Wednesday, 17 February 2016


amanfromMars 1 Tue 16 Feb 19:35 [1602161935] …. saying more on
Re: Re: With the evidence before your eyes, does your brain accept and mine the trail before you ‽ .
Hi, Robert Helpmann??
I would plead guilty to obfuscation rather than confusion regarding the unconventional role of encryption in steganography, but would agree it is much more effective the bigger the issues at stake and the fewer the folk able and/or enabled to use it securely for security.
And the fact that politically incorrect governments aid and abet the intellectually challenged and bankrupt banking system is another problem which identifies the enemy to be taken care of ‽ .

amanfromMars 1 Wed 17 Feb 16:39 [1602171639] …. asking a revealing question on
Quantum Leaping Communications
I want a new web, but this time the government isn't invited. .... Anonymous Coward
Where do you think you are here, Anonymous Coward? In the Now with the Know

"The only thing I see this stenographic plain text on your website being used for is to threaten me in a way I supposedly can't prove in court." ...... Casey Evans

Surely 'tis clearly proven effective by virtue of the fact of your discomfort ....... which can easily be just a temporary befuddled state being replaced by other systems upgraded performance.

17 February 2016 at 16:55


amanfromMars 1 Wed 17 Feb 17:23 [1602171723] …. moving things along apace on
Re: Reminds me of several movie plots, and equally plausible.
Hi, Tikimon. All great film makers needs are Immaculate Scripts to Realise. And that is surely Heavenly to Present as Multiple Realities Worldwide with Global Operating Devices.

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