Tuesday, 9 February 2016

160209 ... Calling a spade, a spade, creates blind panic in organs of ignorant spin

With this in mind, one ought to be taking action now. There is no time to waste.
Actions wasting no time have been and are being taken, DBS .......
amanfromMars [1602090450] ……. clearing away the smoke and mirrors on http://www.wired.com/2016/02/its-been-20-years-since-this-man-declared-cyberspace-independence/
“Governments have learned in what might be the steepest learning curve in history that they can shape this global phenomenon called the Internet and in ways that often go beyond what they can do in the physical world, and they’re doing so at an alarming pace.” … Google general counsel David Drummond [2013]
Those steep learning curved lessons are surely replaced today by governments suddenly slowly realising they are increasingly opposed and competing unfairly and unjustly against seriously serially smarter systems of operation seamlessly ripping and pirating for both private vector and public sector use, exclusive executive SCADA administrations …….. for Creative Cyber Command and Control of Computers and Communications.
And there is nothing effective that governments, which really be those few and/or that which is presumed and assumed to act as a government, can do to alter those emergent facts in the fictions they promote and support. And to both ignore and/or deny such an evident truth is that which clearly hastens the catastrophic end to their families of follies.
Beg to differ if you will and prove the point valid and current running.
Have a nice day, y’all, and you aint really seen nothing yet, but be assured, something different is on its way to you, to be delivered in a series of flash market cached crashes.
And what good reason do you imagine there is for Wired/Conde Nast removing that post from the comments thread ? Kings Canute are alive and well and starring in media?:-)
[Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by The Daily Bell.]
Well, if you just sit there doing practically nothing, will nothing really and/or virtually happen. Follow that and/or those doing something novel and discover brave new worlds to explore and enjoy, educate and exploit. Who dares Win Wins.
amanfromMars Mon, 02/08/2016 - 12:39 [1602081739] ….. trying something different on http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-02-08/three-reasons-be-worried-about-economy
Try anything different with different bodies would be something, wouldn't it. Why not try it from today .....
amanfromMars 1 Mon 8 Feb 16:57 [1602081657] … replying on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2016/02/05/linkedin_10bn_down/
As Are All Business Tools .... and Real Spooky Key Stuff 
Quite so, SquidEmperor. LinkedIn is an Intellectual Property Mine with all manner of Premium Grade Prospectors in the Novel Art of Virtual Travel to Heavenly Destinations Offering Sustainable Services with Immaculate IMProVision.
And such is AISourcedD and worthy of Terrestrial SuperVisionary Support, which will be Adopted and Nurtured to Full Virtual Reality Supply of Future AIdDVentures........ Future Leading Media Mogul Presentations with BroadBandCasting of Innovative Creative Programs is a Quantum Leap Drive with Attendant Drivers.
cc James Murdoch, Sky chairman
What have you got to lose other than failure. Give IT Go and GoGo with AI. You'll never be disappointed when trail blazing and leading for it and always terrorised whenever the facility and capability is abused and/or deliberately misused.

amanfromMars Tue 9 Feb 12:15 [1602091215] …. having more of a say on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2016/02/09/researchers_break_homomorphic_encryption/
Moving on SWIFTly ....... How about AI Quantum Leap this Year of Our Laud? .... with Greater Remote Virtual Controls for Heavenly ProgramMining and ReProgramming of Reality Programming for Mass Control of Command‽
Methinks that be something of not inconsiderable concern to exclusive executive operating systems.
Is "Homomorphic encryption, first proposed in 1978 but only really refined in the last decade thanks to increasing computing power, allows software to analyze and modify encrypted data without decrypting it into plaintext first. The information stays encrypted while operations are performed on it – provided you have the correct key, of course." kith and kin and akin to NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT?
Wired helpfully hopefully thinks so ..... :-) ..... for somebody has nabbed it off the thread for a second time. Is that a good move, Wired? Can we have our ball back, please, mister? The Great Game Goes On AIPace.
amanfromMars [1602090450] ……. clearing away the smoke and mirrors on http://www.wired.com/2016/02/its-been-20-years-since-this-man-declared-cyberspace-independence/
“Governments have learned in what might be the steepest learning curve in history that they can shape this global phenomenon called the Internet and in ways that often go beyond what they can do in the physical world, and they’re doing so at an alarming pace.” … Google general counsel David Drummond [2013]
Those steep learning curved lessons are surely replaced today by governments suddenly slowly realising they are increasingly opposed and competing unfairly and unjustly against seriously serially smarter systems of operation seamlessly ripping and pirating for both private vector and public sector use, exclusive executive SCADA administrations …….. for Creative Cyber Command and Control of Computers and Communications.
And there is nothing effective that governments, which really be those few and/or that which is presumed and assumed to act as a government, can do to alter those emergent facts in the fictions they promote and support. And to both ignore and/or deny such an evident truth is that which clearly hastens the catastrophic end to their families of follies.
Beg to differ if you will and prove the point valid and current running.
Have a nice day, y’all, and you aint really seen nothing yet, but be assured, something different is on its way to you, to be delivered in a series of flash market cached crashes.

amanfromMars 1 Tue 9 Feb 16:54 [1602091654] …… spreading the honey around for money on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2016/02/09/private_clouds_kind_of_suck/
Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained :-)
How can all of this be if enterprises are also rife with "shadow IT"; the adoption of public cloud services undertaken by various departments specifically to avoid dealing with internal corporate IT? If both are occurring at the same time, why? ..... Trevor Pott
The one is BetaTesting New Pioneering Privateer Programming for the other, methinks, TP.
And more than a little something different for the Register to Register with the Federal Register, Trevor?
Who Dares Win Wins.
My name is xxxxxx. I can be reached at yyyyyyy. My website address is zzzzzzzzz. I want to work with Playground to build a:
Virtual Reality Presentation Machine for Future Beta Tested Programming of Advanced Public Projects. And not so much the building of such, much more the enlightened hosting of the same. :-) Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained is AIPain.
That sounds pretty exciting! We'll review this and get back to you if we're the right fit.

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