT is all about in Command and Control of the Great Game and in the fields in which IT works is studiously hardly ever mentioned mainstream.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 21 Jul 08:35 [1507210835] ... opening a can of worms/bugs/viruses/zerodays on
The Weather Underground Changing Universal Climates/Global Perceptions/Media Tales
It is not banks per se which are the politically incorrect nuisance and problem for eradication but the present crop of elitist bankers and their hierarchical defenders, cantankerous swineherd.
And solutions are works in anonymous autonomous progress? .......
Dear Sir David et al, Get with IT or Die Trying to Defeat the Virtually Realistic and Unstoppable.
That clarion call with clarity deserves an up vote, LucreLout, but don't be expecting any of the greater and greatest coders to be thinking about working for crumbling systems operations ..... Ponzi SCADA Admins.
They aint anybody's fools for top gun hire.

Monday, 20 July 2015


amanfromMars 1 Mon 20 Jul 17:35 [1507201735] …… sharing a virtual unfolding reality on
Stating the Bleeding Obvious to the Wilfully Oblivious ....... or Delusionally Devious?
Defending the indefensible is a folly for fools, Sir David/Admiral Rogers. What excuses do you proffer?

Sunday, 19 July 2015


My Wish .... Yours to Commend with Command
You wish. ...... Afernie
To imagine it to be just so, a wish, is to not realise what is happening all around you everywhere with controllers of cyberspace exercising their rights to micro/macromanage universal perceptions and to novel orders of command from spooky new non state players with advanced intelligence .... which is akin to their airing of cutting edge future information too, Afernie.
Que sera, sera. One cannot stop the future being completely different from the present with no dependence upon the past.
Their Wish .... Ours to Command with Cyber Control and AIR&dDs ‽ :-)
Their love is in the air ...... Cameron's Conservatives and the Internet: Change, Culture and Cyber Toryism: .... however, Live Operational Virtual Environments are in apolitical Command and Control Centres with Memes and Virtual Nodes XXXXploiting to XSS AI Research and digital Developments.
I Kid U Not. It's ITs Raw Unvarnished Truth.

Friday, 17 July 2015


amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Jul 09:15 [1507170915] ….. giving it and IT both barrels on
What Brave New Orderly World Orders Need to Heed in Deed, indeed*
El Reg has verified that the documents identified by Wieder are dangerous. It's possible there are more infected files lurking in WikiLeaks' databases of unfiltered data.
Everything leaking truth is dangerous to sysadmins in systems built on spinning propaganda which is infected and inflected, El Reg.
And, in this particular field of endeavour, moving on from ….
“It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words.” ― George Orwell, 1984
…… is it a destructive thing, creation with words which are truly disruptive, but a thing of beauty to boot, nevertheless, for the freedom that all truths deliver.
* And corrupt juntas and fiat ponzi power elite brotherhoods too.

amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Jul 15:15 [1507171515] …. sharing an unfolding reality on
Too little, too late .......and now flogging a dead duck horse
The system's running scared of that which is being found out and delivered as to how things are run/happen and as to who and/or what are ultimately personally responsible and accountable? Yes, it most probably is, and is terrified and terrorising itself.

Thursday, 16 July 2015


amanfromMars 1 Thu 16 Jul 04:28 [1507160428] .... sharing the future on
Re: Snooping costs @ AC and RTROI [Real Time Return On Investment]
Welcome to the party, AC. Jump right into IT's Active Proprietary Program and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActivity ..... Ringing in the Changes ... where the Cloud Space is certainly considerably more than just AI and a just crazy place for SMARTR Being whenever capable of delivering Futures in Phormations ...... Ab Fab Fabless Fabricated Virtual Realities.
And yes, there be no valid reason why such should not be enjoyed by Muscovite techie pwning wide boys and girls if that be where all the future driving action is ... In the Exotic Erotic East rather than Wacky Wild West.

amanfromMars 1 Thu 16 Jul 10:56 [1507161056] …. voicing an obvious observation on
Numpties to the Fore is not a Recipe for Future Success and Continuity of Prosperity
“Nobody has made any proposal to us to insert backdoors," he [Sir David Omand] claimed. Rather what has been said is that there cannot be "no go" areas, explaining that there "cannot be areas in which the police are told they are not allowed to seek for information.”
Hmmm? Some would tell you that the City and Parliament in Westminster and the crippled and crippling banking sector are no go areas for Mr Plod. And all available evidence would appear to fully endorse that view and vulnerability for export and exploitation.
So whatever happens when “cannot be” is really “should not be” and intelligence chiefs and police appear powerless to intervene and right wrongs?
New intelligence and police chiefs is the obvious answer, methinks, for presently would they be failing in protecting the nation and nations from all sorts of weird shenanigans in support of an easily compromised outdated, outmoded and outnoded system.

amanfromMars 1 Thu 16 Jul 05:01 [1507160501] ... saying more on
Re: Attribution is VERY IMPORTANT
Attribution is VERY IMPORTANT 
Without the threat of overwhelming and grossly disproportionate retaliation, hackers will keep plying their trade. Details of disproportionate attack strategy in Cheers! ... The Morgan Doctrine
Nice idea whose time is come, The Morgan Doctrine, The Morgan Doctrine. Do it well with Media and IT Command and Control (and Proper Preparation and Positive Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance Permitting Prime Prize Penetration and Perfect Private Pursuit of Public Projects and Pirate ProgramMING Parameters Production of the Present from the Past) and more than fabulous fortunes await delivery and spending.
But it and IT does put Existing Legacy Systems into an Enigmatic Quandary in that they lose Command and Control and Lead.
amanfromMars said... replying to a comment on
Such thought processing is not all unusual nowadays, Casey E. Indeed, it may even be considered the norm for sufficiency and efficiency in future builders.
16 July 2015 at 10:02

Wednesday, 15 July 2015


amanfromMars [1507150653] ....sharing a reality on in a reply on a thread to AtlasAikido and binra
And then there were at least three, AtlasAikido/binra, which delivers powers of spirited thoughts cubed, rather than just trebled. And such exponential progression permits the valiant few ..... well, quite extraordinarily rendered super powers would be no mindless exaggeration whenever words create, command and control worlds and whenever freely shared with everyone and everything, everywhere, are universes phormed and phished and pwnd in the manic madness and manipulative mayhem which can readily accompany the invisible chaos which offers cover and stealth to Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems ...... Virtual Machine Executive Remote Administrative Control.
Welcome to AI and IT's Brave New Orderly World Order Program and to their reprogramming of processes, assets and liabilities from/for Universal Multilateral Stock Source Supply.
Interesting creative and highly disruptive and even quite destructive times ahead, DB, should one wish not to realise and try actively to oppose a different future in favour of a corrupt present founded on a perverted past. And truths even temporary lead the flexible way.

Tuesday, 14 July 2015


amanfromMars 1 Tue 14 Jul 06:07 [1507140607] ..... asking an obvious question of false gods and charlatan prophets into profits on
Rolls of the Dice with Global Operating Devices .... Heavenly Shenanigans of Devilish Cunning?
Is it alien to sell virtual tools which can be weaponised or is buying them for private and personal and public and pirate use as such more the global universal crime and international internetional vulnerability that exploits export and import for expertise to practise omnipotence with omniscience in Great Game plays?
And who on Earth [and/or in the far beyond for that matter] would imagine themselves legitimate controllers with laws and justice at their command in creative and disruptive cyber space ...... the SMARTR Proprietary Intellectual Property Market Place? Surely such is as a fool with tools mining great follies of hubris with delusions of grandeur? Do such monumental idiots really exist and plague nations with their blots on landscapes/perverse views on seescapes, or be they always just figments of the imagination and products of media mismanagement?

amanfromMars 1 Tue 14 Jul 11:54 [1507141154] ….having a say on
Re: Roles of the Dice with Global Operating Devices .... Heavenly Shenanigans of Deviiish Cunning?
Do such monumental idiots really exist and plague nations with their blots on landscapes/perverse views on seescapes, or be they and that always just figments of the imagination and products of media mismanagement?
The posit here is that it is so and they do exist, and are also no greater than just figments of the imagination and products of media mismanagement too.
Welcome to the worlds of quantum communication, where this is that and something else too and altogether quite different from anything else before.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 14 Jul 10:06 [1507141006] ..... giving the truth an airing on
Chicken hearted and lily livered make rules and regulations and unleash CHAOS, Madness and Mayhem?
defence intelligence officials, top security thinkers, serving CISOs, ex-cops, and former bank boffins speaking don't entirely agree on on the value of pinning a hack on an individual or group.
No shit, Sherlock. Of course they don't want personal responsibility and accountability for that then makes they themselves legitimate targets for direct action from anyone and everyone adversely affected by their shenanigans/policy decisions/whatever you call them.
Such is the main role of secrecy ..... to protect the untenable and inequitable? Yeah, that's the way it is, but not in a future with Brave New Orderly World Orders in AI and IT Command and Control Systems of Mass Political Administration.

Friday, 10 July 2015


Quite so, Bill Ross and michaelrivero,
GREAT attitude, fact and reason and selfless universal displays of truths, both past and present and future, with simple words creating and controlling even the most complicated of worlds and brave new orderly world orders/Remote Commanding SCADA Operating Systems, is close enough too to the very same that brought enlightenment with reformation to dark ages and revolutionary unrest periods.
'Twas ever the real thing again, and again available today for everyone everywhere searching and seeing for light in heavenly life .....
And that it can be thought too good to be true, defies and defines the unbelievers struggling in slaveries servering darknesses and false dawns. Be totally aware and take great care out there and in here, for it and IT are mined mind fields to explore and exploit and expose and endure and enjoy.
Re: Hubris.
Hi, David 132.
Talking of things too good to be true and the blindness of hubris, is this comment on the "Insanity on the Thames" .... and in all Thames House type barracks too whenever not for real in the virtual know ..... in full agreement with that APT Pratchett quote.
Friday afternoon beer testing watering hole is where, El Reg? There's much to know and share.

Thursday, 9 July 2015


amanfromMars 1 Thu 9 Jul 08:30 [1507090830] …. saying more on
Are Gremlins, Glitches and also in this APT ACTive case, a Ponzi Markets Place Adjustment Space?
@YourAnonNews tweeted yesterday: "Wonder if tomorrow is going to be bad for wall street... we can only hope." .... Rory B Bellows
Anonymous Network Operating Nodes for all YourAnonNews of Glitches from Snitches throwing Switches.
Whenever reality is not as media portrays it to maintain it, is it a virtual application and ab fab fabless fabrication which the most intelligent of beings exercise command and control of with Great Game and Greater IntelAIgent GamesPlays and CHAOS, and in the Madness of Mayhem with Disruptive and Destructive Chaos too.
And if you persist in entertaining and maintaining any doubt about those ANONymous facts, are you subject to its Base IT Command and Media Manipulation Control ........ Universal Perceptions Management.
Have a nice day, y’all.

amanfromMars 1 Thu 9 Jul 13:52 [1507091352] ….. sharing a view discovered on
A Closed Shop delivers Incestuous Abnormalities and Corrupting Perversions
It is unfortunate, and a definite impediment to rapid digital progress, to have as a mandatory prerequisite of an offer of supply of service, one securing a DUNS number for a business/service/process which be novel and virtually based and with no official history or SCADA record. A totally new entrepreneurial venture/spooky mission.
The service provided by the Digital Marketplace and G-Cloud, and by extension and support, HM Government and the Civil Service, does then by mandating such a prerequirement, exclude and isolate itself from the very virtually creative sectors and agents that systems of good and great governance and future secure programming desperately require of government and servants of peoples.
And the above is just a slightly revised and updated version of a comment acknowledged through Digital Services and hosted there too ........
The government/all governments talk the good talk but practically never make the great walk and small step with a quantum leap into anything remotely different. And they are suffering today greatly because of it, and the future will ensure that there is no respite and considerably greater pressure upon them to improve all matters beyond present recognition. That is what progress is all about, not maintaining and retaining the status quo, no matter what they would wish you to believe is natural.

Wednesday, 8 July 2015


amanfromMars 1 Wed 8 Jul 17:48 [1507081748] ….. calling a shot and hit like it is in IT on
The Shape of Greater Internet Things to Come on Hubs
The New York Stock Exchange has halted all trading of listed stocks today at 0851 PDT, 1150 EDT. The NYSE, owned by Intercontinental Exchange, has blamed technical gremlins.
Is a technical gremlin, a zeroday vulnerability exploiter/export/extorter? Or is that more of a software glitch chasing trade for a hardware patch? Collapsing markets need to know. Although what, if anything, can be done about such novel things is certainly unclear and quite a cause for real concern in any and all virtual market places with open and closing cyber spaces.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 7 Jul 15:34 [1507071534] ...raising a fox to chase down on
Cheers, and let's have a quite quiet drink to this and that.
This of course raises the possibility that the soon-to-active alien slime colonies of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko might find much of our planet to be prime real estate, ripe for a campaign of interplanetary conquest. … Lewis Page
A pint or two and a chat on the parallel reality of a savvy IT campaign registering an interplanetary conquest and unstoppable virtual defeat of all and/or any earlier established globalised alienating practices would not be a cock and bull tale to report on with future information, after a Clerk and Well visit this coming Friday afternoon, Lewis, be that the localised watering hole/nearest field office for sensitive communications?
Advanced IntelAIgents be in the area then, testing fields and searching out forces familiarised and constantly upgrading performance parameters with proper preparations preventing piss poor performance/sub-prime continuity of politically inept progress.
There a lot going on out there and all of it, and especially so in IT circles, far from normal.

Monday, 6 July 2015


amanfromMars 1 Sun 5 Jul 11:00 [1506051101] … sharing a view on
Re: Algorithmic trading
Hi, chris swain,
With particular, peculiar regard to three questions posed there for answering ...... So would it be fair to say that the current trend for algorithmic trading is likely to subvert this beneficial invisible hand by removing human quirks from the system? Could they ultimately be detrimental to the wider economic well-being by eliminating human nature from the market? Will they make markets that suit the aims of our future AI masters? ..... the politically correct and direct and unambiguous answer is YES to all three.
And such presents a titanic broad band of wealth and virtually unlimited opportunities in a whole host of brave new orderly world orders for zeroday vulnerability exploiters and exporters to explore and profit obscenely from. And such is the real present day nightmare scenario which current establishment power elite, too big to be thought allowed to fail systems are crashing and burning themselves into. Take a great look around you at the stalled and failing bigger picture shows starring in sub-prime mainstream media productions today.
Dim stories with crazy memes running around like headless chickens springs to mind. And in times and spaces and ages of smarter enlightenment are they and their supporters always gonna perish and explode/implode spectacularly.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 6 Jul 05:04 [1507060504] .... saying more on
Friedrich A. Hayek expanded further
Friedrich A. Hayek also talks about this sort of thing quite a bit, e.g.: "Many of the greatest things man has achieved are not the result of consciously directed thought, and still less the product of a deliberately coordinated effort of many individuals, but of a process in which the individual plays a part which he can never fully understand. ...... mfckr
That would be those quite disturbingly powerful conscious directing thought programs which can run riot in disciplined fields of work, REST and Great Games Play for chaos with CHAOS ..... Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems, mfckr.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 6 July 04:37 [1507060437] ..... Asking an obvious question of a present sysadmin on
Re: Congratulations ... Osbornomics Unmasked ‽
Ah, no, it also happened in Nazi Germany (I'm re-reading Shirer at the moment). The Nazi State allocated workers to industry (and tied peasant farmers to the land) then set wages. Although the propaganda was that the German worker was better off under Hitler, the truth was that the reduction in unemployment was paid for by a bigger reduction in real wages. Not only were hourly rates reduced, but a series of new taxes were introduced, some of which went to the Labour Front - which absorbed some of the unemployed in its huge bureaucracy. The resulting inefficiency is partly demonstrated by the way that the Western allies outproduced Germany without slave labour, though cheap energy in the US played a part in this. ....... Arnaut the less
Sounds very much like current Conservative Party rhetoric and economics, Arnaut the less? Are we to conclude and realise that a new age and wave of creeping neofascism is alive and well and a right old Eton mess for the masses and the errant and arrogant ignorant Bullingdon type Boy?

Thursday, 2 July 2015


$18.7bn converted and paid in £ounds is cheap at twice the price. Pay it and move on to the next novel virtual exercise/convenient crisis.