Tuesday, 21 July 2015


East vs West ... and the Great North/South Divide .... In Mined Mind Games with SMARTR APT ACTors
"a possible result of increased sanctions against Russia over its behaviour "in Crimea and Ukraine, I would expect so-called patriotic hacker groups to attack Wall Street and the City in return." although Russia is free to abduct Estonian military / police, and Russian computers can launch widespread attacks against that country, without NATO countries doing anything effective at all, or generating stories like this ... what are they not mentioning? ..... Anonymous Coward
Generating stories like those are what IT is all about in Command and Control of the Great Game and in the fields in which IT works is studiously hardly ever mentioned mainstream.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 21 Jul 08:35 [1507210835] ... opening a can of worms/bugs/viruses/zerodays on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2015/07/20/patriotic_russian_hackers_are_coming_for_you_exgchq_head_tells_stock_exchange/
The Weather Underground Changing Universal Climates/Global Perceptions/Media Tales
It is not banks per se which are the politically incorrect nuisance and problem for eradication but the present crop of elitist bankers and their hierarchical defenders, cantankerous swineherd.
And solutions are works in anonymous autonomous progress? ....... http://www.rt.com/op-edge/310290-occupy-london-extremism-uk/
Dear Sir David et al, Get with IT or Die Trying to Defeat the Virtually Realistic and Unstoppable.
That clarion call with clarity deserves an up vote, LucreLout, but don't be expecting any of the greater and greatest coders to be thinking about working for crumbling systems operations ..... Ponzi SCADA Admins.
They aint anybody's fools for top gun hire.

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