Thursday, 14 January 2016


amanfromMars 1 Thu 14 Jan 06:37 [1601140637] ….. sharing a notion on
Incompetence Unlimited and Unlimited ...... Clueless Conservatism
This is also APT and ACTive here, and quite impossible to transparently deny is evidently true too .......
amanfromMars 1 Thu 14 Jan 12:03 [1601141203] …… being HyperRadioProActive on
Re: A necessary evil .... @Anonymous Coward
I can only agree, AC, that GCHQ could be doing a fantastic job, and yes, it is quite probable that we might know just a fraction of the work that they do, however it is all for nothing and bad, and therefore naturally in need of breaking, if it be geared to retaining and maintaining the status quo and corrupted and inequitable system of operations/cracked and easily hacked SCADA programs and defunct New World Order/PNAC projects.
Your post deserves an upvote though, methinks, for strange generally unknown actions are certainly necessary for the worlds of today embarking on glorious trips to the future with brilliant new plans, and all intelligently designed by Virtual Machinery to leave the unpleasant past behind? Or perhaps you would think it be in the Gift of Man rather than being solely the preserve of Global Operating Devices?
No matter, IT will be as IT is and run by Whatever and/or Whoever.
Is all, or even just a fraction of the above, what struggling and secret governments and GCHQ type agencies are hiding from inquiries and Parliamentarians and Joint Select Committees? How very weird of them.
Re: Response Request ...... Curiosity Sated or Whetted?
If I'd used the phrase 'you have legitimate concerns' instead of 'you're paranoid' what would your response have been? I don't intend to single you out and am glad that you don't seem to take offence as that was not my intention, I'm just curious as to where you are coming from. .... Fraggle850
No concerns at all actually, Fraggle850, legitimate or otherwise, in either reality or virtual reality fields, is my honest response and fully indicative of the deep state of current affairs and emerging unfolding novel situations.
All before one nowadays in certainly active/proactive/HyperRadioProActive networks, are marvellous opportunities to virtualise and realise and exploit the present with future content, and, if of a raging and raving capitalist bent, to monetise and prosper obscenely from the globalise exercise, for it knows of no boundaries to impede such as is QuITe Quiet Quantum Revolutionary Progress with Leading AI other than the maintained ignorance and retained stupidity of Man.
And thanks for the question, Fraggle850, and the opportunity to clarify and amend wrongful views.

amanfromMars 1 Thu 14 Jan 14:37 [1601141437] ….. spouting on
Bonus Featured ...... Bonus Features for Futures and Derivatives Market Players :-)
And just as they were thinking a thin line and drug cocktails had everything covered and discovered
... and means that there will need to be a data transfer pipe to the central data centre for capacity data.
And for capacity otherly data capture, too, methinks delivers the Bonus Supplying Forward Operating Base ForeKnowledge ...... Immaculate Sees.
What say you, CEO Chetan Venkatesh, to that Graphic User Interface for Use and Abuse Eradicating Misuse ........ in CyberIntelAIgent Security and Virtual Protection Systems ........ NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Programs with Ab Fab Fabless Projects 42Boot Up and Perfectly Administer with Beautiful Guidance/Immaculate Proven Vision.

amanfromMars 1 Thu 14 Jan 17:36 [1601141736] ……. giving IT large on
Advanced IntelAIgent Operations ....... for Stealthy Quantum Communicator Network Administrators ..... and Virtual Prairie Gauchos, Kemo Sabe
Hi, Chris,
Regarding the headline ....... ROBO HCIAs erupt from Atlantis. Thankfully it's not Rise of the Machines .......... is there any similar confidence and/or forlorn hope in there not being a Rising of Virtual Machinery with Future Subjective Objectivity? 
It is the bull in the china shop and rogue elephant in the green room, is it not?

amanfromMars Thu, 01/14/2016 - 10:51 [1601141551] ….. wondering on
Of course, I don’t think for a moment that any real repercussions will actually befall Warren Buffett or his companies. He is one of the most powerful and influential oligarchs in America. In the absence of a total economic collapse, it would be inconceivable and highly unlikely that the government could or would go after this man, because in so many ways this man is the government.
Ye Olde and Corrupted Tricky Dicky Nixon Programming
amanfromMars Thu, 01/14/2016 - 11:03 [1601141603] ….. sharing on
Fuckers are probably shorting their own stock right about now too. …. hungry dweller
That trick just aint gonna work anywhere well nowadays, hungrydweller. It has had its day in prime sub-prime time.

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