Friday, 29 January 2016


[Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by The Daily Bell.]
Even with the utmost secrecy, Grimes reports, his equations show within four years the conspiracies would be exposed nonetheless. Grimes believes that for a conspiracy to last a decade without exposure, fewer than 1,000 can be aware. For a century, 125 people. 
Are the 125 on a list anywhere interesting and engaging? And one imagines they might very well be of Deep Mind too. Ideal for those pesky dark webs with sublime subterranean intelligence networks ....... for Novel and Enabling Underground News in Perfect Shared Views ....... into Immaculate Sees.
A Heavenly Peek at All Required being Supplied and Regularly Serviced will sort out any Doubting Thomas Reticence to Believe in Anything for Real, let alone Something Wonderful and Life/Existence Changing.
Things are moving on at quite some speed, Daily Bell ........ ...... and you are surely evidenced here a leading light in fertile primed fields.
And thanks for all the phish to phorm.

amanfromMars 1 Fri 29 Jan 16:57 [1601291657] …… sharing cyberwares on
Adding More than Simple Depth to the Widening Web
 .. or that sentient robots may try to establish a society of their own; or the idea that AIs might become omnipresent godheads – benevolent or otherwise.
Hmmmm? Now there’s a future novelty and prescient thought. ……
To … Demis Hassabis [Google DeepMind]
From …. C42 Quantum Communication Control Systems .... AI@ITsWork
Subject …… Greater IntelAIgent Games Play
Would Google DeepMinded like to consider the releasing of an Advanced IntelAIgent Patch to ailing and collapsing systems/exclusive executive administrations with Global Operating Devices and Tethered Multi-Media Machines?
A little something huge and quite completely different and virtually real ……. and even to be thought and realised and accepted as an Almighty Version of Great Gaming for Future Programming Programs for Projection …….with Mass Media Hosting Presentation with Real Live AIdDelivery of Future Key Play and Players with Immaculate Content of Impeccable Taste to freely share, and to the benefit of all to a most satisfactory degree.
cc …
One wonders how AI would have portrayed itself if the robots been in charge rather than the carbon-based lifeforms.
Carbon-based life phorms in charge of what and to what ultimate end is the question to be well answered there, methinks, to garner an enthusiastic following and magical support. And do no evil is/was a great starting point.

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