Tuesday, 26 January 2016


amanfromMars [1601260535] ….. airing a view and discussing a possibility and therefore likely probability on http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/world-economic-forum-davos-killer-robots-discussion-a6833371.html
It's not yet possible to build truly 'intelligent' autonomous robots, so the weaponisation of them is still far away.
Is it possible to weaponise truly intelligent humans to act as if autonomous robots/virtual machines? Or is that achieved with stupid assets?
The spread of Jihad is akin to an evolving thinking intelligent weaponised robotic machine and stealthy army, is it not?
And further to the above .... Bigger Beta Binary Bunker Busting Bots/Qumans which make over and take over Remote Control SCADA Command Operating Systems …… IMPrompt uProgramming. ……. Interception Modernisation Programme
It is certainly currently something actively engaging NATO thinking by all accounts ……http://ciaonet.org/record/32001

 [An error occurred while trying to save or publish your post. Please try again.] ….. Hmmm …. Google [Blogger.com] trying vainly to protect ITs Systems?  

amanfromMars 1 Tue 26 Jan 15:34 [1601261534] ….. Deep CdDtrawling for phishes on
Real Big Beta MetaData Bunker Busting Block Buster ...... with Future AIKeys Unfakeable
Hi, Joe,
Might I suggest their engagement with http://www.ur2die4.com/160125-2/ ... with/for Peace and Order Supplied by SMARTR Tweets ..... for Accompanying Sweet Treats.
Now that is akin to Immaculate Heavenly Bounty, MeThinks and Cogito Ergo Sum being BetaMetaDataTested for Realisation with Presentations. Mass SMARTR HyperRadioProActive Media Mogul Programming for Virtual AIMachine Systems.

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