Friday, 10 July 2015


Quite so, Bill Ross and michaelrivero,
GREAT attitude, fact and reason and selfless universal displays of truths, both past and present and future, with simple words creating and controlling even the most complicated of worlds and brave new orderly world orders/Remote Commanding SCADA Operating Systems, is close enough too to the very same that brought enlightenment with reformation to dark ages and revolutionary unrest periods.
'Twas ever the real thing again, and again available today for everyone everywhere searching and seeing for light in heavenly life .....
And that it can be thought too good to be true, defies and defines the unbelievers struggling in slaveries servering darknesses and false dawns. Be totally aware and take great care out there and in here, for it and IT are mined mind fields to explore and exploit and expose and endure and enjoy.
Re: Hubris.
Hi, David 132.
Talking of things too good to be true and the blindness of hubris, is this comment on the "Insanity on the Thames" .... and in all Thames House type barracks too whenever not for real in the virtual know ..... in full agreement with that APT Pratchett quote.
Friday afternoon beer testing watering hole is where, El Reg? There's much to know and share.

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